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The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                               June 2015  Volume 88        
Wisdom Path Newsletter


Some sharp-eyed readers might have noticed in a new ad below in this newsletter that I've been offering a new product that took quite an effort to put together, and that I'm very excited about - a Tarot course that I updated into a two-disk set of over two hours of discourse plus accompanying visuals. This course covers not just the history and usage of the Tarot but an in-depth look at the major part of the deck, called The Major Arcana, in whose symbols, numbers, glyphs, and pictorials one finds the whole of the Western Mystery School teachings. Called The Royal Road, to learn and work with Tarot is as much of a path to enlightenment as any Eastern philosophy or as any other spiritual practice, and it's said that the Tarot has the power to change you - even to change your blood, to change you on the cellular level as you begin to understand and integrate the meaning of this path.

So if you're interested, please let me know. I'll be happy to mail you this set with over two hours of teaching of the Tarot, an excellent program for either the beginner or the more advanced student. $20 + $5 S/H. Check, money order, PayPal or credit card accepted.



Towards another subject today, I'll speak of the simple tool that I use almost daily called the AstroDice. It's such an easy way to do a throw and get an answer or even a message to a query. AstroDice are a fairly new tool for us readers, comprised of three twelve-sided dice: one containing the Zodiac signs, another containing the houses numbered 1 to 12, and the third containing the planets and Nodes, both North and South. To use them, you need to know a little bit about astrology. You need keywords for the signs, houses, and planets. But once you know them, what a great tool!


For instance, awhile ago I needed to make a decision about entering my book into the largest book show in the United States - Book Expo America - coming up in June, but it involved a substantial cost. I debated. I couldn't reach an answer logically because there were pros and cons to my thinking, so I did a toss of my wonderful AstroDice, and it told me in no uncertain terms - Venus in Capricorn in the 2nd - that I should without a doubt enter the book (Capricorn representing business, the 2nd house income, and Venus, gain). Money spent would bring a return.


And last night, when my husband and I were planning on going to the community's once-a-month discount restaurant night, and he felt too tired at the last minute to go, I debated: should I go by myself or should I just kick off my shoes, get comfortable, and hang out at home? So since either choice sounded pretty good to me, I threw the Dice. It told me North Node in Gemini in the 3rd. North Node's always a yes - it's the right path, the right thing, a good direction; Gemini is socializing and talking; the 3rd house is similar, and might include the short drive. So, to my mind, there was no further doubt. I went, and had a great time with my neighbors (that's the 3rd house too), laughing and yakking. And who knows what will come out of something like that (as the North Node is guiding) - friendship, neighborliness, connection? Over the years, over the decades, there's been nothing better, including Tarot and regular Astrology, than the accuracy of the AstroDice. They're all accurate, useful, and on a par. But what makes the AstroDice so special is its speed. One, two, three - jiggle them, toss them... there's your answer!


AstroDice can be purchased, of course, online; it's a product I have nothing to do with selling, but it's a cool tool, and I do recommend them.



You can purchase this new book by clicking here.



With blessings and always, with Smiles,

Judi from Del-Aware 


Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Cell phone is 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630.   [email protected] or [email protected].

Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.

Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on!

In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Movie Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

Check out Upcoming
or Past Events!  Here are a few:

"BOOK EXPO AMERICA" - "The Wisdom Keys" was featured at the BEA New Title Showcase, reaching over 12,000 book industry professionals, at the Jacob Javits Center, NYC, May 27th-31st.


"USE TAROT'S WISDOM TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES" -Radio Show "New Perspectives".  Judi and host Paul Lamb will offer free readings and insights.  Jun 11th, 6:00 PM,

"ASTRO CHAT & TAROT TIDBITS WITH JUDI"- Discussion of Houses, Signs, Planets and more. Tuesday June 23rd, 6:30 PM, at Inspirit Studios, Dover DE.

- Discussion of The Four Steps of "The Wisdom Keys". Friday Oct 9th, 6-7:30 PM, at Cecil College, Elkton MD.


In her new book, "The Wisdom Keys" Ms. Thomases guides the reader into higher realms of consciousness where we come face to face with our true selves.  On this show we will explore our soul nature and our individual journey using astrology as our guide.  CLICK HERE


  Discussion of luck vs merit, karma, the role of choice, and the four changing worldviews as you progress in your evolution.


Looking at patterns between the horoscopes of President Obama, the United States, and Obamacare - how does it all stack up?

* * *


Exploring a merging route towards our spiritual evolution affecting our very notion of reality.

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$20 + $5 s/h  

Tarot Course set

Audio & visuals

All you ever wanted to know about reading the Tarot!

All you SHOULD know about the basics of reading the cards.

This is the most complete Beginner's Tarot Course you'll ever find, presented by an experienced Tarot teacher with decades of actual consultations and a background in the Mystery School teachings.



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in "Spirit's Words"

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Consultations for Tough Times...


*Know when to take action, and when to hold off
*Find Joy and Success by handling relationships well and weighing choices  wisely 

*Improve creative efforts, financial investments, and career decisions!
*Become the BEST you!
Neptune stations retrograde square Mercury, and Saturn goes back into Scorpio... 
Do you know what that means to you?

For more information: [email protected] or
(302) 697-3630



Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointmentspsychicreader  

Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...

For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen. 
Email me at [email protected] for details and appointments

A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers

  "'Spirit' means the same as energy but with one other defining quality; it is energy that is aware, energy that is conscious." 

 - THE WISDOM KEYS ~ by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote 


"A disorganized life is harmful spiritually."



- by Goswami Kriyananda(on the internet)

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Email [email protected]  for your free Mercury Retrograde wallet-size calendar.  
Or call (302) 697-3630, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Eastern) 



OBAMA 'IT'S FOX NEWS FAULT PEOPLE DON'T LIKE ME": Obama blames Fox News for 'stirring up resentment for the poor that hurts antipoverty efforts', and that Fox hires people to dislike him - TRUTHUNCENSORED, 5/13/15. (Prediction: "...during the second half of the month he will be unpopular or feel unloved." - Spirit's Words, May '15


In the world horoscope, confusion vies with idealism all month (Neptune stationing in Pisces). From earliest days, belligerence and warfare reach a peak (Full Moon opposite Mars; Mars sextile Jupiter) but the 6th has a sober and sensible approach to the costs of such (Venus trine Saturn). Inventiveness is strong on the 9th (Mars sextile Uranus). The 11th favors peace talks (Mercury station direct in Gemini sextile Venus). Aggression rears again on the 16th (New Moon conjunct Mars), and the stock markets stall or fall backwards through mid-September (Saturn retrograding back into Scorpio). However, tech industries brings windfalls through great innovation, especially from the 17th-20th (Uranus trine Jupiter). A focus on pleasure permeates the last week and into July (Venus conjunct Jupiter).

For the U.S., June brings economic pressures (Pluto square U.S. Saturn, opposite U.S. progressed Jupiter), as well as confrontations (Mars in U.S. H7). People are not in a peaceable mood on the 9th (progressed Moon quinqunx U.S. Mars). Mid-month brings a boost of energy (Jupiter sextile U.S. progressed Mars) and things proceed well during the second half (Saturn sextile U.S. progressed Pluto). The last week is very active; some brilliant ideas can be put forward (Uranus sextile U.S. progressed Mercury) and there will be sporadic attempts to heal the country despite the volatile mood (Uranus conjunct Chiron in U.S. H4, quinqunx U.S. progressed Moon). At that same time, there will be excessive spending and over-promising (Jupiter square U.S. progressed Moon, opposite U.S. Mercury, trine U.S. Chiron).

President Obama feels inspired all month, especially on the 12th (Neptune trine his progressed Neptune), and on surer footing on the 4th and the 22nd (progressed Moon in Taurus in Grand Earth Trine to his Mars and progressed Saturn). On the 11th, he'll make an important speech (Mercury station direct conjunct his Moon in Gemini H4). He'll be angry or highly energized on the 13th (Mars square his Mars), but mid-month is positive for alliances (Jupiter conjunct his Descendant). The 19th finds him feeling loving and attractive (Venus conjunct his Sun). Drastic changes, possibly concerning the homefront, are upsetting to him during the last third of the month (Uranus square his progressed Midheaven). On the 27th, he is passionate and enjoying others' company (Mars conjunct his Venus; Venus conjunct his Descendant). The month ends with a frustrating pattern that hinders his freedom into the summer months (Saturn conjunct his Midheaven, square his progressed Uranus).

Jeb Bush, as of this writing the only Republican candidate with a known birthtime (2/11/53, 8:50 PM CST, Midland, TX), has a fortunate horoscope in general (Kite with Grand Air Trine to Midheaven), and has active and mostly favorable aspects both on Election Day November 8, 2016 (progressed Sun trine his progressed Midheaven; progressed Moon in H9 of government; t Uranus conjunct his progressed Venus; t Pluto opposite his Uranus; progressed Descendant conjunct his progressed Mars) and on Inauguration Day January 20, 2017 (Jupiter in Libra H1 trine his Midheaven, triggering his Kite), making it possible that he could win the presidential campaign. If so, he would not be a popular choice, and would have to work at winning the public's approval (progressed Moon in t-square to Saturn, progressed Sun; progressed Midheaven quinqunx progressed Moon).


(c) 2015 by Judi Thomases

Recently a cute post on Facebook by a spiritual teacher proclaimed: "Your height is your karma; your weight is free will." This pretty succinctly sums up the differences between fate (or what you are given to deal with as your karmic predicament), versus choice (or what you can manipulate with your intentions).


When I work with the client's natal chart, I can't help but see their karmic patterns. In astrology, it's a precept that whatever occurs to you before the age of seven (the first quarter cycle of Saturn's passage through your horoscope) is your karma. Before that, you can't exercise choice because your judgment hasn't developed sufficiently and your options are limited given that you are dependent upon your caretakers. There are many people whose karma might be unpleasant during these formative years. Some of those people have karma that is beyond the definition of unpleasant, veering towards trauma, abuse, and even worse. But for now we will speak of patterns that are within one's power to overcome and survive.


It's easy to see why a person would resist the concept that their painful experiences must be defined as their self-chosen karma. It's easy as well to frame it as though the terrible things that happened to an innocent person, especially in the very early years, are bad and undeserved, and that the person is a victim. This is the traditional way that our society looks at abuse and trauma, nor is it untrue, for it not only wounds the sufferer but tears at our hearts.


However, once we understand that the universe is "a teaching and learning machine" designed to bring us to our greatest potential, we can look at karma differently. The whole point is to take responsibility for our actions, and to realize all consequences as that which we ourselves set in motion. ALL IS CHOSEN. To really understand karma is to wake up to see that there are no "innocent victims" but only that which we chose as painful circumstances in order to learn compassion. This wisdom is not bought cheaply.


So when an astrologer says to a new client, "You chose your parents", or explains that "your grand fixed cross guaranteed that you would endure at some point, especially early on, a drastic and very difficult experience", the person often can't accept that, can't integrate it into their beliefs and worldview. There is great resistance.


But all karma is equivalent to lessons in the school of Earth. And all karma represents the lessons that we signed on for. Yes, we chose the pain before incarnation to balance out previously unconscious and harmful actions, or to set us on a course - a life mission - to assuage others' suffering and to change the world in some ways for the better.


The bottom line is that, by accepting this recognition of your responsibility for your karmic dilemma, and choosing to go forward from that place of psychological insight and spiritual evolution, you no longer resist your karma. You work with it. You see the lesson in all its distress as necessary for soul growth. And your worldview changes - sometimes 180 degrees.


At this point, you can be called "enlightened" for now you are truly on the path. Understanding karma is the key to that.


For more JenningsWire blog posts by Judi, click here.

(c) 2015 by Judi Thomases

Movie Review: "Age of Adaline",starring Blake Lively, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, and Michiel Huisman


   This movie falls into the categories of romance, fantasy, and even a little science fiction because it is a story of a woman's unusual experience of going through a trauma that stops her from aging past her twenty-ninth year, and moves us forward through her decades as she lives an isolated yet affluent life while her daughter, the sole confidante of her secret, ages into her senior years.

   The essential conceit, or device, that has stopped Adaline Bowman's aging process occurs through the improbable coincidence of a severe automobile accident, a plunge into frigid waters, and a lightening bolt. Supposedly, the hypothermia and the strike of intense energy stop her clock. We are told little about her recovery or about any recognition by the medical profession of her profound change.

   We see her next at an office job, where her clothes and hairstyle echo the Forties, but we know that she is in a more contemporary time frame to our era. She has avoided relationships for fear of anyone discovering her predicament (although it's hard to understand why she needs to keep this condition so secret). She even keeps a scrapbook of her dogs (same breed) that she has outlived through her eight decades. Circumstances throw her into a romantic relationship nevertheless, and to her chagrin she discovers that her new boyfriend's father, now married to someone else, is her earlier lover who has far outstripped her in aging and with whom she tries to maintain the fiction of claiming to be the lookalike daughter of her own self.

   Farfetched as this premise is, the actors supporting this convoluted storyline are top-drawer, including Ellen Burstyn as her elderly daughter, and Harrison Ford as her elderly former fianc�, and now father of her new boyfriend!

   I like time travel stories as much as anyone, and the paradoxes that they often feature, such as running into your previous self, or taking some minor action that has ramifications that alter the future, and so forth. The Harrison Ford character even quotes the famous line about a butterfly's wings which can ramify to change future climate. However, certain implausibilities in this storyline gave me difficulty in "suspending my disbelief". For instance, the generosity, blind trust, and ever-sensitive behavior of her new boyfriend, stunk of unreality, while her earlier boyfriend/fianc� seemed far too gullible in accepting her flimsy charade.

   But one of the most egregious problems in buying into this fantasy was the time-stopping device itself - a device which, ultimately of course, had to be repeated towards the end of the movie in order to wrap up the loose ends and have everyone living happily ever after - that being the accidental plunge into frigid waters. We're talking about California; we're talking about freak snowstorms that cause cars to swerve out of control and plunge off cliffs; we're talking about water that, freak snowstorm or not, has never come near the frigidity of temperatures required to cause body functions to stop, as in icy lakes or very cold climates. So despite vaunted climate change, it's really hard to believe that anybody who goes swimming in California waters would have their body functions so arrested.

   If that were the only flaw, and the time travel paradoxes were clever enough, and the lady's secret was dangerous enough to require hiding, and the romance was realistic enough to feel comfortable with, I would have enjoyed this movie. But neither the romance nor the science felt plausible, and so I cannot recommend this movie.





Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling- Jun '15

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases   


The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:




A fresh breeze, a clean scent, springtime newness, and a turnaround. There is more to this season than merely greenery, for the spirit seems to reopen, brush off the dregs of winter, and be renewed with energy to face life, to face personal issues, and even world problems.


In this spring, there is no lack of troubling news of events and critical decisions to be made as circumstances unfold. And in this sense, it may feel as an enervating continuation from a stressful year and a chaotic era. However, much of that represents what has passed, what has been lived through and survived. And yet still ahead lies brightness and freshness.  


It is important to recognize this shift within oneself as well as evidence of its blooming outside of oneself, for the task is to shift away from old memories, old feelings, and old narrative which can easily bring down your energy or lower your mood, but to shift towards hope, new potential, and the gradual awakening on many levels of many people.


Awakening as compassion for suffering grows; awakening as empathy with the animal kingdom and nature continues; and awakening as one realizes that one is the master of one's future endures. By this is meant that the thought process itself contributes to one's attitude when encountering karmic situations, and helps one's belief in a cosmic plan that will take you forward into your fulfillment, passion and purpose even as your immediate world coalesces around you to contribute to thus.  


If you can partake of this shift towards improvement, optimism and awakening, undoubtedly your future will grow brighter regardless of current circumstances. It must, because your mind will continue its positive shift, thus forcing all factors making a universe to move in that good direction. As such, you may get a glimpse of yourself as co-creator of the world and of your life.


So springtime is more than beautiful flowers and greening trees; it is a springtime of a new you, a more empowered self, and a life filled with greater hope than negativity. For this we wish you all good fortune.


� 2015 by Judi Thomases

Unsolicited Testimonials:




"I can finally see what was going on in my life. I could not have survived with out your help!" - D.B., singer/composer (SC)  




"SUPER excited to get Judi Thomases new book, The Wisdom Keys, her first book Wisdom's Game is truly brilliant.  I HIGHLY recommend y'all get this NOW!  it'll change the way you look at reality and how you live your life!" - Tim Martin, spiritual consultant (DE)




"As usual, I can say with complete honesty, you are amazing!!  ...when I read your email I immediately felt a wave of 'calm'.  Never knew that energy could travel over fiber-optics like that, eh?" - D. Keckley, computer programmer (CT) 




"Judi, just listened back to our reading the other day. You never cease to amaze me with how completely accurate you are in your interpretations of the stars and the cards!  

What I often find, is that listening to the original reading days or even weeks later I hear an entirely different message and end up saying "Ahhhh.... NOW I get it!!"  

I guess that's why I always return and have been relying on your Wisdom over the last 30 years!!! You're truly gifted and it is my great fortune to have you in my life. 

Thank you." - M. Gaudier, nurse, (NY)




"So happy you have finished the book! I can't wait to read it; you're so brilliant it's ridiculous!" - Rebecca B., psychic (CA)





"Your newsletters are so amazing.  What a tremendous amount of work you put into that each month. You should be so proud of yourself." - Nancy G., artist (NY)





"I have said many times in the last few years, 'Judi Thomases my astrologer, was the ONLY one who warned me to consider financial possibilities.'... I just wanted to make this re-connection with you to let you know how often I have thought of you and likewise how you were truly the only person who had uncanny insight into my future."


Best and most 'High' Regards to you!

Bonnie D., (email) 


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 

Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path


"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
[email protected]. � 2015 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.