sunburst long horizontalJudi Thomases

The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                               February 2015  Volume 85     
Wisdom Path Newsletter


On the one hand, this is a terrific time in my life because I've begun teaching the concepts in my new book, "The Wisdom Keys" - which is one of the things I feel I've been put here to do - and I've also been enjoying the Metaphysical Night programs I'm presenting to the community into which I've moved... programs that include metaphysical concepts, past life regressions, healing sessions, and so forth, all of which have been enthusiastically received. (If you're interested, a podcast of the former, Part One of Keys to Practical Spirituality ~ Worldview 1, is available upon request.)


These things, plus ongoing counseling sessions with some of you (my readers, and friends as well, as I feel towards you) and further exciting projects, have contributed to a feeling of self-realization. The sense has been of a purpose-driven life that began in my early thirties, and towards which I feel I have been not only guided, but tasked with, by my guides ever since the job was required of me and the purpose given.


But on the other hand, these past few years have been a slog through a variety of medical procedures, and that hasn't been such fun! Last year was the Year of My Liver & Lungs, all of which resolved into a Big Nothing to Worry About. This year, because of hard aspects, now I've got hip, thumb and eye issues. By the time you read this, I'll be having Trigger Finger surgery on my other thumb. And I don't yet know how the two remaining problems will get solved.


Maybe it's a balancing act. Maybe I'm being asked to be more sensitive to what many go through regarding health and fitness. Maybe I need to be more empathic and compassionate to those who are feeling the incapacitating effects of age. Whatever is happening, some of which is getting in the way of what I feel is my soul purpose (because my inner self still feels youthful), my attitude surprisingly is simply to feel a bit impatient to fix each problem as soon as possible. This outer stuff (i.e., the debilitation of the physical vehicle) seems to me more an annoyance than a resignation.


Also (T.G. for modern medicine), there seems to be a fix available for the various problems, or else by my own efforts, certain inner work that I do has resolved some of the pain or illness.


I don't mean this note to be a lengthy discussion about me. Its point is really to take you along on one person's journey through happy fulfillment of inner task during annoying blockages or hurdles during the journey of being human as we age in our bodies. Attitude is a big part of what happens, and when the attitude is good, half the battle is definitely won. As I said, my main focus is to find the various fixes for the different issues and check them off the list. I'll never be twenty again but mentally I'll never really be old. So in a way, I'm reporting from the Front, and the report is encouraging you to keep your optimism alive, go through whatever travails your karma is presenting, love yourself and love others, be kind, and keep a smile on your face... that's what I'm doing.



You can purchase this new book by clicking here.



With blessings and always, with Smiles,

Judi from Del-Aware 


Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Cell phone is 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630.   [email protected] or [email protected].

Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.

Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on!

In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Book Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

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or Past Events!  Here are a few:

"KEYS TO PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY" - a bi-monthly course to learn wisdom tips to find empowerment and happiness.  Feb 4th, Feb 18th, March 4th, March 11th, 7:00-8:00 PM, at the Kent County Public Library, Camden DE.

"INTRODUCTORY TALK" - Discussion of "The Wisdom Keys" will include a simple but highly effective technique to master your energy system, followed by a Q & A session. Feb 21st, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, at Inspirit Studios, Dover DE. $25.

In her new book, "The Wisdom Keys" Ms. Thomases guides the reader into higher realms of consciousness where we come face to face with our true selves.  On this show we will explore our soul nature and our individual journey using astrology as our guide.  CLICK HERE


  Discussion of luck vs merit, karma, the role of choice, and the four changing worldviews as you progress in your evolution.


Looking at patterns between the horoscopes of President Obama, the United States, and Obamacare - how does it all stack up?

* * *


Exploring a merging route towards our spiritual evolution affecting our very notion of reality.

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Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointmentspsychicreader  

Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...

For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen. 
Email me at [email protected] for details and appointments

A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers

  "Light is the mind illumined by its own awareness....All of nature has built ever more self-awakened creatures, until reaching man....So if you are nature awakened, you can now decide (determine) to illumine nature in return." 

 - THE WISDOM KEYS ~ You Can Bring Forth Light Out of Darkness, by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote 



"Scientists say now that energy and matter are one. They must take the next full step to realize that consciousness and energy and matter are one."

- Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, by Seth (Jane Roberts)


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"O's FIGHTING WORDS" - NYP, 1/21/15 (Prediction: "Look for [Obama to make] an important speech on the 21st." - Spirit's Words, Jan.'15)

MULTIPLE STORIES ABOUT HIS ABSENCE AT PARIS ANTI-TERRORIST SOLIDARITY SHOW OF WORLD LEADERS - (Prediction: "He is likely to make serious mistakes regarding his presidential legacy." ..."his willfulness and secrecy undermine his place in history." - Spirit's Words, Dec. '14 and Jan. '15

(Prediction: "...will he run? 2017 brings him a joyful peak in life, but also a great burden of leadership. So, yes, it's possible." Spirit's Words, Sept. '14)

"UKRAINE NEARER JOINING NATO: Russia frowns on the prospect" - USA Today, 12/24/14 (Prediction: "Ukraine has a favorable chart concerning help from allies... Putin is not in a winning position in this match-up." Spirit's Words, May 14)


In general, the month begins with romantic, idealistic and playful pleasures (Venus conjunct Neptune; Full Moon in Leo trine Uranus, conjunct Jupiter), and brings important information and innovations by the second week (Mercury station direct, and New Moon both in Aquarius). Although the last week sees continuation of violent revolutionary events (Uranus square Pluto), a sensible caution prevails on the 24th-26th (Venus and Mars trine Saturn) along with exciting technological breakthroughs by month's end (Jupiter trine Uranus).


Limited resources or resistance to reform block our nation all month (Pluto square U.S. Saturn), while drastic changes disturb the status quo (Uranus square U.S. Sun). A key bit of news comes out on the 11th (Mercury station direct trine U.S. Midheaven), followed by many discussions through the 18th (New Moon in Aquarius conjunct U.S. Moon/progressed Descendant in H3). Gloom hangs over us, such as a stalemate (Saturn quinqunx the U.S. Venus), punctuated by rash choices on the 25th - 27th (Mars square U.S. Venus/Jupiter). The last week sees forced alterations to shatter old rules (Uranus opposite U.S. Saturn).


Most of the month brings turbulent new beginnings to President Obama (Neptune opposite his Pluto), requiring a mandate to act regarding health/healthcare on the 3rd (Full Moon conjunct his Sun in H6), despite an inability to work harmoniously with others on the 4th (his progressed Moon square his Ascendant). His mood and own health are low during Week 1 (Saturn opposite his Moon), yet allies bring gains (Jupiter conjunct his Descendant). He makes an important speech on the 11th (Mercury station direct conjunct his Jupiter, opposite his Mercury), but lapses into old patterns on the 18th (New Moon conjunct his South Node in H1). Mature steadiness balances a lack of love as the month wears on (Saturn sextiles his progessed Sun but squares his progressed Venus), but he can turn on the charm on the 23rd (Venus/Mars trine his Mercury).


Mitt Romney feels lucky and excited this month (Uranus, chart ruler, conjunct his progressed Midheaven in H11; Jupiter sextile his Uranus), yet remains cautious (Saturn trine his progressed Saturn). He is weighing his decisions carefully by mid-month (his progressed Moon sextile his Mercury), and is likely to make an important one by the 11th, perhaps involving his wife (Mercury station direct conjunct his progressed Descendant, trine his Ascendant). A lingering weakness is leaving by the 20th (Neptune moves off his Mars). The last week is happy and busy (Mars/Venus sextile his Midheaven).


The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will probably stand (progressed Jupiter conjunct its progressed Midheaven; progressed Descendant past its Pluto; progressed Mars trine its Sun; progressed Moon opposite its Jupiter, conjunct its IC). However, a very confusing future lies ahead in 2016 (Neptune conjunct its Midheaven), requiring major transformation of its structure (Pluto conjunct Node in Capricorn H7).

(c) 2015 by Judi Thomases

Movie Review: "American Sniper", starring Bradley Cooper, based on a true story of legendary sniper Chris Kyle


Ordinarily I'm not drawn to review material with this film's theme, nor will I be discussing the much-acclaimed nuanced performance by Bradley Cooper who inhabits the role in a deeply interior and authentic way. What I'd rather tackle is the thought-provoking presentation of war itself, which is, I believe, what most people leave the movie silently chewing upon.


It seems to me that there is a deep and abiding strain of insanity in the current iteration of the human race. We crave the drama of violence and killing even though it's the very thing that causes the greatest suffering. Some shamans feel that the universe is predatory, and that as energy beings we prey on other beings in order to devour their energy, and are in turn preyed upon. In the context of war, this interaction becomes primary. Kill or be killed. Glory in it. Raise your self-esteem by your skill at doing it. Derive deep satisfaction, almost of a life-affirming quality, by making the greatest sacrifices in order to excel at it.


Now, this would go for either side in any war, and is best illustrated by the universal refrain, "God is on our side." In American Sniper, one sees patriotism, brotherhood, loyalty, family values... one sees the depth of importance that the warrior's role bestows. So good at his job is this exceptional sniper and so inwardly tasked with the obligation to use his performance skills to protect and save his buddies that he keeps returning for tours of duty despite his wife's protests and long past his required term of service. We see maimings, distressing emotional conflict, and poignant funeral rituals. We see the impact that war has not only on the warrior but on his family and his society.


To some extent in this film, we're shown a few similarities with the other side, i.e., the "bad guys" - in this case, jihadist terrorists - although the movie paints them a bit less fully realized as to their motives and behaviors than the "good guys". In some scenes, the bad guys' motives seem strictly based on abiding hatred that even overrides common sense, such as putting non-military individuals in harm's way, often of their own accord.


For a movie to provoke introspection and even reevaluation of the purposes of war and its costs is a profound, worthy, and admirable achievement. But coming from a spiritual place, what I saw primarily in this movie is the lunacy of the species. Why do we need to face off with such deep antagonism? Why does each era create the evil ones versus the pure ones (which could be said of the Nazis during WWII, and certainly be exemplified by the jihadists)? What is it in our level of consciousness that continually recreates such situations? It's obvious that, whoever was your mortal enemy, in about twenty years you'll be buying their products and trading if not intermarrying with them. So what is the deeper purpose?  Is it simply the extreme drama of contrasting life expressions? 


I don't position myself as a hawk or a dove. If people are trying to kill me, the logical thing is to either fight back or find technological solutions that protect me at the same time they either disarm or remove the threat. Our technology, although it's getting better and better, has not yet developed a perfect means for individuals to play at real war unscathed. Meantime, there will always be people, movements, groups, even governments with base motives, be they founded upon religious beliefs or world domination or even the thrill of killing.


I believe we're evolving, but a long way from the heightened and shared consciousness that would make killing each other so repellent that no one chooses to engage in this. That's a long way off. For now, collectively, our nation represents a middle path. The eagle on the Great Seal of the United States carries both the olive branches of peace and the arrows of war in its talons, and looks towards the peaceful side but remains able to stand up to attack. American Sniper, as a movie, addresses this.


The hero is motivated to protect his buddies in warfare as well as his family and the whole country by what he perceives (rightly so) to be an agenda of terror embedded in a desire for cultural annihilation, because that's what the jihadists want to do - to transform the rest of the world to their limited belief structure.


The film is recommended, in my opinion, because of superb acting, flawless direction, a good pace, and a deep thought-provoking message, but on the deepest level, I'm compelled to ask: is excelling at killing really the best that an individual can do to achieve self-esteem and pride, to fulfill a purpose for the lifetime? In the book "Power versus Force" (David Hawkins, Hay House), pride (the entire motto of the Marines) is at a lower rung on the scale than compassion. Right now we're resonating with the vibration of pride, trying to restore that and finding it in certain lives such as the sniper's. But have we begun to find heroism in a higher mission, a better value target?  I hope so.





Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling- February '15

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases   


The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:



Here we have a new day that is fraught with challenge. On every horizon, any which way you look, there seems to be people opposed to one another. Differences of opinions, values, and lifestyles, sometimes so severe that the clash goes beyond words and into attack, even with weapons. There is such diversity of thought and belief that one sees killings and extremism. A feeling ensues that one is living in chaos, and must pull in for safety; that in withdrawal and closing down lies the answer to saving one's personal world and guarding one's life from this outside threat.


The truth is that this is the reverse action required as antidote to hatred, terror and division. Therefore, when one reads screaming headlines on every front, be it political, nationalistic, or even community-based, the right action takes place within the heart. Not requiring rejection of the differences nor focused on the savagery, ill-temperedness or wrong-headedness of others' perceptions and actions, but on whatever similarities can be seen or imagined. That is to say, even those who act hatefully or just plain obstinately, look for where in them is a sense of fear, lack, longing, and despair?


It is a long way from leaving oneself too open and vulnerable, to the solid place within the heart center where the shift takes place. This shift might be as near as one's closest relationships or as distant as half a world away. In your heart, where is anger, rejection, the desire to obliterate the other? Where in the other's heart is all that?


We say that the shift does not require closing down, rejecting and withdrawal, but that the shift in the heart requires opening up, caring and compassion. Life on planet Earth can be dangerous. One can have disastrous encounters, and we do not say to make foolish choices and put self into harm's way. We say instead, to do the inner work in the heart center where opening, love, and caring can live and grow. When one's heart lights up in this fashion, a type of energy radiates. It affects those nearby but it also permeates into the surroundings creating that which can be understood as a shield of protection (we have spoken of this before). This heart work is much more effective than battening down the hatches. Try it. Use it in your everyday. Reach out. Spread this quality around once you have found it within, and you will see real changes coming to you that are heartwarming and protective.


To heal the chaos in the world, this is the inner work that must be done by as many as possible, now, in this era.


� 2015 by Judi Thomases

Unsolicited Testimonials:





"I can finally see what was going on in my life. I could not have survived with out your help!" - D.B., singer/composer (SC)  




"SUPER excited to get Judi Thomases new book, The Wisdom Keys, her first book Wisdom's Game is truly brilliant.  I HIGHLY recommend y'all get this NOW!  it'll change the way you look at reality and how you live your life!" - Tim Martin, spiritual consultant (DE)




"As usual, I can say with complete honesty, you are amazing!!  ...when I read your email I immediately felt a wave of 'calm'.  Never knew that energy could travel over fiber-optics like that, eh?" - D. Keckley, computer programmer (CT) 




"Judi, just listened back to our reading the other day. You never cease to amaze me with how completely accurate you are in your interpretations of the stars and the cards!  

What I often find, is that listening to the original reading days or even weeks later I hear an entirely different message and end up saying "Ahhhh.... NOW I get it!!"  

I guess that's why I always return and have been relying on your Wisdom over the last 30 years!!! You're truly gifted and it is my great fortune to have you in my life. 

Thank you." - M. Gaudier, nurse, (NY)




"So happy you have finished the book! I can't wait to read it; you're so brilliant it's ridiculous!" - Rebecca B., psychic (CA)





"Your newsletters are so amazing.  What a tremendous amount of work you put into that each month. You should be so proud of yourself." - Nancy G., artist (NY)




"I have said many times in the last few years, 'Judi Thomases my astrologer, was the ONLY one who warned me to consider financial possibilities.'... I just wanted to make this re-connection with you to let you know how often I have thought of you and likewise how you were truly the only person who had uncanny insight into my future."


Best and most 'High' Regards to you!

Bonnie D., (email) 




"Thank you, Judy, for channeling the Brotherhood of Light Workers.  This month's uplifting and inspiring, "Be The Eagle" was very helpful to me, touching and inspiring me.  Yes, times have been chaotic (Uranus squaring Pluto) but as astrologers, we intuitively know that everything that is happening and everything we are feeling is part of the process to move us higher up in our spiritual evolution.  Your monthly newsletter helps us to understand the process.  You and the Brotherhood of Light Workers can clear the fuzzy cobwebs out of our frightened minds.  Thank you for sending out your monthly newsletter.  It has brightened my month!"


Sincerely, Elisabeth Barry, astrologer (email) 




"Thank you for your inspirations... I look at your portal of happiness and sensibility every day and am finding my way."


Wendy, DE 



 "I received your newsletter, and it is great.  I really liked the Astro Bits sections, it is exactly what I am looking for in astrology.  You have the astrology stuff in small letters to back up the interpretation in the bigger font.  This makes it easy AND interesting to read.  Thank you for sending it to me."


Kathy Bird, Wilmington DE




"Thank you so much for the article in February Dell Horoscope on Neptune and Quantum Physics.  Your explanations brought together many experiences I have been having in a meaningful way.  In one word, brilliant!  Blessings to you, Judi."


Elizabeth Dally (on Facebook) 




Hello Judi
While wandering through pathways of positive personal energy
I was blessed to find your portal of inspiration. You are a
gifted person whose life and work kindle a light of creativity
and spirit. I enjoyed everything. You are truly impressive. Thank
you for sharing who you are as doing so is living your highest self.
I wish you joy on your journey.
May you open your heart to others as you live your destiny and  

May the seasons of transformation change you in ways that
 embrace a higher vibration. 
Yours in Freedom and Creativity"

 MicHEAL Teal , The Ancient One (email) 




"Judi and I go back several years. She inspires my creativity and through her guidance, I have achieved so much more. Thank you, Judi."
Laura Dunnigan (Colorado, formerly New York)




"Each month, Judi does some very good 'big picture' astrology of trends that we might see on a national and global scale.  This alone is worth the price of admission (which, by the way, is free).  So, if you have a moment, be sure to send Judi your email and get on her mailing list!"



James Lee (Futurist, DE)   


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 

Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path


"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
[email protected]. � 2015 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.