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The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                               January 2015  Volume 84    
Wisdom Path Newsletter


When the new year begins, astrologers know it's often the start of a fresh pattern of energies. Sometimes old patterns are continuing and need to be wrapped up, but often brand-new energy makes its way into your life. There are many ways we look at these patterns, and I'll bet there's not a single astrologer who doesn't use him/herself as their client to peek at their own chart and prognosticate what's ahead.


In my case, I saw a variety of energy pictures, and as usual it's a mix of good and bad. When I say "good" I mean matters that will feel pleasurable or bring abundance or harmony, and when I say "bad" it could be downswings or health issues. In my case, I saw some physical restrictions (Saturn passing over my Mars), and that's felt like joint stiffness, arthritis, hip issues, and the various things that sometimes plague us as we age. That began occurring by late fall and will be evident at least until the summer. This is what you could call karma, and the best way is to address it through wisdom, taking care to use methods including chiropractic, nutrition, medication, and stress reduction, that help this sort of thing. There's no sense struggling against it, feeling victimized, or succumbing to self-pity because it just is. It's the pattern. Be philosophical about it.


However, it's rare that things are going to be all negative or difficult... and in my case the new pattern - which is a combination, as I said - brings pretty good opportunity to teach the concepts from my new book, "The Wisdom Keys", and to get out into the public eye to reach the people who are ready for these teachings. This will start modestly at the Kent County Library and the Inspirit Reiki Studio, but I expect that this energy pattern will generate a certain amount of momentum... and I've already been contacted by a very nice local college. And so I see my next year as a blend of opportunity to fulfill a deep and important life purpose at the same time I have to literally walk my talk and apply philosophical, psychological, and metaphysical wisdom to address the challenges of aging.


Things aren't compartmentalized in life. What's happening in one area affects what's happening in the other, and there's cross-pollination, but really just one awareness playing in the game of life. I had an interesting conversation with my chiropractor regarding cellular intelligence, that what happens in consciousness directly affects what happens in your body, and how cells live in their own little world - their own environment - which happens to be inside of you, part and parcel making up your physical vehicle. It's very cool to contemplate this interaction.


The time will come when psychics and doctors share their knowledge. I want to be part of that thrust.


Signing off until next time.



You can purchase this new book by clicking here.



With blessings and always, with Smiles,

Judi from Del-Aware 


Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Cell phone is 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630.   [email protected] or [email protected].

Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.

Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on!

In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Book Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

Check out Upcoming
or Past Events!  Here are a few:

JUDI OFFERS TAROT READINGS at MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL, Jan 23 & 24th, Cecil College, Elkton MD. Details TBA.


"KEYS TO PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY" - a bi-monthly course to learn wisdom tips to find empowerment and happiness.  Beginning Jan 14th, 7:00-8:00 PM, at the Kent County Public Library, Camden DE.

"INTRODUCTORY TALK" - Discussion of "The Wisdom Keys" will include a simple but highly effective technique to master your energy system, followed by a Q & A session. Feb 21st, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, at Inspirit Studios, Dover DE. $25.

In her new book, "The Wisdom Keys" Ms. Thomases guides the reader into higher realms of consciousness where we come face to face with our true selves.  On this show we will explore our soul nature and our individual journey using astrology as our guide.  CLICK HERE


"THE WISDOM KEYS: FOUR STEPS TO YOUR HIGHEST SELF"  Discussion of luck vs merit, karma, the role of choice, and the four changing worldviews as you progress in your evolution.



 "TAROT TALK RADIO: ASTROLOGY & TAROT" - Judi Thomases with Rebecca Brown and Timothy Martin, April 28th, 2014


Looking at patterns between the horoscopes of President Obama, the United States, and Obamacare - how does it all stack up?

* * *


Exploring a merging route towards our spiritual evolution affecting our very notion of reality.

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*Find Joy and Success by handling relationships well and weighing choices  wisely 

*Improve creative efforts, financial investments, and career decisions!
*Become the BEST you!
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and Mercury station retrograde... 
Do you know what that means to you?

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Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointmentspsychicreader  

Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...

For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen. 
Email me at [email protected] for details and appointments

A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers

  "Working with true, not blind, faith requires a true understanding of what karma means, and a clear realization that 'What goes around, comes around.'  Then all you need to do is make sure you're sending forth the good stuff, and wait for its return!" 
by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote 



"[Service] is the outstanding characteristic of the soul, just as desire is the outstanding characteristic of the personality.... Both death and service liberate or release the imprisoned soul consciousness."  - The Reign of the Soul and the Science of Service, Diamond Light (2010 #3)  



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"UKRAINE NEARER JOINING NATO: Russia frowns on the prospect" - USA Today, 12/24/14
(Prediction: "Ukraine has a favorable chart concerning help from allies... Putin is not in a winning position in this match-up." Spirit's Words, May 14)

"GOP BATTLES AWAIT OBAMA'S RETURN HOME: Republicans ready to fight 'tooth and nail' on immigration, Iran" - USA Today, 11/17/14
(Prediction: "Things change on the 16th...The second half of the month feels like a nerve-wracking uphill struggle".- Spirit's Words, Nov. '14)
"ISRAEL'S PERES PITCHES 'U.N. OF RELIGIONS' TO POPE" - USA Today, 9/5/14 (Prediction: "...a worldwide yearning for spiritual guidance or higher ideals is shown." - Spirit's Words, Nov 13)


The sweeping changes and chaotic transitions that have troubled the world since 2011 are gradually releasing (Uranus leaving its square to Pluto in cardinal signs). This drastically transformative and revolutionary pattern will see two further peaks in mid-March (Mars in Aries) and January-February 2016 (last close square), after which some relief is indicated. Meanwhile, a different energy has been enhancing ESP and creative imagination even as it sends hard science on a baffling quest (Neptune in Pisces until 2026).


January 5th brings disruption and agitation to a head (Full Moon at 14 Cancer opposite Pluto and square Uranus), but also holds the promise that sensible behavior will prevail (Saturn sextile Venus). The 14th is lively and fortunate for celebrations (Uranus sextile Venus) but the 15th brings frustration and blockages (Saturn square Mars). Weakness of will can be seen on the 19th (Neptune conjunct Mars), which bodes poorly for military effort. Pleasures are important on the 19th-20th (Jupiter opposite Venus), and patience helps by the 20th (New Moon sextile Saturn). Retreaded diplomacy kicks off on the 21st (Mercury station retrograde conjunct Venus). Some tensions relax by the 25th (Pluto ending exact square to Uranus), and by the 31st, positive results can move forward (Pluto sextile Mars).


Pressures and power plays mark the first week in the U.S. (Sun/Pluto opposite U.S. Sun), with rebellion likely (Uranus square U.S. Sun). People are not adverse to expressing their displeasure and arguing their point of view (Mars trine U.S. Mars; Jupiter sextile U.S. Mars). Matters involving funding for domestic programs reach a peak on the 5th (Full Moon in Cancer conjunct U.S. Sun in H8). Things can get ugly on the 9th (Mars conjunct U.S. Moon), with themes of healthcare and freedom finding easy expression (Uranus, from U.S. H6, trine U.S. Ascendant). Luckily, the first half of the month offers spiritual inspiration (Neptune trine U.S. Jupiter), and serious accountability through the 24th (Saturn sextile U.S. Midheaven, square U.S. progressed Ascendant). Fighting aggressively on the 19th-20th will relate to transformation of spending and the economy (Mars trine U.S. Jupiter; New Moon in H2 conjunct U.S. Pluto). The last week reveals dramatic polarization over expenditures (Uranus squares U.S. Sun in H8) as well as old problems regarding our role in the world (Pluto square U.S. Saturn in H10).


For President Obama, 2015 in general is helpful for a career transformation (Solar Arc Pluto semi-sextile his Midheaven, sextile his Uranus), especially regarding his corporate dreams (Solar Arc Neptune entering Capricorn; t. Pluto in his Capricorn H11), and he will be making sober and serious plans (Solar Arc Mercury trine his Saturn). A pattern of risk-taking, arrogance, extravagance and entitlement revolves around money matters (Solar Arc Jupiter opposite his Mars; t. Uranus in his Aries H2; progressed Mars square progressed Jupiter, from a natal opposition), but there can be sadness, estrangement from family, and ill health, even hospitalization (Solar Arc Moon in H6 opposite his Saturn in H12). He can't see himself clearly (t. Neptune in his Pisces H1); does a lot of brooding (progressed Moon in his H3); takes action by fiat (progressed Mars sextile is Node in Leo); but is blocked in his role and beliefs by the law (t. Saturn in his Scorpio and Sagittarius H9 and H10). (Actually, by his karma!) Secrecy and much talking without substance is seen as hypocrisy, and he is likely to make serious mistakes regarding his presidential legacy (progressed Mercury entering Scorpio square his Jupiter, from a natal opposition). Although this is the peak year of his tenure, especially mid-February (progressed Saturn station direct conjunct his progressed Midheaven/Saturn midpoint; t. Saturn conjunct his Midheaven), when he is most unfettered (his Ascendant trine his progressed Uranus), his willfulness and secrecy undermine his place in history. Nevertheless, he has a measure of love and popularity (his progressed Sun semi-sextile his progressed Venus), and good help from close ties (t. Jupiter in his Leo H7).


January is a turbulent month for Obama (Neptune opposite his Pluto, conjunct his Chiron), though he can enjoy more freedom in the first half (Uranus trine his Sun). The 7th holds anger or an accident (Mars opposite his Uranus). He will fight to contain his anger on the 17th and 21st-23rd (Mars square his Moon, opposite his Pluto), and will remain cautious with his words (Saturn trine his Mercury). Look for an important speech on the 21st (Mercury station retrograde conjunct his Ascendant). He'll be down the last week (Saturn opposite his Moon), but helpful allies will bring benefit by month's end (Jupiter conjunct his Descendant).


(c) 2015 by Judi Thomases

 Book Review: "Annette Opens the Door", by
Sonia P. Brakowski (self-published 2013)


This thin, unprepossessing little book may be small but it's a powerhouse. Written by my friend and colleague, Sonia Brakowski, I'm admittedly biased in its favor. But this should not take away from its value and enjoyment for the average reader because it's actually the instrument of a long and complicated otherworldly team effort to proclaim the continuation of life after death, and to give comfort to those who have suffered tremendous loss.


In short, Sonia tells a story of a mother's shock and grief upon hearing the awful news that her 10-year-old beloved daughter Annette has only short months to live after being diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer. The picture of the family's intense traumatic passage through this heart-wrenching life episode with all its anger, denial, guilt and other common stages is painful enough, and Sonia does a very good job of painting for us a portrait of her daughter's personality and spunk as well as her own and her family's difficult reactions to the news, the treatment, and ultimately the death, funeral, and lingering fall-out.


However, the outstanding feature to me of this story, which moves people in their heart center as is shown by its many five-star reviews and comments on, also proclaims a specifically designed message, i.e., that consciousness continues in a vital and loving form even after the body is gone.


Let me explain: it took about 32 years after her daughter died for the author's latent psychic ability to be reawakened. It was reawakened not through her own efforts but through a series of "coincidental" happenings using another mediumistic person who began as a stranger to Sonia but served as the conduit for Annette's reappearance, both as apparition and as author's collaborator. Her daughter, exhibiting her 10-year-old personality yet conveying concepts more appropriate to an adult or perhaps an "old soul", made it clear that Sonia, 32 years later, was to tell Annette's story - a story of joyfully crossing over, hooking up with previously deceased family members, and proclaiming that all was well, while tasking her mother (Sonia) to tell this to the world. Therefore, we can only conclude that this was a joint effort, perhaps previously designed, using the combination of beloved deceased daughter, mediumistic mother, and third-party mediumistic stranger to all come together when the time was right in the mother's life, in order to put the story down on paper and to provide a heartening message for anyone who has suffered the grief of the loss of a loved one.


As I said in my review of the book on Smashwords, "This wonderful book is nothing short of revolutionary! While some parents who grieve the loss of a child may write moving accounts of their journey through pain, how many have been blessed with mediumistic ability to receive confirmation of the continued existence of their beloved deceased one's consciousness and intent? Annette has tasked her mother Sonia with telling the whole story, INCLUDING HER CONTINUED PRESENCE AND DESIRE TO COMFORT OTHERS who face the wrenching experience of burying a child. Annette and Sonia have co-written a book that can change readers' view of life-after-death, and bring hope that the passage and loss are not the final ending. Sonia has done a great job of telling her story in a very real, full and moving way that all people can relate to, while Annette ON THE OTHER SIDE has convincingly succeeded in spreading hope and comfort to whoever is lucky enough to encounter this book."


To me this book is part of the current Aquarian Age awakening of all of us who need to hear, understand, and start believing in the fact that death is not final, or, as John Lennon said, it's like getting out of one car and getting into another one.


My only caveat is, upon republishing this book, the services of a good punctuation proofreader would be helpful. Otherwise, needless to say, I highly recommend reading it, and am grateful to be friend, colleague and soul sister with its author, the amazing Sonia Brakowski.



Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling- January '15

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases   


The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:



In time, there will be peace. This is foretold, for this is how life trends. It trends towards wisdom, and therefore towards kindness towards one's fellows, and bliss within oneself. All of life is structured in this direction.


It may be that this seems a fool's quest, an impossible dream, quixotic, and blatantly false against today's world, its headlines and its preoccupation with division and self-centeredness. However, the statement that all of life is trending towards wisdom, joy and peace is none of those criticisms, for just as evolution proceeds in its way through nature, spiritual development proceeds inexorably towards its goal within the psyche and within all the genetics of the race.


This occurs when energy takes its natural course and encounters that which in the human feels pleasant versus that which feels terrible. Energy's path, then, accumulates what can be called horse-sense but in its refinement, wisdom. Energy, as expressed in the human, as embodied in people's forms, needs this experience so that it can make distinction. Thus, all forks in the road inevitably trend towards the good, since the bad (or negative) leads to pain.


Thus we say, peace is inevitable. However, we do not put a time measurement upon this, for how long in linear time or lifetime experience does it take to accumulate the wisdom to know one path from another?


Holidays are markers for us of our degrees of spiritual development, and afterwards a review of such reveals how much delight one has chosen, or how much suffering one is still in. Like grades in school, this is your measurement of how far you have come and still how long you need to go to reach that treasure called inner peace.

But are you on your way? You bet! It is the only route that there is, the only way to describe the game of life. All is well. All is proceeding correctly. Temporary hurdles are part of it, but will be overcome. The human race is evolving towards the light, regardless of what things look like now.


Thank you. We are complete. We will say more at another time.


� 2015 by Judi Thomases

Unsolicited Testimonials:



"I can finally see what was going on in my life. I could not have survived with out your help!" - D.B., singer/composer (SC)  




"SUPER excited to get Judi Thomases new book, The Wisdom Keys, her first book Wisdom's Game is truly brilliant.  I HIGHLY recommend y'all get this NOW!  it'll change the way you look at reality and how you live your life!" - Tim Martin, spiritual consultant (DE)




"As usual, I can say with complete honesty, you are amazing!!  ...when I read your email I immediately felt a wave of 'calm'.  Never knew that energy could travel over fiber-optics like that, eh?" - D. Keckley, computer programmer (CT) 




"Judi, just listened back to our reading the other day. You never cease to amaze me with how completely accurate you are in your interpretations of the stars and the cards!  

What I often find, is that listening to the original reading days or even weeks later I hear an entirely different message and end up saying "Ahhhh.... NOW I get it!!"  

I guess that's why I always return and have been relying on your Wisdom over the last 30 years!!! You're truly gifted and it is my great fortune to have you in my life. 

Thank you." - M. Gaudier, nurse, (NY)




"So happy you have finished the book! I can't wait to read it; you're so brilliant it's ridiculous!" - Rebecca B., psychic (CA)





"Your newsletters are so amazing.  What a tremendous amount of work you put into that each month. You should be so proud of yourself." - Nancy G., artist (NY)




"I have said many times in the last few years, 'Judi Thomases my astrologer, was the ONLY one who warned me to consider financial possibilities.'... I just wanted to make this re-connection with you to let you know how often I have thought of you and likewise how you were truly the only person who had uncanny insight into my future."


Best and most 'High' Regards to you!

Bonnie D., (email) 




"Thank you, Judy, for channeling the Brotherhood of Light Workers.  This month's uplifting and inspiring, "Be The Eagle" was very helpful to me, touching and inspiring me.  Yes, times have been chaotic (Uranus squaring Pluto) but as astrologers, we intuitively know that everything that is happening and everything we are feeling is part of the process to move us higher up in our spiritual evolution.  Your monthly newsletter helps us to understand the process.  You and the Brotherhood of Light Workers can clear the fuzzy cobwebs out of our frightened minds.  Thank you for sending out your monthly newsletter.  It has brightened my month!"


Sincerely, Elisabeth Barry, astrologer (email) 




"Thank you for your inspirations... I look at your portal of happiness and sensibility every day and am finding my way."


Wendy, DE 



 "I received your newsletter, and it is great.  I really liked the Astro Bits sections, it is exactly what I am looking for in astrology.  You have the astrology stuff in small letters to back up the interpretation in the bigger font.  This makes it easy AND interesting to read.  Thank you for sending it to me."


Kathy Bird, Wilmington DE




"Thank you so much for the article in February Dell Horoscope on Neptune and Quantum Physics.  Your explanations brought together many experiences I have been having in a meaningful way.  In one word, brilliant!  Blessings to you, Judi."


Elizabeth Dally (on Facebook) 




Hello Judi
While wandering through pathways of positive personal energy
I was blessed to find your portal of inspiration. You are a
gifted person whose life and work kindle a light of creativity
and spirit. I enjoyed everything. You are truly impressive. Thank
you for sharing who you are as doing so is living your highest self.
I wish you joy on your journey.
May you open your heart to others as you live your destiny and  

May the seasons of transformation change you in ways that
 embrace a higher vibration. 
Yours in Freedom and Creativity"

 MicHEAL Teal , The Ancient One (email) 




"Judi and I go back several years. She inspires my creativity and through her guidance, I have achieved so much more. Thank you, Judi."
Laura Dunnigan (Colorado, formerly New York)




"Each month, Judi does some very good 'big picture' astrology of trends that we might see on a national and global scale.  This alone is worth the price of admission (which, by the way, is free).  So, if you have a moment, be sure to send Judi your email and get on her mailing list!"



James Lee (Futurist, DE)   


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 

Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path


"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
[email protected]. � 2015 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.