sunburst long horizontalJudi Thomases

The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                               July 2014  Volume 79

Wisdom Path Newsletter

It feels like swimming up to the surface after a long period underwater. Maybe a better analogy than coming up for air would be a long period of building a structure, not with wood and nails, but with strong permanent stone. Then finally a capstone is ready to be placed.


Whatever I'm trying to say is that I'm finally seeing daylight. The past three months, since early March, have been laborious and full of disruption. My two big challenges, both of which are ending prettily, have been my husband's knee surgery which disrupted the household and our routines, and the coming together of a nine-year book project. The latter required lots and lots of attention to details.


But that's a perfect thing to do under Mercury retrograde, because if you were wondering what to plan or how to handle a Mercury retrograde, take that time to go over a written project, plans and their details, things that need to be refurbished, sold again, discussions that you may have been avoiding but can be revisited... whereas the retrograde is not as good for planning surgeries, signing leases, and sometimes launching enterprises. Here's where astrologers come in to help clients plan elective matters such as surgery or weddings, film releases etc.


Getting back to my analogy of reaching the surface of a long dynamic effort (or haul), here's another way that astrology really helps... because I could tell by looking at my own horoscope when I would be facing the hurdles, when they would be at their peak, and when they would be tapering off. We're not fortunetellers as much as energy navigators. We don't always know the details of what to expect, but we can pretty well forecast the ups and downs - maybe you could call this the wave frequencies - of the upcoming life patterns. I find that really helpful. For me, when I'm in the thick of it, and I see ahead where and when it will complete itself, I'm able to be a lot more mellow than if I felt that the current situation was going to continue forever, or was confusingly open-ended.


Well, when I have more to tell you about my new book, I'll surely put it in here. But for now, as Mercury travels through its retrograde, I'm just having a good time seeing the dance being waltzed out and listening to the pleasant music as it does so.




With blessings and always, with Smiles,
Judi from Del-Aware 


Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630.   [email protected] or [email protected].

Check out my blog,  Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments".  It changes instantly to a "Comments" box.  Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!

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In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Book Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

Check out Upcoming or Past Events!  Here are a few:    

Looking at patterns between the horoscopes of President Obama, the United States, and Obamacare - how does it all stack up?

PODCAST: The Four Conversations of the Wisdom Keys ~ An Advanced "Practical Spirituality" Master Class. Check out ANOTHER EXCITING CONVERSATION WITH JUDI THOMASES & MICHELLE PRICE. We'll be discussing how The Universe wants to explore itself through the pattern of YOU, and how to apply that to your business approach in the new era. 
* * *


 "TAROT TALK RADIO: ASTROLOGY & TAROT" - Judi Thomases with Rebecca Brown and Timothy Martin, April 28th, 2014

Oct. 6th on 
How Tarot helps you navigate through your karma.


Exploring a merging route towards our spiritual evolution affecting our very notion of reality.

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You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...

For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen. 
Email me at [email protected] for details and appointments

A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers


  "Surrender means trusting in universal flow.  Surrender implies true, not blind, faith." 
by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote 



"The mistakes are more important than the things you do right." 


- Jimmy Quast, Past-Life and Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapist

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and "PUTIN SUPPORTS UKRAINE CEASE-FIRE" - USA TODAY, 6/22/14 (Prediction: "It is possible that, with help from allies, and with inherent positive karma, Putin's power grab would not be favored, whereas Ukraine would be well-liked, and in general the situation results in a reduction of Putin's resources." - Spirit's Words, May 2014)

"CHILD MARRIAGES DIVIDE PAKISTAN: Traditionalists try to kill legislation that aims to end pracice" - USA TODAY, 6/8/14 (Prediction:
"Yin (feminine energy) rising" - Spirit's Words, various, since 2013)

"HE'S COME UNDONE: [Obama's] propaganda finally backfired" - NY POST, 6/5/14 (Prediction:
"President Obama continues to be unpopular." - Spirit's Words, May 2014)

NEWS JOURNAL, Feb - May '14 (Prediction: Grand Cardinal Cross will bring tension and catastrophe around the world - Spirit's Words, various since 2013)

USA TODAY, May '14 (Prediction: Jupiter conjunct U.S. Sun - Spirit's Words, March 2014)

USA TODAY, 4/1/14 (Prediction: By the 14th, a low can be seen in jobs or real estate reports - Spirit's Words, Feb. 2014)

"CHRISTIE GETS WARM RESPONSE AT CPAC" - USA TODAY, 3/7/14 (Prediction: See below

New York Post, 1/29/14 (Prediction: "N.J. Governor Chris Christie will continue to get stronger despite challenges." - Spirit's Words, Feb. 2014)

"BENGHAZI FIRESTORM: New Bipartisan Report raps Hillarys's State Dept."
- New York Post, 1/16/14 (Prediction: see below)

"BURSTING THE BUBBLE (Obama's low approval ratings)" - New York Post, 1/19/14 (Prediction: "Destiny in the Balance" entire article - Dell Horoscope, Jan. '10 )

"OBAMA'S GRAND MISGUIDED THEORY OF SOCIAL INJUSTICE" - News Journal, 1/9/14 (Prediction: "A continuation of his enduring obstinacy and unrealistic dreams might become ever more visible to observers." - Spirit's Words, Nov. '13 )

- New York Post, 1/8/14 (Prediction: "If she hopes to achieve her goal, she will find it to be like pushing a boulder up a mountain." - Spirit's Words, Nov. '13 )



In the world chart, communications are favored early on, leading to conclusions by the 16th (Mercury station direct trine Node, over its own shadow). The 12th is important for business (Full Moon in Capricorn) while the 13th helps intimate relationships (Venus trine Mars). Sensitivity and idealism are aided on the 19th (Neptune trine Mercury), but tensions are notable from the 20th to 22nd (Saturn station direct quinqunx Uranus station direct; Pluto opposite Mercury). Much emotionality prevails during the last week (Neptune, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury in water), with happier feelings on the 25th and 26th (Full Moon conjunct Jupiter; Neptune trine Venus). Does love win over power struggles? On the 28th, economic factors are under strain (Pluto opposite Venus).


Most of July finds the U.S. experiencing old and turbulent problems regarding the job market and/or health issues, perhaps a return of Obamacare chaos (Neptune square U.S. progressed Uranus). From the 1st - 2nd, a rise in the stock market is likely although aggression is activated too (Jupiter conjunct U.S. Fortuna in H8; Mars conjunct U.S. progressed Mars in H10). Economic pressures are strong from the 3rd - 16th (Jupiter opposite U.S. Pluto), and angry words or protests can follow on the 16th-17th (Mars square U.S. Mercury). The 3rd week is generally beneficial, especially the 21st (Jupiter sextile U.S. Midheaven; Venus return), and the 20th is excellent for business (Saturn station direct trine U.S. progressed Jupiter). However, a degree of rage or ruthlessness plus risky attempts at quick fixes cause distress on the 21st as well (Mars square U.S. Pluto; Uranus station retrograde square U.S progressed Jupiter). Towards the latter part of the month, a celebratory mood is seen on the 23rd (Venus conjunct U.S. Jupiter), a bold stance on the 26th (Mars trine U.S. Moon), and lucky occurrences on the 30th (Venus conjunct U.S. Sun).


President Obama is in a tense stand-off the first half of July (Pluto quinqunx his Sun), and remains unpopular (Saturn is still square his Ascendant). He uses fresh ideas and good communication skills from the 7th-12th (Mercury sextile his Node/Uranus), but finds only delays and frustrations from the 13th-28th (Mars square his Saturn/Jupiter). He can charm on the 14th (Mercury conjunct his Venus). From the 17th-24th, he applies more energy into partnerships and finds innovative avenues of financing (Mars conjunct his progressed Mars/progressed Descendant, sextile his Node/Uranus). The carrot-and-the stick approach seems to pay off from the 26th-31st (Jupiter conjunct his Mercury; Mars conjunct his progressed Mercury, square his Mercury, trine his Venus). He feels satisfied to take the high road by the last two days of the month (Jupiter sextile his Moon; Neptune trine his Pluto).


The exact birth time of Hillary Clinton remains uncertain, but if one bandied time is right (8 PM), her presidential prospects would be quite iffy (Pluto square her Neptune, ruler of her Midheaven; Neptune conjunct her Midheaven), and obstacles and unpopularity would continuously challenge her time-table (Saturn station direct conjunct her Venus, square her Saturn/progressed Ascendant). This pattern would apply into 2016 (her progressed Sun square her Neptune), but people will still throw money at her (Fortuna in her H8; her progressed Venus in H8; her Solar Arc Venus and Jupiter in H8)!

(c) 2014 by Judi Thomases

Book Review: "Tesla: The Inventor of the Electrical Age", by W. Bernard Carlson (Princeton University Press, 2013), and "Visionary Inventor Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World", by Sister Ray (Dell Horoscope, August 2014) 


Several reviewers have pronounced this book the definitive biography of Tesla because the author is himself a professor of science and technology, and an engineer. I had some trepidation approaching this material, fascinated though I am by Nikola Tesla, but it is written in a very accessible style.


Tesla was a Serbian who was fluent in five languages, and who did most of his best inventing in America. Besides the present automotive company bearing his name, Tesla has become something of a hero in modern times for his groundbreaking ideas about free energy and even communications with outer space. But he was known primarily as the discoverer and inventor of Alternating Current, and many of the early applications of wireless technology which today are at the basis of radios, televisions, and cellular phones.


Not all of his inventions became successful. A brilliant genius, he was nevertheless somewhat eccentric and idealistic even to a fault. His life history had many extreme turns in which he made millions of dollars, lost everything (several times), died in poverty, and even obscurity, until he was "resurrected" after his death in 1943, his life having spanned the late 1800s when the primary discoveries of electromagnetism were being brought forward.


Tesla had relationships during his life with George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison (with whom he had an intense rivalry called The Battle of the Currents, because Edison had based all of his empire on DC - direct current - which was limited, whereas Tesla's perseverance overcame Edison's money and entrenched network to forge the far-better technology - AC current - which was cheaper and able to reach greater distances). He also had a relationship with J.P. Morgan amongst many others. Towards the end of his life, it was a great disappointment to him that Morgan withdrew his financial support when Morgan learned that Tesla's dream of wireless technology would not result in profit for himself. Tesla never understood that type of thinking. Idealistic and humanitarian, he always sought to benefit humanity with his discoveries, and to reflect in his equipment the workings of the natural universe. But, of course, this was not the thinking in the days of the great fortunes that were sought and made by people like Morgan, Rockefeller and so forth. The profit motive was more important to them than serving the energy needs of global humanity.


Nikola Tesla was an odd duck, with a difficult life. At the same time that I was reading his biography, an issue of Dell Horoscope with an article on this visionary inventor arrived in my mailbox. I was able to see aspects in Tesla's horoscope that explained some of his story that author Carlson could not fully fathom. For instance, Tesla had an aspect indicating that he was psychic (Neptune in Pisces), and indeed he received many of his ideas as visions, but never acknowledged them as being given from a higher source; he explained them simply as the cogitations of his imagination triggered by a logical series of events.


Tesla's mind was unique in that he could receive concepts as visions, and then use deductive logic and a process of discipline - imaginative experiments - to fine-tune the machine or invention before he ever built it. He learned this technique when he was bedridden with cholera for a year in childhood and was forced to go inwards. As the author explains, some of his values might have been based upon his Orthodox Church faith which his father, a priest (non-celibate in that religion), sought to foist upon him.


Tesla's horoscope reveals an individual whose intense nature had many ups and downs emotionally, psychologically and also actually. He demonstrated his ideas by dramatically using his hands or his whole body to create a current, or show sparks, and even glow. His brilliance excited many others to investigate electromagnetic waves, leading to many current inventions and running many modern motors, but he himself had a tough life. As a genius and an outsider, he could never quite adjust to the fact that the world sometimes did not wish to conform to his ideal visions, and he wasn't ready to conform to it. However, he was able successfully to challenge the status quo.


The author reaches the conclusion that, because of his personal charisma and efforts to develop his willpower as a boy, and perhaps even his interest in psychic phenomena, Tesla has become a heroic figure to the New Age. "Much of Tesla's tale can be interpreted as spiritual enlightenment and personal development."


If you are interested in reading more about this brilliant and odd figure of recent history who so much influences our world, I could recommend this book. Personally, I skipped over the very technical stuff but was able to get a lot of the human interest story out of it.


As a footnote, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motor (the electric car company) has recently announced the release of many patents regarding the Tesla electric motor for the benefit of humankind's development of this alternative, non-fossil fuel energy, in the hopes of helping Planet Earth. This is very much in keeping with Tesla, the idealistic humanitarian, and we should applaud this bold move, a different angle regarding the strict profit-seeking motivation of the last century.




Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling- July '14

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases   


The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:



If there are no objections, then the universe can flow. But when there are contrary feelings, thoughts that impede, emotional issues, then resistance is formed. It is not a conscious thing. It goes on as if it were the natural order, and then one finds oneself blocked, frustrated, even attacked by others in any of various ways including physical but also verbal, and one's true goals or intentions are not realized. Maybe you curse the world, or you frame your thoughts from that point on as though you have been a victim of circumstances, but it had all started when you went off track originally from acceding to the direction that the universe was carrying you, and at the point that you created, in your mind and then through repercussions, the notion that you wished to veer off and not comply.


So let's look at what complying means. Often it means that your inner timetable was faster or slower than the unfoldment of events. These are what is labeled impatience or procrastination. Impatience often derives from the sense that you need something quicker, more urgently than it is presenting itself, whereas procrastination arises from the desire to wait longer or put off the action that can be done now. Both of these behaviors result in disalignment from the flow.


Another cause is rooted in your desires, for you want one thing when something else is being offered or presented, and you think your immediate desire will be better, will make you feel happier, or gain satisfaction. Deeper than this is the hidden ingratitude, for the soul who is not grateful for what is being offered is deeply disharmonious with life.


To get back on track requires an inner process of awareness, of letting go of that which is resisting the flow, and also of being content with what is being offered in the moment. Calm and gratitude are then allowed to bubble up. A different attitude overcomes one. Contentment and flexibility as well as readiness and determination go hand in hand. You are ready to act if prompted, and to see it through to its realization, and you are serene in what results, or is given. This describes alignment with flow, and results in a very joyous feeling. Some have named this attitude "surrender", for though it does not mean weakness, it means a rearrangement of the forces of ego - a letting go and allowing, a giving prominence to a higher energy mandate.


Surrender is the state of bliss. Alignment simply feels good. Amazingly, the results that are produced are just right, and it is easy to be grateful.


Once in alignment, the characteristics of victimhood - that the world is against you, and that you are helpless - disappear. In alignment, it's impossible to feel victimized. Not only are you in the flow, but you are the flow. Your will and the greater energy forces are united. Much more energy is available to you, and you relish it and feel empowered by it. This is the desirable trait to cultivate.



� 2014 by Judi Thomases

Unsolicited Testimonials:


"As usual, I can say with complete honesty, you are amazing!!  ...when I read your email I immediately felt a wave of 'calm'.  Never knew that energy could travel over fiber-optics like that, eh?" - D. Keckley, computer programmer (CT) 




"Judi, just listened back to our reading the other day. You never cease to amaze me with how completely accurate you are in your interpretations of the stars and the cards!  

What I often find, is that listening to the original reading days or even weeks later I hear an entirely different message and end up saying "Ahhhh.... NOW I get it!!"  

I guess that's why I always return and have been relying on your Wisdom over the last 30 years!!! You're truly gifted and it is my great fortune to have you in my life. 

Thank you." - M. Gaudier, nurse, (NY)




"So happy you have finished the book! I can't wait to read it; you're so brilliant it's ridiculous!" - Rebecca B., psychic (CA)





"Your newsletters are so amazing.  What a tremendous amount of work you put into that each month. You should be so proud of yourself." - Nancy G., artist (NY)




"I have said many times in the last few years, 'Judi Thomases my astrologer, was the ONLY one who warned me to consider financial possibilities.'... I just wanted to make this re-connection with you to let you know how often I have thought of you and likewise how you were truly the only person who had uncanny insight into my future."


Best and most 'High' Regards to you!

Bonnie D., (email) 




"Thank you, Judy, for channeling the Brotherhood of Light Workers.  This month's uplifting and inspiring, "Be The Eagle" was very helpful to me, touching and inspiring me.  Yes, times have been chaotic (Uranus squaring Pluto) but as astrologers, we intuitively know that everything that is happening and everything we are feeling is part of the process to move us higher up in our spiritual evolution.  Your monthly newsletter helps us to understand the process.  You and the Brotherhood of Light Workers can clear the fuzzy cobwebs out of our frightened minds.  Thank you for sending out your monthly newsletter.  It has brightened my month!"


Sincerely, Elisabeth Barry, astrologer (email) 




"Thank you for your inspirations... I look at your portal of happiness and sensibility every day and am finding my way."


Wendy, DE 



 "I received your newsletter, and it is great.  I really liked the Astro Bits sections, it is exactly what I am looking for in astrology.  You have the astrology stuff in small letters to back up the interpretation in the bigger font.  This makes it easy AND interesting to read.  Thank you for sending it to me."


Kathy Bird, Wilmington DE




"Thank you so much for the article in February Dell Horoscope on Neptune and Quantum Physics.  Your explanations brought together many experiences I have been having in a meaningful way.  In one word, brilliant!  Blessings to you, Judi."


Elizabeth Dally (on Facebook) 




Hello Judi
While wandering through pathways of positive personal energy
I was blessed to find your portal of inspiration. You are a
gifted person whose life and work kindle a light of creativity
and spirit. I enjoyed everything. You are truly impressive. Thank
you for sharing who you are as doing so is living your highest self.
I wish you joy on your journey.
May you open your heart to others as you live your destiny and
May the seasons of transformation change you in ways that
embrace a higher vibration.
Yours in Freedom and Creativity"


MicHEAL Teal , The Ancient One (email) 



"Judi and I go back several years. She inspires my creativity and through her guidance, I have achieved so much more. Thank you, Judi."
Laura Dunnigan (Colorado, formerly New York)


"Each month, Judi does some very good 'big picture' astrology of trends that we might see on a national and global scale.  This alone is worth the price of admission (which, by the way, is free).  So, if you have a moment, be sure to send Judi your email and get on her mailing list!"


James Lee (Futurist, DE) 



"I find you so easy to talk to and finally have found someone who affirms and encourages my journey."


Sonia Brakowski (Delaware)



"Your level of expression and understanding put a smile in my spirit. Thank you."


Morene Massey (Montana)



"I enjoyed your podcast 'All Is Chosen". It brought clarity to me on a few things. Thank you!"


Josette Blackburn (California)



"Thank you for coming on the show.  It was a great one.  You shared a lot of valuable insight and wisdom with our audience." 


Paul Lamb, Host of New Perspectives radio show (New Jersey)



"I really enjoy your monthly newsletter, in part because you've been using astrology to focus on the 'big stuff', not just personal sun signs.  Keep it coming!" 


 Jim Lee (Wilmington DE)



"I feel very moved by hearing your words and so grateful to have been given the gift of insight into my own psyche." 


 G. Ryder (New York)


"Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."


 D. Blackburn (California)  



"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?'  Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later).  Comprehensive, beautifully written.  Intelligent + and so helpful.  Merci,"

 Marnie (Toronto)



"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good.  In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope.  It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time.  So thanks!  I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!" 9/11 Ten Years Later article".

Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader



"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read.  I intend to keep it handy for the future."


  R Patterson, Dell magazine reader



"Thanks again for a great presentation last night!  Very credible and very good."


 Jim Lee, Foresight Salon



"Dear Ms Thomases,

 "You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work!  Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly...    Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!



 Katie Critelli, Student


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 

Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path


"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
[email protected]. � 2014 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.