sunburst long horizontalJudi Thomases

The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                               June 2014  Volume 78


Well, as of the 19th, Mars has gone direct, and that's a green light universally for projects, enterprises, and efforts. So, on the home front, things are moving ahead as my husband gets back some flexibility, is able to drive again, and is feeling a lot more himself. And for me, I have sent off my revised manuscript to my publisher - a big step - which, depending on minor matters such as layout design and a couple of missing items that I'm waiting on, means that I should have a published book called "The Wisdom Keys" in a few months. Once the book is available online and in bookstores, I'll give you more details if you should happen to want to read it.


I also have a new article on newsstands as of this writing, in the July issue of Dell Horoscope, called "President Obama, the U.S. Chart, and The Affordable Care Act", all interpreted by the technique called synastry, or chart comparison. The article reaches some interesting conclusions based on these three charts, and once it's off newsstands - with Dell's permission - I'll post the article on my website (as I have done with all previous writings).


We're finally all released from winter's grip, looking forward to a pleasant summer in which, hopefully, nature will cooperate, and enjoying springtime endeavors such as gardening, walking, and sitting by water. This is a restorative time, especially as the celestial Grand Cardinal Cross is waning, reducing the level of stress and unexpected catastrophes the world over. But it's not gone yet, and we still see headlines almost daily that are saddening and agitating.


To live in such times is to be tested and challenged. Some days are full of peace, and others full of disturbance. It's our job always to return to center, to build calm within us, to appreciate beauty and love, and to move forward day by day, which is all we can do here on good ol' planet Earth. When I look at the greenery after this hard winter, I really appreciate the beauty and bounty of the earth. Let that be our guidepost. Enjoy spring!

With blessings and always, with Smiles,
Judi from Del-Aware 


Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630.   [email protected] or [email protected].

Check out my blog,  Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments".  It changes instantly to a "Comments" box.  Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!

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Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on!

In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Book Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

Check out Upcoming or Past Events!  Here are a few:    

Looking at patterns between the horoscopes of President Obama, the United States, and Obamacare - how does it all stack up?

PODCAST: The Four Conversations of the Wisdom Keys ~ An Advanced "Practical Spirituality" Master Class. Check out ANOTHER EXCITING CONVERSATION WITH JUDI THOMASES & MICHELLE PRICE. We'll be discussing how The Universe wants to explore itself through the pattern of YOU, and how to apply that to your business approach in the new era. 
* * *


 "TAROT TALK RADIO: ASTROLOGY & TAROT" - Judi Thomases with Rebecca Brown and Timothy Martin, April 28th, 2014

Oct. 6th on 
How Tarot helps you navigate through your karma.


Exploring a merging route towards our spiritual evolution affecting our very notion of reality.

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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers


  "There's no shortcut to gaining wisdom.  You can't learn it intellectually.  Life must be experienced to do so.  Even if your mind comes fully awake, the essence of life is trial and error." 
by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote 



"You are now a spectator but they [in the caravan] are busy living each their own life... It is here that it is necessary to learn to be alone yet not lonely... The [forbidden] path leads up the hill and is closed by a gate. Its Guardian asks you what you know... The only answer that will open the gate is: 'I desire to know in order to serve.'" 


- The Story of Dion Fortune

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NEWS JOURNAL, Feb - May '14 (Prediction: Grand Cardinal Cross will bring tension and catastrophe around the world - Spirit's Words, various since 2013)

USA TODAY, May '14 (Prediction: Jupiter conjunct U.S. Sun - Spirit's Words, March 2014)

USA TODAY, 4/1/14 (Prediction: By the 14th, a low can be seen in jobs or real estate reports - Spirit's Words, Feb. 2014)

"CHRISTIE GETS WARM RESPONSE AT CPAC" - USA TODAY, 3/7/14 (Prediction: See below

New York Post, 1/29/14 (Prediction: "N.J. Governor Chris Christie will continue to get stronger despite challenges." - Spirit's Words, Feb. 2014)

"BENGHAZI FIRESTORM: New Bipartisan Report raps Hillarys's State Dept."
- New York Post, 1/16/14 (Prediction: see below)

"BURSTING THE BUBBLE (Obama's low approval ratings)" - New York Post, 1/19/14 (Prediction: "Destiny in the Balance" entire article - Dell Horoscope, Jan. '10 )

"OBAMA'S GRAND MISGUIDED THEORY OF SOCIAL INJUSTICE" - News Journal, 1/9/14 (Prediction: "A continuation of his enduring obstinacy and unrealistic dreams might become ever more visible to observers." - Spirit's Words, Nov. '13 )

- New York Post, 1/8/14 (Prediction: "If she hopes to achieve her goal, she will find it to be like pushing a boulder up a mountain." - Spirit's Words, Nov. '13 )

- News Journal, 1/4/14 (Prediction: see below of 12/19/13)

-, 12/19/13 (Prediction: Misplaced idealism and fog would lift once Neptune left the U.S. Moon - "Destiny in the Balance", article in Dell Horoscope, Jan. 2010)

"REPORT FINDS CONTAMINATION IN MOST CHICKEN SOLD IN US",12/19/13 (Prediction: Jupiter et al in Cancer puts focus on food supply promoting nurture over genetic modification - Spirit's Words, July 2013)



In the world chart, most of the month is plagued by do-overs and misunderstandings (Mercury retrograde). The 9th is beneficial for the financial markets (Venus trine Pluto) but can delude with idealism or unrealistic hope (Neptune station retrograde in Pisces). From the 12th - 15th, although in a waning phase of disruption (Grand Cardinal Cross is leaving) there can be much rage and tension, even violence (Pluto square Mars). The best days for pleasure and enjoyment are the 18th-19th (Venus sextile Jupiter). The last week brings opportunity for peaceful negotiations which probably won't gel (Jupiter square Node in Libra), but during the 25th-27th, accidents, explosions, and enmity are likely (Mars opposite Uranus).


For the U.S., some general trends in June are the subsiding of power struggles because the nation appears tougher (Pluto retrograde semi-sextile the U.S. Ascendant, temporarily leaving an opposition to the U.S. Sun), as well as some unorthodox and costly financial choices (Uranus square the U.S. progressed Jupiter in H8). The first half of the month brings positive chances for diplomacy (Node in Libra trine U.S. Moon), particularly on the 7th (Mercury station retrograde conjunct U.S. Venus exact) and the 10th (Venus sextile U.S. Sun). But the 9th emphasizes old patterns that can abruptly dampen the job market and weaken negotiations abroad or regarding healthcare laws (Neptune station retrograde square U.S. progressed Uranus in Gemini H6). On the 15th especially, the media, in a change for the better, does an improved job regarding reportage concerning the nation's goals (progressed Moon in H11 trine U.S. progressed Sun in H3). From the 16th-18th, there will be great conflict and much tension (Mars square U.S. Sun). From the 19th-23rd, a mixed picture indicates boldness, and advantage to the military (Mars conjunct U.S. Midheaven), yet good news and a favorable climate for the stock market and investors (Venus trine U.S. Pluto; Jupiter conjunct U.S. Mercury in H8). As the month closes, there is productivity and benefits to crops and the food supply on the 27th (New Moon in Cancer H7 conjunct Jupiter exact), and good economic news on the 29th-30th (Jupiter conjunct U.S. Fortuna in Cancer H8).


All month, President Obama is either delusional, foggy, or deceitful (Progressed Moon in H3 opposite his Neptune in H9). He is undergoing heavy personal transformation and under intense pressure (Pluto quinqunx his Sun), having a hard time expressing his feelings (Neptune retrograde opposite his Pluto/progressed Pluto), and feeling tested in relationships (Saturn square his Ascendant). His confidence is high but his skills are being tested (Jupiter sextile his Mars, opposite his Saturn/progressed Jupiter). He can be particularly diplomatic on the 1st, and from the 14th-15th (Mercury conjunct his Venus), and by the 5th, he can release negative influences, grow tougher and seem more "together" (progressed Moon trine his progressed Pluto). By mid-month, he will enjoy high energy and a sense of victory (Mars sextile his Sun). From the 24th-26th, celebrations are likely (Venus trine his Jupiter, conjunct his Moon).


The "relationship" between Obama and Vladimir Putin continues to amaze, being so like a compatible marriage and strong karmic tie than two antagonists! (Both Moons are at 2-3 degrees of Gemini; their Suns are sextile; their Plutos are equally angular and emphasized as power players; Obama's Ascendant equals Putin's Node exactly; and his Uranus/Node equals Putin's Pluto/MC). There is even an idealistic, almost romantic, tie between them (Obama's Neptune conjunct Putin's Venus)! What past-life relationship did these two share? Nevertheless, Obama will ultimately disappoint Putin, throwing cold water on the latter's dreams (Obama's Saturn square Putin's Mercury/Neptune). Perhaps that's how Obama will use his aspect of deception this month, luring Putin with promises that he won't follow through on.


(c) 2014 by Judi Thomases

Book Review: "The Story of Dion Fortune", as told to Charles Fielding and Carr Collins (Star & Cross Publication)


This is a wonderful and powerful book, first published in 1985 but still available on Amazon, regarding the life and work of occultist and founder of The Society of Inner Light, Dion Fortune.


Dion Fortune, born Violet Mary Firth in Wales, was the pen name for a very unusual woman who was born in 1890, died in 1980 at the age of 90, and whose life had deep meaning for not only the group of followers whom she mentored and trained to develop spiritually and psychically, but to all of Western civilization since she brought forward much hidden knowledge about the inner path to illumination through the Hermetic Mystery Teachings of western occultism. Her life spanned the two world wars, and was particularly significant during WWII when her establishment in London underwent the Blitz, whereupon she worked diligently with her followers to put a cone of protection around Britain and neutralize occult forces that were arrayed against the Allies in the form of Nazi black magic.


She was a prolific writer and left behind non-fiction in the form of books such as Psychic Defense, and also occult fiction with books including The Winged Bull, The Goat-foot God, and culminating in The Sea Priestess. This is one of the many ways that she is known and famed.


This book, however, is so much more. In telling the story of Dion Fortune, it is entwined with the story of the rise of Theosophy, and The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn during her formative years, but she also had her own mystical experiences in which she was shown and tasked with the job of portraying the spiritual path as a path of love, power and wisdom, always lit with spiritual awareness, in contrast to the dark use of power and magic for self-aggrandizement. The book explains how she saw herself and her society as the end-point of an otherworldly effort on the inner planes to train and prepare adepts for world service.


She concerned herself with three Rays (emanations, qualities) from the Western tradition, i.e., the Hermetic Ray of ritual magic, the Elemental Ray of natural contact, and the Devotional Ray of the spirit. The book outlines her efforts to build a society and found an organization that would facilitate this inner work. It explains some of the rituals. Dion Fortune worked strongly with imagery and the Kabala. She met other people who became her disciples, and in some cases her colleagues, such as Colonel Seymour, Arthur O'Mulligan, and Margaret Lumley-Browne, who were later able to continue her work. The book specifies exercises, myths, rituals, missions, training methods, and the revelation of much hidden knowledge, especially pertinent to that part of the world, the Celts. It could only have been written by those who were close to her or knew her closely-held secrets and perspective.


I know I encountered this book for the first time in the beginning of my psychic development and spiritual path; I know this for two reasons: 1) it popped off my bookshelf when I was looking for something to read; and 2) I found that I had underlined sentences. But it was so early on my path, and so forgotten, that it was like rediscovering powerful and resonant concepts. I was particularly excited to read about the channeling experience, so much like that which I had discovered in myself but was then still 24 years away from encountering it. Or, when I read a passage about the inner planes adepti who have been previously conditioned to train for world service, having had an extraordinary experience myself of the exact same technique that (I later learned through the Dion Fortune books) was called An Initiation on the Inner Planes. Now, later in life, and completing my second book project (which to me is the wrap-up or fruition of the many years that I've spent on the path, and the task to which I was assigned), re-encountering this book was as though I had come full-circle on my own inner journey as an occultist.


So extraordinary was this re-encounter with this material that in writing this book review I can't even say comfortably that the book is "highly recommended" - which of course I feel it is - because it is so essential and so resonant with my innermost being that it would be almost like giving a shout-out to my own higher self, and in a sense, embarrassingly self-congratulatory to rate it. Suffice it to say that Dion Fortune feels like an aspect of myself that, once reawakened, could never be laid to rest, and that, once recognized, would always stay deep within as a mirror or echo of my own (much more modest) work. I can identify my inner being as an inner plane adept, and my own major task as the goal of world service to which my life has been committed.


So, if you want to understand people like myself, like Dion Fortune, like any true occultist on the path of light, yes, read this book.




Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling- June '14

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases   


The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:




There is Beginning. It is not for those who may know the story, to spell it out completely; it is the type of story that gets written as it is lived. But as with so many stories, there is a point in it - a turning point - of revelation, or a clue, or even the access to a tool, a device, a weapon, or a facilitation item (we may call this an event) that helps the story move forward, and aids the protagonist to realize the goal.


What story would we be talking about? The story of your life, of course. It is written out in the stars as though there were points of destiny, places to reach, events to occur, and people to meet up with, but within those places and points there are spaces that are not fully written or fleshed out. These represent choices and chances, accidents and surprises. Also - and this is the key point - between the destined occurrences, that is where free will is encouraged. That is where a person decides which fork in the road to take.


This is one of the great mysteries, i.e., if my fate is written, how can there be free will? And vice versa, if there is free will, how can there be predestination? But you see, both occur simultaneously. Choice builds upon opportunity; opportunity is contained within the predestined pattern. One lives as though going from Point A to Point B, thinking all the while that one has made decisions or been propelled by others all along the way, when in truth there was a larger, broader destiny to be served within which the notion of free will was exercised.


This is your story, and it cannot be perfectly spelled out, for it is in the living of it that the midway points are fleshed out. This is also called evolution; it can be called inner development, and it is the basis upon which wisdom is both learned and accumulated, for every "wrong" decision that leads to a difficult outcome is also the blessing that propelled the life path and helped it move towards its destined goal. There is a greater hand at work, but there is also personal choice.


Even if we could tell all the details to a seeker, we would not. It is the seeking that is important. The travails, the struggle, the journey. If it were all written, encapsulated, finished and perfect, why would there even be the idea of incarnation, and then endless reincarnation? Life, in the flesh, and within the bounds of three-dimensionality (or we can be Einsteinian, and say four-dimensionality, adding Time to height, width and breadth), is what's required. The necessity to dive in, delve in to what is called Life, and become showered with what is called wisdom, would remain.


Every life story has meaning. Every experience of life gives the soul its meat and its drama, but also more light. What is new in this beginning is a perception, a glimmer of understanding, a brand new way of seeing the journey, considering your options, making enlightened choices, and participating in the experience, not as a pawn, but as a player. Not as puny, but as empowered.


Whether your choices are wise or not, writes the temporary ending of this life story. Choose wisely, player, for you are the experiencer of all your choices!



� 2014 by Judi Thomases

Unsolicited Testimonials:


"Judi, just listened back to our reading the other day. You never cease to amaze me with how completely accurate you are in your interpretations of the stars and the cards!  

What I often find, is that listening to the original reading days or even weeks later I hear an entirely different message and end up saying "Ahhhh.... NOW I get it!!"  

I guess that's why I always return and have been relying on your Wisdom over the last 30 years!!! You're truly gifted and it is my great fortune to have you in my life. 

Thank you." - M. Gaudier, nurse, (NY)




"So happy you have finished the book! I can't wait to read it; you're so brilliant it's ridiculous!" - Rebecca B., psychic (CA)





"Your newsletters are so amazing.  What a tremendous amount of work you put into that each month. You should be so proud of yourself." - Nancy G., artist (NY)




"I have said many times in the last few years, 'Judi Thomases my astrologer, was the ONLY one who warned me to consider financial possibilities.'... I just wanted to make this re-connection with you to let you know how often I have thought of you and likewise how you were truly the only person who had uncanny insight into my future."


Best and most 'High' Regards to you!

Bonnie D., (email) 




"Thank you, Judy, for channeling the Brotherhood of Light Workers.  This month's uplifting and inspiring, "Be The Eagle" was very helpful to me, touching and inspiring me.  Yes, times have been chaotic (Uranus squaring Pluto) but as astrologers, we intuitively know that everything that is happening and everything we are feeling is part of the process to move us higher up in our spiritual evolution.  Your monthly newsletter helps us to understand the process.  You and the Brotherhood of Light Workers can clear the fuzzy cobwebs out of our frightened minds.  Thank you for sending out your monthly newsletter.  It has brightened my month!"


Sincerely, Elisabeth Barry, astrologer (email) 




"Thank you for your inspirations... I look at your portal of happiness and sensibility every day and am finding my way."


Wendy, DE 



 "I received your newsletter, and it is great.  I really liked the Astro Bits sections, it is exactly what I am looking for in astrology.  You have the astrology stuff in small letters to back up the interpretation in the bigger font.  This makes it easy AND interesting to read.  Thank you for sending it to me."


Kathy Bird, Wilmington DE




"Thank you so much for the article in February Dell Horoscope on Neptune and Quantum Physics.  Your explanations brought together many experiences I have been having in a meaningful way.  In one word, brilliant!  Blessings to you, Judi."


Elizabeth Dally (on Facebook) 




Hello Judi
While wandering through pathways of positive personal energy
I was blessed to find your portal of inspiration. You are a
gifted person whose life and work kindle a light of creativity
and spirit. I enjoyed everything. You are truly impressive. Thank
you for sharing who you are as doing so is living your highest self.
I wish you joy on your journey.
May you open your heart to others as you live your destiny and
May the seasons of transformation change you in ways that
embrace a higher vibration.
Yours in Freedom and Creativity"


MicHEAL Teal , The Ancient One (email) 



"Judi and I go back several years. She inspires my creativity and through her guidance, I have achieved so much more. Thank you, Judi."
Laura Dunnigan (Colorado, formerly New York)


"Each month, Judi does some very good 'big picture' astrology of trends that we might see on a national and global scale.  This alone is worth the price of admission (which, by the way, is free).  So, if you have a moment, be sure to send Judi your email and get on her mailing list!"


James Lee (Futurist, DE) 



"I find you so easy to talk to and finally have found someone who affirms and encourages my journey."


Sonia Brakowski (Delaware)



"Your level of expression and understanding put a smile in my spirit. Thank you."


Morene Massey (Montana)



"I enjoyed your podcast 'All Is Chosen". It brought clarity to me on a few things. Thank you!"


Josette Blackburn (California)



"Thank you for coming on the show.  It was a great one.  You shared a lot of valuable insight and wisdom with our audience." 


Paul Lamb, Host of New Perspectives radio show (New Jersey)



"I really enjoy your monthly newsletter, in part because you've been using astrology to focus on the 'big stuff', not just personal sun signs.  Keep it coming!" 


 Jim Lee (Wilmington DE)



"I feel very moved by hearing your words and so grateful to have been given the gift of insight into my own psyche." 


 G. Ryder (New York)


"Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."


 D. Blackburn (California)  



"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?'  Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later).  Comprehensive, beautifully written.  Intelligent + and so helpful.  Merci,"

 Marnie (Toronto)



"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good.  In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope.  It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time.  So thanks!  I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!" 9/11 Ten Years Later article".

Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader



"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read.  I intend to keep it handy for the future."


  R Patterson, Dell magazine reader



"Thanks again for a great presentation last night!  Very credible and very good."


 Jim Lee, Foresight Salon



"Dear Ms Thomases,

 "You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work!  Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly...    Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!



 Katie Critelli, Student


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 

Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path


"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
[email protected]. � 2014 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.