DCR Virginia State Parks  
Weekly NewsletterSeptember 8, 2016

Virginia State Parks Photo Gallery
Grayson Highlands State Park
Good Old Fashioned Barn Dance

High Bridge Trail State Park
Firefly Festival

In This Issue

Dutch Oven Cooking 101

Peter Langston, Chapter Director, Old Dominion Iron Chefs

Click to enlarge photo Cool weather is approaching and time to go camping. Make those memories of great meals cooked in Dutch ovens. Come learn how to cook in a Dutch oven and expand your menu.

Powhatan State Park and Old Dominion Iron Chefs will be teaching a Dutch Oven Cooking 101 class on October 15 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. We will introduce you to cast iron basics, how to clean & maintain, and how to control the heat. The class will be broken into groups and each group will cook a dish and then we will enjoy all the dishes at the end.

The cost is $17.50/person fee covers all food, materials, recipes, and supplies. Children ages 10 and up are welcome. We will have the class rain or shine. To sign up please call Powhatan State Park at 804-598-7148. See you at the class.

Click Here for a location map of Powhatan State Park.

Smith Mountain Lake State Park Tour Boat, a Popular Recreation for Visitors
Jim Gerhart, Friends of Smith Mountain Lake State Park

Click to enlarge You have a weeks' vacation and plan to spend it at Smith Mountain Lake State Park. Maybe you reserved one of the twenty cabins or one of the 50 camp sites for your RV or trailer. Or maybe you want to get a little closer to nature and tent camp. Or you live close enough to plan a day trip with swimming and a picnic. So you go the SML State Park web site and search for scheduled activities during your visit. There it is! A pontoon boat tour on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. describing that the Interpretive Guide will tell you about lake history, wildlife, and that it will stop for you to take in the scenery, including photo opportunities. The tour lasts 1 - 1 � hours. Just about right for the kids, and best of all, it's free. The only catch is that it is popular and requires registration one week prior to the trip.

When the Friends of Smith Mountain Lake State Park incorporated 20 years ago, they recognized that the best way to appreciate the park is by seeing it's number one attraction, Smith Mountain Lake, by boat. It wasn't until four years ago that the Friends decided to make a concerted effort to raise the $65,000 necessary to have a custom built sea worthy 30 ft. by 10 ft. pontoon boat able to handle 20 passengers plus a captain and Interpretive Guide. It took them two years to raise the money and succeeded because of the generosity of some significant donors who believed in what they were trying to accomplish. The tour boat has proven to be every bit as popular as the Friends had hoped.

Click to enlarge They donated the boat to the State of Virginia for use at SML State Park and the park staff makes sure it is well maintained. The Friends provide for the operation of the boat. Bernie Tipton, who manages boat operations said they have 70 Personal Floatation Devises (PFD) of various sizes on hand to accommodate all riders, which is required during boat operation. He said, "We have seven very capable Captains. Three are members of the U. S. Power Squadron." He said the Friends provide Interpretive Guides for about half the boat trips. SML State Park Nature Interpreter, Jet Lawler, said that there have been 372 participants through August. In addition, there have been seven Environmental Education tours with school groups totaling 118 participants. Specialty tours for Mother's Day, Father's Day and Full Moon tours totaled 83 participants.

One specialty tour was for the Virginia Society of Ornithologists who flocked to Roanoke for their annual statewide convention. The scheduled field trips included a birding excursion to SML State Park with a ride on the tour boat. Dick Hendrix, a member of the Friends and Ornithologists, hosted the visit. He said, "While waiting for the prelaunch briefing, they saw a green heron fly into a wading area near the dock, and the birding only got better. They saw great blue herons, two ospreys on the park nest, Canada geese, mallards, purple martins, a hooded grebe, cliff swallows, and numerous swallows and song birds." Friends member, Doreen Widney, who was also on board, said a loon put on quite a show 15 feet from the boat. He disappeared under water for a long time then popped out with a fish.

Click to enlarge Tipton said the tour boat will operate through September which includes one moonlight cruise. He said they would like to have a program to pick up passengers at the Franklin County Park and bring them back to programs at the State Park. What they currently need to make this happen, is a docking station behind the new Visitor Center, which is only � mile wooded trail hike away. Also, the tour boat is designed to accommodate two wheel chairs and they need to modify the current ramp leading to the tour boat to accommodate wheel chairs. When that is completed they can move forward with the plan to bring more wounded veterans on board. More information can be obtained from the Friends website at www.smlspfriends.com.

Click Here for a location map of Smith Mountain Lake State Park.

A Home for Wilson
Mallory Sullivan, as Guest Blogger

It's Wilson, Grayson Highlands State Park's newest friend and second turtle in residence. Wilson arrived at Grayson Highlands State Park in May of 2016 and was greeted with a wonderful welcome from park visitors. Despite a festive and warm homecoming, Wilson's story didn't start out so bright.

Read all about Wilson's new home by Clicking Here.

Click Here for a location map of Grayson Highlands State Park

The Number One Reason
to go to a Virginia State Park
Shellie Anne

Our trip was hit and miss with rain most every day, somedays seemingly all day and night. Thursday, with one day remaining we were losing light after another afternoon drizzle, so decided to go down to the lake for a final paddle.

Folks were out just like us, some were casting a line, walking the lakeside trail, throwing a ball. After we got out on the little Douthat Lake we foraged along the water's edge for wild blueberries and blackberries when we spotted a majestic bald eagle soaring high above the tree tops where he eventually perched on a snag.

Click Here to read complete blog. There are a lot of wonderful photos.

Festivals, National and Special Events
At times it may become necessary to cancel or change the date or time of an event.  If you are planning to visit us based on a specific event you may want to call ahead to verify that there have been no changes.

Bear Creek Lake State Park   Located at 22 Bear Creek Lake Road Cumberland VA 23040
09/10/2016    Remembrance Day      Bear Creek Lake State Park will join all other Virginia State Parks and the people of our nation in commemorating the events of September 11, 2001 with a Day of Service. It is a day not only to honor those who have given all for their country, but a chance to give back and honor them with a day of volunteer service at a state park, or other special place. This year we invite you to join us in caring for our landscaped areas and flower beds. Maintaining the beauties of the flowers is an act of tribute. In every bloom is the smile of a loved one.  We will begin at 1:00 p.m. Tools and materials will be provided. You will need to bring water and work gloves if you desire.  To let us know of your intention to participate, please contact the park by phone or email bcinterpreter@dcr.virginia.gov    Location - Various locations in the park    Phone - (804) 492-4410

09/11/2016    Friends of Bear Creek Lake   2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   The Friends of Bear Creek Lake State Park hold regularly scheduled meetings and activities and hope that you will be able to join them. The Park is so grateful for the help and support that the Friends Group provides, and encourages all who regularly visit the Park to attend. Meetings are typically held the second Sunday of each month. The September meeting will be a guided canoe tour, led by park staff. October will be a regular business meeting where great ways to enhance the park will be discussed. Please call the office for information on any changes to the schedule, or to be put on the FOBCL mailing list. Hope to see you there! Most of the regular meetings are held at Bear Creek Hall, but please check with the park office for meeting location.  Come be a Friend and make new friends! You can contact the Friends by email at  friendsofbearcreeklake@gmail.com     Location - Bear Creek Hall    Phone - (804) 492-4410

Belle Isle State Park   Located at 1632 Belle Isle Road Lancaster VA 22503
09/12/2016    Friends of Belle Isle Meeting   5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.   You are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Friends of Belle Isle State Park. Meetings are a great way to meet fellow Friends members and get involved in the activities that the group supports.     The Friends of Belle Isle is a non-profit organization which works to support the park through advocacy, volunteerism, community relations, event/program sponsorship, and fundraising. The group also sponsors the yearly Easter Egg Hunt, Music by the River concert series, and 5K run/walk and Pancake Breakfast.     The group meets on the first Monday of the month. For more information, please check out the Friends of Belle Isle Website: http://www.friendsofbelleislestateparkva.org/home.html      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (434) 392-3435

09/17/2016    Virginia State Parks History and Culture: Oysters!   11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Celebrate the History and Culture of the Northern Neck with Belle Isle State Park!    11 a.m. -Tending the (Oyster) Garden - Boat Launch   Learn all about the life of an oyster: what they eat, how they grow, and if they have friends and enemies. We will also discuss their importance to the ecosystem of the bay and river. Guests will have the opportunity to get a hands-on, up-close look at oysters and the other critters that call an oyster garden home.      1:30 p.m. - Paddle Program: Oyster Wars - Camp Store  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. No, wait. That isn't right! The oyster wars took place right here in the Chesapeake Bay, and changed oyster harvesting forever. Enjoy an afternoon canoe paddle as we discover the history behind this humble bi-valve and the people who made their living on it.   $5/person. Children should be at least 8 years old. Life jackets, paddles, and canoes are provided. Space is limited, pre-registration is required. Please call the park office at (804) 462-5030 or stop by the Camp Store.        Location - Boat Launch/Campstore    Phone - (804) 462-5030

Caledon State Park   Located at 11617 Caledon Road King George VA 22485
09/10/2016    Youth Outdoors Day   10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Test your outdoor skills and try out different activities including archery, geocaching, turkey calling, photography and marksmanship. Other activities include hayrides, K-9 demonstrations and more. Check out skills demonstrations and more from the Patawomeck tribe of VA. The event is sponsored by the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Deer Hunters Association, King George Parks & Recreation and Virginia State Parks. This event is for children 6 to 16. Call Caledon (540)663-3861 for more information and to register.    Location - Front field near the picnic shelter    Phone - (540) 663-3861

09/11/2016    Seurat Sunday- Artists in the Park   10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   The Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts presents "Seurat Sunday," an event for artists and art patrons. Featuring creative fun for all ages, everyone is invited to participate, to paint, draw, photograph, and model or perform in the park. Special musical performances will take place throughout the day, and visitors will be provided transportation to the many scenic trails in the park. Activities will conclude with a viewing of the day's creations and a light refreshment reception in the Visitors Center.     This is also the National Day of Service and Remembrance. Please bring a canned food item to donate and help Caledon and the Salvation Army collect canned food for a local food bank.     Pre-registration is requested by Sept 10. For more information or to pre-register, call (540) 663-3861 or visit http://www.fccava.org . *Parking fee of $4/vehicle for spectators/non-artists.    Location - Visitor Center Lawn Area    Phone - (540) 663-3861

Chippokes Plantation State Park   Located at 695 Chippokes Park Road Surry VA 23883
09/10/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance-Last Summer Beach Browse   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.   The National Day of Service and Remembrance wants people to celebrate the things that make this country truly spectacular by getting out to parks. Savor the last days of summer and chip in at Chippokes to help clean up our beaches. Enjoy the beautiful views of the James River while keeping the river healthy at the same time. A park interpreter will provide trash bags and gloves. It is recommended that participants wear comfortable shoes and bring water.     Location - Meet in front of the Visitor Center.     Phone - (757) 294-3439

Claytor Lake State Park   Located at 6620 Ben H. Bolen Drive Dublin VA 24084
09/01/2016 - 10/31/2016    Stewardship Virginia Fall   8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Fall is here! After another successful and busy season there is much work at hand. There are projects to complete, things to clean, and services to be done as we get ready for winter. Contact us to volunteer to lend a helpful hand. Participants will receive a certificate from the Governor in recognition of volunteer service. Contact the Park Office at 540-643-2500 or email the park at ClaytorLake@dcr.virginia.gov to schedule a time to volunteer.     Location - Park Office: Howe House    Phone - (434) 572-4623

09/11/2016    National Day of Service/National Public Lands Day   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Keep alive the spirit of unity and compassion to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11 and help us enhance and conserve Claytor Lake State Park by volunteering to help clean up trash/litter around the park. Bring gloves and wear comfortable shoes.        Location - Beach Parking Lot    Phone - (540) 643-2500

09/17/2016    Virginia State Parks History and Culture - Claytor Lake History Tour   11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Join a park interpreter to learn how our beautiful lake came to be, the story behind the Howe House and the Christian Chimney, and the fascinating history of the lake's past inhabitants.    Location - Park Office: Howe House    Phone - (540) 643-2500

Douthat State Park   Located at 14239 Douthat State Park Road Millboro VA 24460
09/16/2016 - 09/18/2016    Campsite Cook Off   8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.   Be a part of our weekend long inaugural Campsite Cook-off at Douthat State Park. This is no ordinary cook-off and it will put our creativity to the test. What makes this such a unique event? The meat for the cook-off will be provided by the park but participants will not know the type of meat until it is time to cook. Cooks must supply their own secret seasonings to make their dish a standout.  Each night, Friday and Saturday, teams will be given the meat to prepare overnight; tastings will follow the next day. Live music will be available throughout the weekend for both participants and spectators to enjoy.  There is limited space so teams must pre-register.  There is a $120 registration fee which includes the meat and two nights of camping in the Whispering Pines Campground.  Registration opens March 1, 2016. To register or for the rules and regulations, please call the park at 540-862-8114.    Location - Whispering Pines Campground    Phone - (540) 862-8100

False Cape State Park   Located at 4001 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach VA 23456
09/17/2016    International Coastal Cleanup & Stewardship Virginia   9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.   International Coastal Cleanup is the largest and most successful volunteer event of its kind. Since 1986 thousands of volunteers from around the globe have cleared over 100 million pounds of trash from 170,000 miles of shorelines, rivers, lakes, and wetlands!  On Saturday, September 17th, hundreds of thousands of people will descend on beaches, lakes, and streams all over the world to remove trash and debris on land and under the water. Volunteers of all ages from every continent will form the largest one-day volunteer event on behalf of clean oceans and waterways.    Reservations are required, space is limited. For more information and to make your reservation call 757-426-7128  FREE    Location - Meet at Back Bay National Wildilfe Refuge for transport into False Cape    Phone - (434) 572-4623

Grayson Highlands State Park   Located at 829 Grayson Highlands Lane Mouth Of Wilson VA 24363
09/09/2016    Blue Ridge Relay   5:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   The 208 mile long Blue Ridge Relay is one of the longest running relay races in the United States. Beginning in Grayson Highlands State Park, the race takes place in the picturesque Blue Ridge and Black Mountains of Virginia and North Carolina. The BRR208 consists 156 teams of 4 to 12 members that rotate as they cover the 208 miles to the finish in Asheville, North Carolina. To register, or for more information about the race, please visit The Blue Ridge Relay homepage at http://www.blueridgerelay.com      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (336) 877-8888

09/17/2016    Stewardship Fall: Milkweed and Monarchs   11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   The monarch butterfly needs our help! The number of monarch butterflies has decreased by 90% over the last 25 years. In addition, the monarch caterpillar's only food source, milkweed, is also down by 90%.     Lend a helping hand to create more monarch butterfly habitat for these precious pollinators. We will be planting milkweed seeds in Haw Flats field so that they will sprout in the spring.    All volunteers will receive a signed certificate from Governor McAuliffe. The Stewardship Virginia is a statewide bi-annual event to recognize volunteers that are working hard to preserve Virginia's resources. Meet at the park office. We will be walking less than one mile on moderate terrain. Be prepared to get your hands a little dirty.     For more information on Stewardship Virginia and Save the Monarch, please visit:  http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/environmental-education/stewardship        Location - Park Office    Phone - (434) 572-4623

High Bridge Trail State Park   For access points along the trail, please click Park Link on the left
09/11/2016    National Day of Service & Fall Stewardship Virginia - Bird Survey and Site Cleanup   2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.   In a partnership program with High Bridge Trail, the Margaret Watson Bird Club will have volunteers available for a birding adventure on High Bridge Trail. Help our local bird club conduct an informal bird survey of wild birds on our park property. Dress for the weather, wear good walking shoes, and carry water. The out and back walk will cover two miles for those who wish to walk, but transportation will also be provided from the Charleys parking lot.  We recommend bringing binoculars, but the park has some that will be available. We welcome all visitors to this program which will be enjoyable and informative at all knowledge and experience levels. Following the bird survey, a cleanup will be held on the site. For more information, contact the High Bridge Trail State Park office at 434-315-0457.    Location - Rochelle Tract along High Bridge Trail    Phone - (434) 315-0457

Holliday Lake State Park   Located at 2759 State Park Road Appomattox VA 24522
09/01/2016 - 10/31/2016    Stewardship Virginia - Fall      This statewide volunteer opportunity, held twice a year in the spring and fall, gives you the chance to leave a positive mark on our public lands. All participants will receive a certificate signed by the Governor of Virginia as a token of our appreciation.    National Public Lands Day: Lake Cleanup (Saturday, September 24, 2:00 p.m.) - Clean water is a vital part of Virginia's complex ecosystem. Come help us pick up litter around the lake in canoes while learning about the importance of a healthy habitat. See other listing for more information about this program.    Please contact the Park Office by phone or email if you have a group that would like to perform a Stewardship Virginia project sometime in September or October.      Location - Beach Area    Phone - (434) 572-4623

Hungry Mother State Park   Located at 2854 Park Boulevard Marion VA 24354
09/01/2016 - 09/30/2016    Stewardship Virginia Fall   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Fall has finally arrived and we have lots of volunteer opportunities at Hungry Mother State Park. Get a group together and contact the park at 781-7415 to schedule a project geared to the interests of your group. A few of the projects we have available are picking up sticks and raking leaves out of the campgrounds, performing trail maintenance; raking and removing debris off of your favorite trails, picking up trash in the lake by canoeing, and picking up trash throughout the park.         Location - Discovery Center    Phone - (434) 572-4623

09/10/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance - Lighting of the Lake   6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.   Join us at Hungry Mother for this tribute event for National Day of Service and Remembrance, where we would like to honor 9/11 victims and Veterans, and strengthen our community.   Everyone from the surrounding community is invited to participate in a special ceremony beginning with decorating floating lanterns. You can purchase a lantern with a donation of your choice. All proceeds will go to the Friends of Hungry Mother and VFW Post 4667. You are welcome to bring photos or other memorabilia to decorate your personal lantern, to help commemorate loved ones. Craft supplies will be provided. Lanterns will be released along with a moment of silence. Any question regarding this event, please contact the park at 276-781-7415.     Location - The Beach    Phone - (276) 781-7400

09/17/2016    Virginia State Parks History and Culture   11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  New Time   The iconic culture of Southwest Virginia is still alive and well amongst several regions, Hungry Mother State Park being one of them. Spend the day at the park and discover what a strong influence the history and culture has had on this area.     11:00 a.m.: Drawing From Nature. Often times, the best way to connect with nature is through journaling. Join the interpreter and discover some journaling tips as you make your own journal. Afterwards, we'll take a short hike. Meet at Camp Burson's Amphitheater. FREE.       1:00 p.m.: CCC Historical Walk. You have a shovel and a field, what do you do?  You clear the way to create a lake. In 1936, the Civilian Conservation Corp members did just that at what is now Hungry Mother State Park.  Many of the original CCC structures are still in use today. Which ones you ask? Join an Interpreter as they walk you through history. Meet at Parking Lot 6. FREE        3:00 p.m.: Games of the Past. Join the Interpreters and play a few Native American Games, getting a glimpse into the Cherokee culture and history. Meet at the Boat Ramp area off Mitchell Valley Road. FREE        Location - Various locations throughout the park    Phone - (276) 781-7400

James River State Park   Located at 104 Green Hill Drive Gladstone VA 24553
09/10/2016    National Day of Service/National Public Lands and Stewardship Virginia River Cleanup   8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Commemorate the events of September 11, 2001 by volunteering your time to help keep the James River clean for future generations.  We are also working with the Stewardship Virginia project and National Public Lands Day to keep our waterways free of trash. As always, we will be teaming up with the James River Advisory Council, as we couldn't do this event without them. The stretch of river we will be focusing on is the portion between Bent Creek and the park, about six miles.  Pre-registration will be required. All equipment, lunch, and snacks will be provided to all volunteers. Closed toed shoes will be required, and make sure to wear comfortable clothing. Sorry, no children under 8 will be able to participate.  We will meet at the James River State Park Canoe Livery and shuttle to Bent Creek together promptly at 9 a.m.     Location - Canoe Livery    Phone -

Kiptopeke State Park   Located at 3540 Kiptopeke Drive Cape Charles VA 23310
09/11/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance - Kiptopeke Trail Project   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Help Park Staff with fall maintenance on the trails and throughout the park. Work gloves, trash bags, and tools will be provided.     Location - Meet at Shelter #1    Phone - (757) 331-2267

09/17/2016    Virginia State Parks Historical and Culture Program - Meet the McCloskeys   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Do you enjoy Kayaking? Would you like to learn about the history of Kiptopeke State Park? Join us as we paddle out to the concrete ships for a historical lesson from a different perspective. $9 per person. Space is limited to 10 kayaks. Remember to bring water and sun screen.    Location - Waterfront Shed across from the Boat Ramp    Phone - (757) 331-2267

Lake Anna State Park   Located at 6800 Lawyers Road Spotsylvania VA 22551
09/10/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance/Stewardship Virginia - Cove Clean-Up by Canoe   9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.   Looking for a meaningful way to commemorate the events of 9/11? Join us as we take part in a National Day of Service. Pre-register now to enjoy a canoe trip while helping to clean up our shore lines.     This is a Fall Stewardship Virginia event. This program is a perfect fit for Scout Troops looking for a required Service Project.  Certificates will be awarded to those who pre-register.   Stewardship Virginia is a statewide initiative held bi-annually to provide citizens with opportunities to help with projects that enhance and conserve Virginia's natural and cultural resources.    Space is limited and those pre-registered will enjoy a free lunch after the clean-up.   Bring sunscreen, bug repellent & plenty of water. PFD's (life vests), canoes, paddles, gloves & trash bags will be provided for the event - NO flip flops - Participants 13 yrs & under must be accompanied by an adult.   Pre-registration ENDS Friday, September 2, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Registration forms are available at the Visitor Center Or by calling 540-854-6245 or e-mailing Lauri.Schular@dcr.virginia.gov    Find additional information by following this link: http://tinyurl.com/Stewardship-Virginia       Location - Picnic Area B Parking Lot    Phone - (540) 854-5503

09/17/2016    Wine by the Lake   11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.   Join us for wine tasting on the shores of beautiful Lake Anna. The festival showcases Virginia wineries, great local food and vendors, and music. While there, visit the Ranger Table to learn about nature, make a fire with flint and steel, pet a skunk and see live reptiles. General admission covers access to the festival, a free sample wine glass, live music and access to food vendors. Early bird admission through Aug. 15 is $20 (includes parking); Pre-sale general admission between Aug. 16 and Sept. 18 is $25 (includes parking); At the gate general admission on Sept. 19 is $25 (does not include parking). Group discounts are available. For more information, visit http://winebythelake.com.     Location - Lake Front    Phone - (540) 854-5503

Mason Neck State Park   Located at 7301 High Point Road Lorton VA 22079
09/10/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance/Stewardship Virginia :Shoreline Cleanup   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Come assist park rangers in cleaning up the shoreline of the Belmont Bay, providing restoration of the natural habitat by ridding the shore of discarded trash and debris!  Your volunteer efforts for Stewardship Virginia and this National Day of Service will be much appreciated by not only our park staff, but even more so by the animals, birds, plants, and fish that call MNSP their home!  Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes.  We will provide gloves and trash bags.  We do look forward to meeting you and having you help us succeed in continuing to protect our park environment!    Location - Front of MNSP Visitor Center    Phone - (703) 339-2385

New River Trail State Park   Located at 176 Orphanage DR Max Meadows VA 24360
09/10/2016    Stewardship Virginia   10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Bring a bike and help with some fun spring cleaning! We will start at the Dora Junction Planter box removing any weeds and then depart on bikes for a fun paced ride of around 5 miles cleaning up any litter we find along the trail.  For more information call (276)699-6778      Location - Dora Junction     Phone - (434) 572-4623

09/15/2016    Train Tour Foster Falls to Cliffview   8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.   All aboard Foster Falls Express!   All aboard was a common phrase that echoed here, prior to 1955, as trains traveled along what's now New River Trail State Park. Once again this opportunity will be made possible, experience the beauty, serenity and wonderment that New River Trail has to offer. We will be offering guided train rides from Foster Falls to Cliffview ranger station, this is an all day event so please be prepared for all weather conditions, please bring sun screen, bug repellent, and plenty of water.  A box lunch and brochures will be provided; space is limited so preregistration is required for this event. Fee: $25.00 per person or $20.00 per person for groups of 4 or more must be paid upon reservation. No pets are allowed, service animals are permitted. For registration or more information on this event please call the park office at (276)699-6778.    Location - Foster Falls Depot    Phone - (276) 699-6778

09/17/2016    The New River Trail Challenge   8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.   This yearly race attracts athletes ranging from hardcore solo competitors to "bucket-listers." The race, which features a 40-mile bike ride, 12-mile kayak ride and 13.1-mile half marathon, allows individuals and teams. Registration is on Friday, Sept. 16, 4-8 p.m., and on race day Saturday, Sept. 17 from 6 to 7:30 a.m. The race takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Food and local craft beer will be available for purchase during and after the race for spectators and participants. See http://tinyurl.com/nv4rcsp for the rules and http://tinyurl.com/p5zrvko for more detail, including fees.    Location - The New River Trail State Park    Phone - (276) 699-6778

Occoneechee State Park   Located at 1192 Occoneechee Park Road Clarksville VA 23927
09/18/2016    Virginia State Parks History and Culture   8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Celebrate Occoneechee State Park's history by enjoying any of the programs being offered today about the park's history. Learn about the Occoneechee Indians that once called this area home, or walk where the old plantation stood in the Terrace Gardens area, or maybe create some history of your own hiking some of our miles of trail system. The choice is yours.    Hiking Trails - Park wide  Self-Guided Nature Trail - Tutelo Birding Trail Head  Old Plantation Self-Guided Interpretive Trail - Terrace Garden Parking area  Museum Self Tour - Visitor Center      Location - Parkwide    Phone - (434) 374-2210

Pocahontas State Park   Located at 10301 State Park Road Chesterfield VA 23832
09/10/2016    Pocahontas Premieres: Richmond Symphony   6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.   Bring a blanket, share a picnic dinner and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Richmond Symphony with friends and family.  This event is sponsored by Chesterfiled County Park and Recreation.       Gates open at 5 p.m. Concert is free to the public and does not require a ticket. A $5.00 parking fee applies. Picnic food allowed.  Refreshments and light snacks available for purchase.   No pets or coolers permitted.        Location - Heritage Amphitheater    Phone - (804) 796-4255

09/17/2016    Pocahontas Premieres: Zoso the ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience   7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.   The band recreates the music, magic and mystery of a Zeppelin concert. If you missed Led Zeppelin live in the 70s or are looking for a chance to relive the Hammer of the Gods phenomenon, don't miss this show. To learn more visit http://www.zosoontour.com      Gates open at 6 p.m. Advanced tickets $12.00, day of show $15.00. A $5.00 parking fee applies. 10 and under free. Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.ticketstobuy.com  or at the park's office. Food and adult beverages available for purchase. Please bring proper ID. No pets or coolers permitted       Location - Heritage Amphitheater    Phone - (804) 796-4255

Powhatan State Park   Located at 4616 Powhatan State Park Road Powhatan VA 23239
09/17/2016 - 09/18/2016    Virginia State Parks History and Culture      The public is invited to join us as we celebrate the history and culture Powhatan State Park.     Sassa-What?  September 17  4-5:30 p.m.Learn the Native American Legend of Sassafras and go on an adventure in search of Sassafras within the park. Participants will meet at the main office. Program is free, but parking fees apply.    Dugout Canoe  September 18  10 a.m.-Noon  Join our interpretive rangers as we explore the Monacan Indian approach of dugout canoe building. Participants will enjoy a hands-on experience learning to use fire and simple tools to create a functional canoe from a locally sourced tree. Participants will meet by the canoe/kayak launch. Program is free, but parking fees apply.      Location - See Descriptions    Phone - (804) 598-7148

Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park   Located at 6541 Saylers Creek Road Rice VA 23966
09/10/2016    Stewardship Virginia/National Day of Service & Remembrance/National Public Lands Day   10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   You and your family are cordially invited to participate in a very special event that honors the lives lost on 9/11 with the planting of patriotic-themed flowers; listening to a guest speaker commemorate the shared anniversaries of Virginia State Parks (80th Birthday) and the National Park Service (100th Birthday); and observing Stewardship in Virginia by planting a tree as part of the Battlefield's re-forestation project.  Volunteers wishing to assist park staff with the planting of flowers and tree will be provided with gloves and hand tools.  This event is weather dependent and will not be re-scheduled.      Location - Battlefield Visitor Center    Phone - (804) 561-7510

Smith Mountain Lake State Park   Located at 1235 State Park Road Huddleston VA 24104
09/17/2016    Jim Cameron Memorial Walk   9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.   Celebrate a life that always gave back to his community by signing up to walk in the fifth annual Jim Cameron Memorial Walk.     The Jim Cameron Memorial Walk benefits Lake Christian Ministries (LCM) and will take place  rain or shine.    Jim Cameron was the driving force behind LCM during his nine plus years of service as Executive Director. The 5K and 10K Walk routes will honor Mr. Cameron's life and his exemplary service to LCM.      Walkers, runners, individuals and teams are welcome and friendly competition among teams is invited and encouraged.  All proceeds from the Walk will remain in the Smith Mountain Lake Area to help our neighbors in need.    Registration will begin at 9:15 a.m. and the 5K or 10K Walks will start at 10 a.m.      Lunch will follow the Walk, with service beginning at 11 a.m.  Plan to stay and enjoy food, fun and fellowship with your team members and friends.    You can walk 5K or 10K.  For more information about the walk, contact Bart Matthies at (540) 912-9141 or visit http://www.lakechristianministries.org.         Location - Beach Pavilion    Phone - (540) 297-6066

Twin Lakes State Park   Located at 788 Twin Lakes Road Green Bay VA 23942
09/10/2016    National Day of Service & Remembrance/Stewardship Virginia/National Public Lands Day   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Located in the heart of Virginia at a regional and historic crossroads, Twin Lakes State Park is common ground and a gathering place to discover nature, connect with the past, and explore the meaning of freedom. This year in recognition of the National Day of Service and Remembrance, we invite you to come together with us to volunteer time at the park to help make it a better place. There will be opportunities to help us clean up trash, to perform trail maintenance, work on our gardens, and to give back to the community. By volunteering you help us to preserve nature, and the history of the park for future generations to enjoy.    As this is also a Stewardship Virginia Event, all those who participate will receive a certificate signed by Governor Terry McAuliffe.     Also don't forget to attend the beautiful Lighting on the Lake event held at the park later in the evening. Click here for more details http://bit.ly/2bncoXn      Location - Concession Stand    Phone - (434) 392-3435

09/10/2016    Lighting of the Lake   6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  New Time   The annual Lighting of the Lake at Twin Lakes State Park is an event like no other. Join us for this solemn event that celebrates the lives of those we have lost.     At 6 p.m. The Friends of Twin Lakes will have paper lanterns available for guests to decorate and release on the lake at the end of the evening. The Lanterns will be available for a donation.     From 7:00 Enjoy a live performance by the Heart of Virginia Community Band    At 7:30 p.m. Local Boy Scout Troop 6596 will perform a flag ceremony followed by special guest speaker Lt. Tyler Adkinson from the Farmville Volunteer Fire Department. After the speech there will be a moment of silence.      At 8:00 p.m. Those who have decorated a lantern will be invited to light the candle set it loose in Goodwin Lake.    The sight of the hundreds of lanterns floating and glowing on the lake is sight to see. The beauty of the sunset and the glow of the lanterns creates a moving experience.      Location - the ''Spot'' Concession Stand    Phone - (434) 392-3435

Westmoreland State Park   Located at 145 Cliff Road Montross VA 22520
09/11/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance    10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Please join us at 10 a.m. for a flag raising ceremony. This ceremony is in remembrance of our loved ones on September 11, 2001.     At 1 p.m. show your service by helping us clean Rock Springs Pond Trail and Laurel Point Trail. We'll provide the trash bags but be sure to bring gloves.    Location - Visitor Center     Phone - (804) 493-8821

09/17/2016    Music on the Cliffs Presents: Kevin Quinn and Friends   6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.   Westmoreland State Park welcomes Kevin Quinn and Friends, as they entertain you with some sizzling jazz and soulful blues. If your love to hear a saxophone, you are in for a treat. Grab a blanket, pack a picnic and bring the family out and enjoy the end of summer from high atop the cliffs over looking the Potomac River.  Coolers are welcome but no alcohol please. The event is free. Parking fees apply.    The Music on the Cliffs concert series is made possible by sponsorship from the Friends of Westmoreland.        Location - On the cliffs behind the Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 412-2300

Wilderness Road State Park   Located at 8051 Wilderness Road Ewing VA 24248
09/16/2016    Candlelight Ghost Tour and Haunted Dinner   8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.   You are invited to tour the hallowed grounds of Wilderness Road State Park. Visitors will experience a candlelit tour with chilling ghost stories based on actual historical events. Retrace the steps of lost souls on the Wilderness Road, visit Uncle Jack's barn and feel the hair on your neck raise in anticipation as you enter the Karlan Mansion for a haunted dinner experience you won't forget. Advanced tickets are required. Tickets are $10 per person.    Location - Wilderness Road Trail and Karlan Mansion    Phone - (276) 445-3065

09/17/2016    Candlelight Ghost Tour and Haunted Dinner   8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.   You are invited to tour the hallowed grounds of Wilderness Road State Park. Visitors will experience a candlelit tour with chilling ghost stories based on actual historical events. Retrace the steps of lost souls on the Wilderness Road, visit Uncle Jack's barn and feel the hair on your neck raise in anticipation as you enter the Karlan Mansion for a haunted dinner experience you won't forget. Advanced tickets are required. Tickets are $10 per person.    Location - Wilderness Road Trail and Karlan Mansion    Phone - (276) 445-3065

York River State Park   Located at 9801 York River Park Road Williamsburg VA 23188
09/10/2016    National Day of Service and Remembrance & National Public Lands Day   10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Remember the significance of this day by beautifying our place in this great nation. Staff and volunteers will clean trash from and make improvements to the Powhatan Forks Trail. Meet our volunteer coordinator and discover more ways to lend a helping hand.      Location - Visitor's Center    Phone - (757) 566-3036

All Other Events
At times it may become necessary to cancel or change the date or time of an event.  If you are planning to visit us based on a specific event you may want to call ahead to verify that there have been no changes.

Due to the large number of events in this edition we are not able to list them all.
You can link to a list of events from 09/08/2016 To 09/18/2016 by clicking on your favorite park.

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