DCR Virginia State Parks  
Weekly NewsletterJanuary 21, 2016

Virginia State Parks Photo Gallery
Fairy Stone State Park
16 lb Channel Cat

In This Issue

We Are Here

Tom Kneipp, Park Ranger, Bear Creek Lake State Park

Ask most anybody about who presents programs at a park and they will most likely describe a National Park Service Park Ranger. They'll do that because those dedicated individuals have been an icon of national parks since 1916. As Virginia State Parks celebrate our 80th year, look a little closer at what has made Virginia State Parks among the best in the nation.

In 2015, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Office of Environmental Education recognized Hungry Mother and First Landing State Parks as Centers for Environmental Education Excellence. "My staff and I are proud and honored to continue the legacy that many Rangers and Interpreters have left before us" said Hungry Mother Chief Ranger of Visitor Experience Tanya Hall. "To be able to make a difference in so many young lives by offering engaging and enlightening programming, is humbling to my interpreters and me."

Hungry Mother and First Landing are on opposite sides of Virginia but share a dedication to bringing awareness of our state's environmental and cultural history not only to youth, but to anybody from anywhere. That dedication is shared by all Virginia State Parks, from our mountains to our Atlantic coast.

Pocahontas State Park dates back to the 1930s but was not one of the original six state parks that opened in 1936. It was a federal Recreation Demonstration Area, and shares a history with Bear Creek Lake, Twin Lakes, and Holliday Lake State Parks. Included among Pocahontas' outdoor recreation opportunities was a strong educational component. In the 1940s, Virginia became the first state in the southeast to offer environmental and historical interpretive programs. This was done not as an afterthought or as forward thinking, but as part of public lands purpose to bring awareness of the outdoors to all people, rich or poor, knowledgeable or seeking, of all that is Virginia's essence.

Presentations are not always about some guy with a possum in a bucket, or a lady with a snake, or the smell of gunpowder during a demonstration of historical survival. Park programs try to explain who we are and where we are now. Park Interpreters are not necessarily multilingual. They express the words that lead to understanding that none of us are alone in our environmental history.

How do they do that? Professionally. Recently some park staff attended the annual conference of the National Association of Interpretation (NAI), whose members represent nearly any public lands or historical sites organization or agency you might imagine. It is international in stature. Pocahontas Chief Ranger of Visitor Experience Rebecca Whalen says of the conference: "Attending the NAI conference was like a breath of fresh air. Not only was the workshop thought provoking, but meeting so many like-minded people was exhilarating. Seeing how different programs, both environmental and historical, have been implemented in parks, museums, and nature centers across the nation has inspired and encouraged me to bring programs at Virginia State Parks to a whole new level."

The NAI also oversees certification of Interpretive Guides, Trainers, Planners and a whole host of other levels of expertise. Interpretive Guide training was held at Bear Creek Lake State Park in December to allow park staff the opportunity to be recognized as professionals on a national level. The course was led by Visitor Experience Section staff Christen Miller and Sammy

Zambon, both Certified Interpretive Trainers. "Just like a good interpretive program, the CIG training was fun, professional, and purposeful. I feel as though this training assisted me in becoming a better interpreter and reaffirmed why I do what I do", said Christine Rajagopal, Education Specialist at Bear Creek Lake.

Also in December, a four person team of park staff attended the Southeastern States Parks Programs Seminar to gain insight into what other regional parks systems offer. This annual seminar is attended regularly by park interpretive and educational staff from a 15 state region in the southeast United States. It provides staff the tools to improve the quality and value of their profession, and bring back enhanced educational and recreational opportunities from our neighbors into our own backyards. Visitor Experienced Specialist Patrick McFall expressed that "being able to network with folks who share the same passions, I find invaluable." This seminar has been held since 1977, with the location rotated among participating states. In December 2016, Virginia State Parks will host the seminar for the first time.

Christen Miller, Visitor Experience Director for Virginia State Parks provided this overview: "The role the interpreter plays in our state park system is a vital one. In whatever media they use -guided programs or interpretive exhibits - they reveal the deeper meanings that are inherent in our sites, facilitate opportunities to look beyond what's on the surface and discover what lies beneath, guide adventures and experiences that can teach new skills, and take you to places you never thought you'd be able to go. This creates memories that last a lifetime, and can lead our guests towards an appreciation and understanding of our resources that go beyond the tangible and encourage a love and desire to protect and advocate for our precious natural, cultural, and historic resources. Advanced training opportunities, networking with other state and National park personnel, and study and research all help our interpreters do their jobs better, which means richer and more rewarding experiences for our guests."

Each Virginia State Park is unique, and each has its own sense of place, of who we are and what we offer. What we offer can add personal value to a quiet overnight visit, or a day of discovery. Exploration is often enhanced by explanation. That's what our parks provide. Knock on the door. We are here.

Who Was Here Before Me?

Sue Leon, Travel Writer, Myrtle Beach, SC

Click to Enlarge It never ceases to amaze me the number of times we trek across the land without really looking at what is on the ground we are about to step on. Having always been concerned about where my foot is about to go, I generally always look down, if nothing else just to be sure there isn't a snake in my path. This goes for any hike, not just those in Virginia State Parks.

Always bringing a camera with us on any hike or outing, I'll take a shot if I see a visible track if I see it. I've discovered that one of the best areas to look is any beach area or trails, especially after a heavy dew or some rain. This makes finding a track much easier because its integrity holds shape longer from the dampness as opposed to a dusty or dry area. Tracks are still visible in dry times, but sometimes can escape your view.

Click to Enlarge This past fall, we were at Westmoreland State Park, a great spot for viewing tracks of not only four legged creatures but also the two legged also. On a hike down "Fossil Beach Trail" there were so many tracks you couldn't distinguish one from the other. Well, most of them were human tracks....barefoot, tennis shoes, hiking shoes, big ones, little ones, but also their human companions, dogs. We did come across a random deer track, which surprisingly missed being blended back into the sand of the trail. It was fun looking at all the different imprints that those traveling to Fossil Beach had left before we arrived.

More recently, we had traveled to Fairy Stone State Park. There is a great beach area that is heavily used during summer months by families and park goers looking to cool off in the water and escape the summer heat. We just missed seeing a huge flock of Canadian geese trod across the beach on their way to the water to swim. Their tracks would have been hard to miss there were so many. There were prints from a dog walking and those of a deer who obviously was running because of the way the track lay in the sand.

Click to Enlarge So, while most of the tracks we've discovered aren't anything out of the ordinary, it is still fun to look and talk about what you are seeing. We've used this as a great opportunity with our grandchildren to help them learn about wildlife. We have talked about why the animal may have been in the area....was it looking for water to drink or just passing through? Brainstorming is a great tool to help with children learning....not just telling them what you think and moving on. It also encourages them to be on the lookout for more tracks on their own. Just a little knowledge helps stimulate their wanting to discover and be a base to draw from on future outings.

We have seen plenty of other wildlife over the years....lots of black bears (always best appreciated from a very safe distance), bobcat and other creatures. While there will be wildlife we will never see tracks from, just being observant of your surroundings for signs something was there before you is always good, especially if you are doing something long distance or away from your campsite or vehicle for a long period of time.

Click to Enlarge There are wonderful resources available that will certainly enhance your next visit to the great world of the outdoors. What better place to go explore and discover as an individual or with your family than any of the great Virginia State Parks. So, keep hiking and keep watching. Who knows, you could come across a track of an animal rarely seen.

Editor's Note: Our parks offer many programs dealing with "Tracks and Scat". Use This Link to find where and when you might attend some.

Click Here for a location map of Westmoreland State Park.

Click Here for a location map of Fairy Stone State Park.

10 Reasons to Fall in Love with Virginia State Parks: Part 5
Shellie Anne

Virginia has 36 fabulous state parks that range from the Cumberland Gap in the furthest Southwestern corner of our state to the Atlantic Ocean. We have parks that are small, medium and expansive, with activities that range from horseback riding to fossil hunting. Many of these Virginia State Parks are based in and around a water feature like a river, lake or bay, which gives them an even grander appeal. Everyone loves water, from recreational activities, breathtaking scenery to the abundance of wildlife found there.

There are many reasons to fall in love with Virginia State Parks, but for this series I am showcasing 10 reasons that immediately come to mind, and we hope you will agree.

Part 5 - The Space

Part 4 - The Food

Part 3 - The Water

Part 2 - The Accommodations

Part 1 - The People

Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Annette Bareford, District II Visitor Services Specialist, Virginia State Parks

Click To Enlarge Photo For those of you that follow my blog, you know that I am a cold weather wimp! Snow skiing or ice skating was never my thing. Give me a kayak on a warm day and I am happy! However, there is something I really like to do in winter. Take a walk in the woods get a little chilly and come back to a roaring fire, hot tea or other libations that will warm you down to your toes. There is something so serene about being in the forest in the winter, especially when there is a cover of white snow on the ground. Sounds travel clearer, it's much easier to spy wildlife and birds, the smell of the earth and old leaves just brings back very happy childhood memories.

Click Here to read her entire blog and to view some wonderful winter photos.

Festivals, National and Special Events
At times it may become necessary to cancel or change the date or time of an event.  If you are planning to visit us based on a specific event you may want to call ahead to verify that there have been no changes.

False Cape State Park   Located at 4001 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach VA 23456
01/29/2016 - 01/31/2016    Winter Wildlife Festival   8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.   This is your chance to witness winter wildlife all around Virginia Beach; whether it's following fascinating bird activity, exploring the natural areas of our community or the musings of harbor seals near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Learn what it takes to properly observe and identify wildlife in their natural settings.  Registration is available online through https://ezreg.vbgov.com/Start/Start.asp  with your client barcode and family PIN. Registration is also available in person at any Community Recreation Center http://tinyurl.com/7msbrxh .     Location - City of Virginia Beach    Phone - (757) 426-7128

First Landing State Park   Located at 2500 Shore Drive Virginia Beach VA 23451
01/29/2016 - 01/31/2016    Winter Wildlife Festival      Virginia Beach, False Cape State Park, First Landing State Park and several conservation groups host the Winter Wildlife Festival. This event includes educational workshops, engaging excursions, an exhibit hall and children's activities sure to captivate all participants. Find more information at vbgov.com/winterwildlife. Some excursions have a fee.    Location - Throughout Virginia Beach    Phone - (757) 412-2320

Pocahontas State Park   Located at 10301 State Park Road Chesterfield VA 23832
01/21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29/2016    Valentines for Veterans - Comforting our Veterans    8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   February 14 is more than Valentine's Day. It's the start of National Salute Week, a time dedicated to giving back and saying thanks to service members, Veterans, and their families.    Help the staff of Pocahontas State Park kick off National Salute week with your donations of commonly needed items. Lend your hand in comforting our Veterans as they receive treatments at the local VA Hospital. Notes of encouragement and Valentine's Day cards are greatly appreciated.    Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office, 8-4 p.m.    From 10 a.m-4 p.m. on Saturday, February 6, stop by the Nature Center for a day of making cards for the veterans.  All supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity.  We will also be accepting any items you were unable to drop off during the week.     Items Needed:     Patient Clothing   White "T" Shirts (larger sizes)   White Socks (women and men, ankle or no show)   Men's Boxers/Briefs (large or bigger preferred)   Women's Panties    Women's Undershirts/Sports Bras   New Sweat Pants & Shirts (large or bigger preferred)     Patient Comfort Items: (No glass, please).   Alcohol Free Mouthwash   Denture Brushes, Cleansers, and Adhesives   Deodorant   Body Wash      Lotion   Vaseline    Medium sized items and 8-12 ounce bottles are best.    Location - Park Office    Phone - (804) 796-4255

01/21/2016    Friends of Pocahontas State Meetng   6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.   The Friends of Pocahontas State Park is a 501c3 volunteer organization of interested citizens that actively support the park.  The group works on behalf of the park by assisting in daily programs, special events, fund raising, and public education.  The partnership provides a mechanism to use the skills, contacts, and resources of private citizens and businesses to improve services that may not otherwise be available.  Activities include trail maintenance, interpretive programs, and construction projects, just to name a few.     Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month and the parking fee is waived    Attend a meeting and discover Pocahontas State Park through the Friends Group.     Location - Heritage Center    Phone - (804) 796-4255

All Other Events
At times it may become necessary to cancel or change the date or time of an event.  If you are planning to visit us based on a specific event you may want to call ahead to verify that there have been no changes.

Bear Creek Lake State Park   Located at 22 Bear Creek Lake Road Cumberland VA 23040
11/15/2015 - 11/15/2016    Channel Cat Interpreted Trail      One feature of the BCLSP trail network is the Channel Cat Trail. On this loop trail, accessible from many points on the campground side of the Park, we have placed a series of signs to acquaint you with the Park's unique piedmont environment.    The section of Channel Cat Trail along the lake provides information on fish species and fishing techniques, and the conservation practices employed to maintain our forty acre recreational resource.    The section from the CMT parking lot southward to the Beach parking lot interprets  how a forest grows  in Virginia's piedmont, so that you can "see the forest for the trees"    A third section from the CMT parking northwestward back to the Lake's spillway is for your own reflections on the wonders of nature. The Park's role in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is also noted.    These sections can be walked in either direction, one part at a time, or as a loop to bring you full circle.    The entire loop is just under two miles long and the trail is of a moderate difficulty rating. There is one shallow creek crossing and unlevel terrain, but no steep inclines.    Trail guides for all the trails in the park are available at the office.    Location - Several locations in the park    Phone - (804) 492-4410

11/17/2015 - 11/17/2016    Park Packs   8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Enjoy Bear Creek Lake State Park and the surrounding Cumberland State Forest with our Park Packs. These backpacks hold a variety of items useful for exploring the park on your own. The Birder Pack has binoculars, bird call audio identification cards and player, and bird field guides. Our Forest Pack has info on animal tracks and scat (what's that?), tree identification, flower pocket guides, magnifiers and other helpful items to let you find your way at your own pace. These packs are loaned free of charge and may be reserved from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a daily basis, or during posted office hours. Only one of each pack is available on a first come, first served basis. Contact the park office for pack availability.    Location - Available at Park Office    Phone - (804) 492-4410

12/01/2015 - 12/01/2016    GPS Activities      Try Geocaching, a world-wide craze that uses hand-held Global Positioning Units along with satellite technology, to find objects hidden in the woods. Informational brochures about Geocaching, and some of our GPS activities, are located in an outdoor rack at the Park Office. Try our special park caches. You can also go to http://www.geocaching.com  to get coordinates of the many caches hidden near the park in the Cumberland State Forest. If you don't have a GPS app on your phone, or your own GPS device, we have units available for rent by the day for $10.00 or half-day for $6.00. Simply stop in at the Park Office during scheduled open hours and we'll get you started.      Location - Throughout the park    Phone - (804) 492-4410

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Bear Creek Lake State Park a Gateway to Nearby Parks.      Bear Creek Lake can be a gateway to the region beyond the park's boundaries. It is an ideal place to stay while making a day trip to other parks in the central piedmont of Virginia. So much of human life has been influenced by the natural environment, from our concept of beauty to our creation of battlefields. A forty minute drive will take get you to Sailor's Creek Historical State Park. http://tinyurl.com/gnhtp5z . A shorter drive will allow you to experience the majesty of High Bridge Trail State Park, with its miles of bikeway. http://tinyurl.com/hmh5u37 . Neither of those parks currently have overnight accommodations, but they can both be a part of your Bear Creek Lake experience. Please contact the individual parks directly for information on their activities and event fees. Your valid Bear Creek Lake parking pass will be honored when you visit another Virginia State Park.  To make an overnight reservation for a Bear Creek Lake cabin or campsite, contact the Customer Service Center at http://tinyurl.com/lufsvg9         Location - Bear Creek Lake, Sailor's Creek State Park, High Bridge Trail State Park.    Phone - (804) 492-4410

Belle Isle State Park   Located at 1632 Belle Isle Road Lancaster VA 22503
01/15/2016 - 01/15/2017    Enjoy Belle Isle      Belle Isle State Park has some great activities that you can do on your own schedule. Stop by the camp store for more information about any of the following.     -Borrow one of our park packs! Each one includes field guides and equipment to help you explore. Choose from Wetlands Exploration, Insects, and Nighttime.      -Complete a scavenger hunt and earn a prize.     -Bring your fishing pole and try your luck on our fishing pier. Bait and fishing licenses are available for purchase.     -Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy cool river breezes at the picnic area while the kids play on the playground.    -Pick up a list of Geocaches at the Camp Store and bring your own GPS unit or rent one from the park. The park's units have the geocache coordinates pre-programmed to make your search easier.  GPS rental is $6 for half day or $10 for a full day rental.    -Explore the park by bicycle.  Bike rental is $3 hour or $8 a day.    -Boat Rentals: Canoes, kayaks, paddleboards and motor boats are available during seasonable weather. Proof of boater safety certification is required for all motorized boat rentals. Please call the park for more information about rental fees, reservations, and requirements.    Location - Information at Camp Store    Phone - (804) 462-5030

Caledon State Park   Located at 11617 Caledon Road King George VA 22485
01/30/2016    Howl N' Owl Prowl   7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.   Discover the hoots, hollers, and howls of Caledon's nocturnal wildlife. The park comes alive at night with Owls, Coyotes, Foxes, and many others. Take a ride on the hay wagon as we go out calling for these animals.     Spaces are limited, so please call 540-663-3861 to make your reservations.    $3.00 per person, or $8.00 per family       Location - Meet at Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 663-3861

01/31/2016    Winter Wetland Wonderland   12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Learn to identify the waterfowl that winter on the Potomac River and in the swamps and marshes of Caledon.  The introduction to waterfowl identification will be followed by a visit to the waterfront to observe and identify these magnificent wintering wonders.  Ducks, geese, swans and mergansers, loons and grebes sightings are possible. We will also be searching for Heron and Eagle nest sites.  $3/person or $8/family  Call the park for more information and to make reservations.      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 663-3861

Chippokes Plantation State Park   Located at 695 Chippokes Park Road Surry VA 23883
09/28/2015 - 09/28/2016    Park Packs   9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Want a little more for your day trip or overnight stay at Chippokes? Then a Park Pack is what you need! A Park Pack will help you explore the park on your own. Each pack contains binoculars, guide books, story books, birdsong players, and more. Park Pack themes include the Birding, History, Wetlands, and Wildlife.  Packs can be checked out for up to three days. There is no fee to check out a pack!    Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 294-3728

01/06/2016 - 01/06/2017    Private Field Trips      Chippokes is sure to be a favorite outing for your school, friends, church, family, or civic group!  The landscape and view reflect prehistoric and historic habitation.  Your group is bound to benefit from a guided program involving some of our resources; historic structures that include homes, dependencies, and barns, four 19th and early 20th century carriages, The Farm and Forestry Museum, Sawmill exhibit, 17th century road trace, six-acre formal garden, documented archeological sites, 22 acres of James River beach, habitat for 24 species of threatened/endangered plants and animals and nesting bald eagles, tidal creeks, 891 acres of forested areas, 516 acres of open land, 190 acres of wetlands, and our facilities and rentals. Call today to find out more on our educational and interpretive programs.  Ask about our SOL focused programs.  Most programs can be tailored to the needs of your next field trip or outing. Please schedule at least one month ahead of the date that your group is arriving. Fees vary according to the type of program or activity you are interested in. A majority of our programs and activities cost $3 per individual.    Location - Throughout the Park    Phone - (757) 294-3439

01/06/2016 - 01/06/2017    Educational Outreach      Can't make it out to the park? Let the park come to you! A park interpreter can conduct an exciting interactive program on many SOL-based topics. Specifically designed explorations available to enhance SOL lessons include:  Virginia History, agriculture from Colonial Virginia to present day practices, simple mechanics, forestry, soil conservation, geology, economics, ecology, and water conservation.  Please allow several weeks for collaboration with park staff to best meet the needs of your classroom prior to our visit.  Registration fees vary.    Location - Off Site    Phone - (757) 294-3439

01/23/2016    Pasture Pals   1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Get to know our farm critters during their feeding! The program will feature donkeys, goats, chickens, and two messy pigs. An interpreter will talk about raising farm animals and why they were important on a farm. Guests will have the chance to get up close and personal with a pot-bellied pig.    Location - River House parking lot    Phone - (757) 294-3439

Claytor Lake State Park   Located at 6620 Ben H. Bolen Drive Dublin VA 24084
01/14/2016 - 12/31/2016    TRACK Trail Adventures      TRACK Trail Adventures are designed to help kids explore nature through the use of self-guided brochures. Within the pages of each brochure a different story unfolds!  Claytor Lake State Park's adventures include:  Birds of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Nature's Hide and Seek, The Need For Trees, and Tree Tales.  Pick up your brochures at the Shady Ridge Trail head!  Please visit http://www.kidsinparks.com  and give us your opinion about the quality of your experience!  For additional information, brochures and maps you can visit: http://tinyurl.com/knupreb   or contact the Park Office.     Location - Shady Ridge Trail from Picnic Area    Phone - (540) 643-2500

01/18/2016 - 12/31/2016    5K Cross Country Trail      Within the trail system lies the Troop 244 5K Cross Country Trail. This designated 5K Trail is the perfect resource for both new and seasoned runners to enjoy. The 5K Trail starts on the Lakeview Trail in front of the Water's Edge Meeting Facility and finishes on Lakeview in front of the lodges. Click here for a map of the 5K Cross Country Trail.     Interested in hosting a 5K here at the park? Contact the park office for additional information.     No Children Please!    Location - Trail starts in front of the Meeting Facility    Phone - (540) 643-2500

01/23/2016    Virginia Boating Safety Education Classroom Course   8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.   Who needs boater education?    By July 1, 2016, all operators of PWC's (personal watercraft such as Jet Skis, Sea Doos, and Wave Runners) and operators of motorboats with a motor of 10 horsepower or greater will be required to have a boating safety education course completion card onboard when operating a PWC or motorboat.     The course is provided by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries FREE of charge.     Pre-register for this course online at: http://www.register-ed.com/events/view/64322.          Bring lunch, something to drink, a pencil and a highlighter. Course is for individuals 12 or older. Contact Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for additional information at: 804-367-1000 or http://www.dgif.virginia.gov.   No Children Please!    Location - Water's Edge Meeting Facility    Phone - (540) 643-2500

Douthat State Park   Located at 14239 Douthat State Park Road Millboro VA 24460
01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017    Geocaching for Beginners      Geocaching is a popular outdoor treasure hunting activity that requires the use of a GPS device.     This geocaching trail is perfect for beginner geocachers and will help you get more familiar with the wonderful world of Geocaching!    Pick up a list of coordinates and directions at the main office.  GPS's are available for rent at the main office.    Location - Main Office    Phone - (540) 862-8100

01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017    Nature Knapsacks   8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.   Nature Knapsacks are designed to help you explore Douthat State Park and surrounding areas. Knapsacks are appropriate for all ages and include various field guides, binoculars combination tool, area maps, scavenger hunt, and a Nature Knapsack Activity booklet.     There is no charge and the Knapsacks are checked out daily on a first come, first served basis.      Special thanks to the Clifton Forge Public Library for supplying Douthat State Park with the Nature Knapsacks.       Location - Main Office    Phone - (540) 862-8100

Fairy Stone State Park   Located at 967 Fairystone Lake Drive Stuart VA 24171
08/09/2015 - 08/09/2016    GPS Geocache Adventures      Got a GPS? Do you need one for the day? Either way we have you covered, stop by the park office to pick one up for a nominal fee. Why do we ask about a GPS? Well there is this great activity called Geocaching. Never heard of Geocaching, it is one of the latest crazes out there. What you are doing is using million dollar satellites to find hidden treasures in the woods. Sound like fun?  It is. Geocaching is a great way to get all of the family involved in a wonderful outdoor activity, and is a good activity any time of the year.  So come on down to the park office and pick up one of the GPS units or stop by and we can give you more information about this wonderful activity. Or you can go to http://www.geocaching.com  for more information or to look up other caches in the area. The cost to rent a GPS unit is $10.00 for the day, and $6.00 for half a day, units are available seven days a week 365 days a year.    Location - Various Locations    Phone - (276) 930-2424

08/09/2015 - 08/08/2016    Photo Scavenger Hunt   6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.   Explore the park through a different point of view! Bring along your camera or smart phone to photograph unique areas and items located throughout park.  Hike along trails, walk along the beach, and discover species of trees and animals you may not realize are in the park! This activity serves as a perfect memento of your trip to Fairy Stone State Park! Stop by the Visitor Center or Park Office to collect your scavenger hunt list.    Return with the pictures collected during your stay to receive a free prize!        Location - Visitor Center / Park Office    Phone - (276) 930-2424

08/09/2015 - 08/08/2016    Oak Hickory Trail   6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.   Hike one of our beautiful trails while learning about the history of the park. The Oak Hickory Trail is 1.1 miles long and is rated as "moderate" (this means that there are some hills, but nothing too bad!). Along the trail you will find a series of interpretive signs that tells you about Fayerdale, our "Town under the Lake", the natural history of the area, and the Civilian Conservation Corps that built the park.      Location - Oak Hickory Trail (near the enterance to the parking area for Shelter 4)    Phone - (276) 930-2424

False Cape State Park   Located at 4001 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach VA 23456
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Wash Woods Environmental Educational Center   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   The Wash Woods Environmental Education Center offers a unique environment for students to engage in a variety of educational experiences.  False Cape State Park is rich in ecological diversity.  This pristine barrier spit location allows visitors to examine a relatively undisturbed coastal environment, including shoreline, dune, interdunal swale, and maritime oak-pine forest and marsh habitats.  The Center overlooks Back Bay providing a beautiful, pristine atmosphere to begin exploration of the natural world.     EEC Cost per Night:   School Groups:$200.00 + Tax $12.00 =   $212.00  Non-School Groups:$300.00 + Tax $18.00 =   $318.00  Day Use Fee:    School Groups:$60.00 + Tax $3.00 =   $63.00  Non-School Groups:$100.00 + Tax $5.00 =   $105.00  Round Trip Bus Transportation:   School Groups:   $36.00 round trip/$18.00 one way   Non-School Groups:  $48.00 round trip/$24.00 one way  Additional Equipment Transportation:  $18.00 per hour in park.    Terra Gator (Beach Transporter):  School Groups: $100.00  Non-School Groups: $160.00  Program:  $75.00            Kayak Rental in conjunction with Education Program:  $10.00 + Tax $0.60= $10.60/hr per boat + $75.00/program fee  Equipment Rental:  $25.00 + Tax $1.50 = $26.50  Discovery Boxes for Your Backyard Classroom    Location - Meet at Little Island City Park for transport into False Cape    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 03/31/2016    The Terra Gator   9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.   Ride the beach transporter, the Terra Gator, to False Cape State Park through Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge on the beach. Once in False Cape visitors can spend two hours exploring through out the Barbour Hill area of the park. Schedule By Reservation OnlyThe Terra Gator operates only on weekends from Nov. 1 through March 31. The transporter departs Little Island City Park in Virginia Beach at 9 a.m. and returns at 1 p.m. The trip takes about 45 minutes each way. Call 1-800-933-7275 (PARK) to make reservations. Groups may make arrangements for weekdays or other time slots, still only between Nov. 1 and March 31, by contacting the park directly at (757) 426-7128, email falsecape@dcr.virginia.gov . Cost $8 per person$100 for school fieldtrips$160 group rateMinimum 10 riders; maximum 36Cancellation policy: Guests are encouraged to transfer reservations - at no cost - to another date because the cancellation fee per reservation is $10. Transfers must, however, be done by the Wednesday prior to the reserved date. If fewer than 10 riders sign up by Wednesday to reserve spots, the park cancels the trip with full refunds or guests may opt for a transfer.    Location - Meet at Little Island City Park for Transport to False Cape State Park    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Nature Adventure Backpacks   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   We have packed backpacks with lots of tools and toys that you can use as you explore the natural world at the park. Inside this backpack you will find a magnifying glass, bug/dip net, viewing jar, multi-function binoculars, field guides, nature journal and sketchbook with pencils. Backpacks are free and are available to be checked out on a daily basis at the park's Visitor Center.    Location - False Cape Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Field Trips   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Imagine learning about wetlands while standing in the marshes of Back Bay. See what a maritime forest looks like or explore the beach and the many animal habitats in between. Have an outdoor lunch on a picnic table overlooking Back Bay, breathe the fresh air and immerse yourself and your students in a wonderful and educational field experience at False Cape State Park. Programs available include Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience and Marsh Exploration, Habitat & Life Cycles, Coastal Field Experience, and Life Across A Spit. Program cost is $75/group plus a $36 round-trip bus transportation fee.    Location - Little Island City Park    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Family & Friends Group Tours   9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.   Family & Friends Group Tours are fun based programs available to families, scout groups, friends, or other organizations, no minimum participant requirement. Programs may include Kayaking, Stargazing and Owl Hooting, Wilderness Survival Skills, Finding Your Way, Coastal Plant Uses, and Wildlife Safari. Registration fees vary depending on program and needs. Call the park for more information at (757) 426-7128.    Location - Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    OutReach   9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.   Can't come to us? Although field experience is important to education, our park staff can conduct outreach programs at your school, church, civic group meeting or other arena that can be tailored to your current lesson plans or needs. Touch tables, power point presentations and other related activities are provided to bring the outdoors "indoors". The fee for an Outreach Program is $10 for 2 hours.    Location - False Cape State Park    Phone - (757) 426-7128

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    GPS Rental Units and Activities   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   We have GPS units for rent. Rentals include a GPS Unit with a GPS Activities brochure, and instructions for use. Activities include Geocaching, Virtual Geocache, GPS Nature Trail, and Find Sally. The cost is $6 per unit and can be obtained on a daily basis at the park's Visitor Center.     Location - False Cape Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 426-7128

First Landing State Park   Located at 2500 Shore Drive Virginia Beach VA 23451
11/04/2015 - 12/31/2016    Bald Cypress Trail Self Guided Tour      Can't make it to one of the programs or want to explore on your own? Learn plenty of information about the uniqueness of the Bald Cypress Swamps and the maritime forest through the self guided Bald Cypress Interpretive trail. Purchase a Bald Cypress Brochure full of fascinating, fun facts about the ecosystem and the history of the park. The brochure will guide you through the interpretive stops located along the Bald Cypress Trail. Brochures can be purchased for $.50 at the Park Office or the Trail Center.     Location - Trail Center or Park Main Office    Phone - (757) 412-2300

11/04/2015 - 12/31/2016    First Landing Field Trips      First Landing State Park offers access to a variety of habitats and both natural and historic resources. With a mile and half of beach on the Chesapeake Bay, swamps, forest, creeks, and marshes there is plenty to discover and explore. First Landing State Park offers hands on outdoor learning experiences for groups of all ages. All programs are tailored by the interpretive staff to meet the specific grade level needs of the participants. Please inquire how each of the programs correlate to the Virginia SOLs! Program fees are $10/hr.    To schedule a field trip please contact Education Specialist Tara Cheezem at 757-412-2306 or by email at Tara.cheezen@dcr.virginia.gov    Location - First Landing State Park    Phone - (757) 412-2306

11/04/2015 - 12/31/2016    Educational Outreach      Can't make it out to the park, let the park come to you. A Park Interpreter can conduct an exciting interactive program on any of the following topics: An Introduction to First Landing State Park - Common Animals of the Maritime Forest, The Chesapeake Bay Watershed (with optional water quality testing activities), The History of the Chesapean Indians and the First Landing, The Civilian Conservation Corp and the creation of First Landing State Park, What Do Rangers Do?, and many more. Please ask for the VA SOL correlations for the program of your interest. Program fees are $10/hr.    To schedule an educational outreach program please contact Education Specialist Tara Cheezem at 757-412-2306 or by email at Tara.cheezem@dcr.virginia.gov    Location - First Landing State Park    Phone - (757) 412-2306

11/04/2015 - 12/31/2016    Park Packs   9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Want a little more for your day trip or overnight stay at First Landing? Then a Park Pack is what you need! A Park Pack will help you explore the park on your own. Each pack contains binoculars, guide books, story books, birdsong players, and more. Park Pack themes include the Chesapeake Bay, the Bald Cypress Swamps, Native Americans, Colonial Times, and Nocturnal Animals. Check out a Park Pack for up to 3 days.    Location - Main Office and Trail Center    Phone - (757) 412-2300

11/11/2015 - 12/31/2016    General Park Volunteer Opportunities      Every month First Landing offers a diverse assortment of opportunities for volunteers.  Whether you prefer working by yourself or being surrounded by others, you will be welcomed as part of the team.  Contact Rangers collect parking fees as well as chat with many individuals during their shift.  Interpretive Assistants help with large groups and scheduled events by answering questions or aiding in the program.  Trail Ambassadors hike all of our trails while working on trail surveys.  Special Events occur almost every month which help the general public have a more meaningful experience while at our park. Rock This Park! is a program which allows individuals and groups to get to know one another and share an experience while working together to complete a task which usually takes place outside.  Whatever your preference, First Landing will have a volunteer opportunity to fit your lifestyle.  For more information please contact 757-412-1010 or email ashley.acuna@dcr.virginia.gov.      Location - Various     Phone - (757) 412-2300

Grayson Highlands State Park   Located at 829 Grayson Highlands Lane Mouth Of Wilson VA 24363
04/23/2015 - 04/23/2016    TRACK Trail Adventures      TRACK Trails include hiking, geocaching, and even adventures you can do in your back yard! In addition to getting prizes in the mail, you can TRACK your adventures, trails, and mileage in your own online nature journal. What are you waiting for? Pick up a brochure and hike one or all of these exciting adventures:     Animal Athletes  Ready to exercise? Wild animals are some of the greatest athletes. This hike will show you how different animals move and guide you through 8 exercises you can do on the trail.      Hide and Seek  Discover common things that are often overlooked in nature. Some of them are hard to find, others are easy. The adventure never ends because every time you walk the trail you will discover new things.      Music  "Listen" to the trees along the trail that are used to make traditional Appalachian musical instruments. Learn the different parts of stringed instruments and why certain types of wood are used to make those parts.    Need for Trees  By following the pictures and clues, you will discover 6 of the more common trees found in the park. Learn about the need that humans and animals have for trees and about the roles they play in the forest.    Sign up today and begin a lifetime of adventure! Visit: http://kidsinparks.com      Location - Stamper's Branch Trail    Phone - (276) 579-7092

08/01/2015 - 05/15/2016    Explore Grayson Highlands      Grayson Highlands is famous for its hiking opportunities, from glorious vistas to beautiful waterfalls, rhododendron tunnels to roaring mountain streams, craggy boulders to wild ponies.  There's a trail for everyone. Stop by the park office for destination suggestions, trail conditions and directions. You can pick up a trail map, a brochure for one of our self guided hikes or our very own "Hiking Trails of Grayson Highlands State Park" booklet published by the Friends of Grayson Highlands State Park group which features geological, historical, flora, and fauna information about special interest areas and nine of the favorite trails in the park.     For those of you who like to come out on top, take a hike to Mt. Rogers, the highest point in Virginia at 5,729 feet. This hike is 9 miles total round trip and will take you through a dense growth of Fraser Fir and Red Spruce forest. To get to the summit, you must take a combination of trails in the park as well in the Jefferson National Forest.  Weather can change abruptly and be severe. It is advisable to be well prepared with extra food and water, waterproof clothing, and a map and directions that can be found in the Park Office.         Location - Information at Park Office    Phone - (276) 579-7092

08/01/2015 - 05/15/2016    Cabin Creek Self-Guided Hike      Take advantage of the award winning Cabin Creek Trail and learn a little more of the story behind the land around you. There are brochures at the trailhead that will provide you with extra information on the trail you are hiking.     The trail takes the hiker through hardwood forests and dense rhododendron thickets. The parks largest waterfall is midway along the loop trail, but along the way you will enjoy pristine mountain streams cascading alongside the trail. Cabin Creek provides the ideal habitat for native Brook Trout. Parts of this trail were once used as the railroad bed during the timber boom in the early 1900's.        Location - Massie Gap-Cabin Creek Trail    Phone - (276) 579-7092

11/17/2015 - 12/31/2016    Bouldering      Grayson Highlands is a hotspot for the sport of bouldering. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is done without the use of ropes or harnesses. Instead, climbers only use a small rock face area and use a crash pad on the ground for safety.  Grayson Highlands is home to 1,000 boulder problems, or paths, that have been established by famed climber and author, Aaron Parlier.     Try your own hand and foot at this adventurous sport. The park has two trails with excellent boulder fields for all skill levels. Listening Rock Trail is a 1.4 mile loop trail with the most easily accessible boulder areas. Split Rock Trail is a .3 mile trail established in 2013 specifically as a bouldering trail.  The "Grayson Highlands Bouldering" guide, written by Aaron Parlier, can be purchased in the park office, where there are also crash pads for rent for the small fee of $5.00 per day. Park office hours vary by season so please call ahead to confirm hours of operation if you are planning on renting a crash pad, (276) 579-7092.        Location - Information at Park Office    Phone - (276) 579-7092

Holliday Lake State Park   Located at 2759 State Park Road Appomattox VA 24522
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Park Packs   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Check out a park pack to learn more about the fish, trees, and birds you can see throughout the park. Each backpack is stocked with field guides, binoculars, and other goodies to help you explore the park on your own and get a better look at the wonderful wildlife that inhabits it. Packs can be checked out for up to three days on a first-come, first-served basis. The best part is they are FREE!    Location - Park Office    Phone - (434) 248-6308

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Geocaching in the Park   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Got your own GPS unit? Pick up a list of coordinates at the Park Office for free. You can also go to http://tinyurl.com/c2bam64 and find cache coordinates in the park. The park grounds are open from daylight until dusk every day of the year.    Holliday Lake State Park also has GPS units for rent. Rentals include a GPS unit with some coordinates already loaded and instructions for use. The cost is $10 per day or $6.00 per half day and can be obtained Monday through Friday at the park office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the off-season. GPS units are available seven days a week from Memorial Day to Labor Day at the Park Office.    Location - Around the Park    Phone - (434) 248-6308

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Scavenger Hunt   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Holliday Lake has many hidden wonders waiting to be discovered. Come look for items commonly found in nature and check them off your list. You can pick up a copy from the Park Office or Contact Station, or you can print one here:  http://tinyurl.com/czignoh     Included on the list are items you can see, hear, feel, and smell. Do this as a group or family for even more fun. Bring your completed Scavenger Hunt list to the Park Office (during regular business hours) for a prize! Please always remember to watch where you step, stay on the trail, and leave all items where you find them.    Location - Park Office or Contact Station    Phone - (434) 248-6308

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Sunfish Aquatic Trail   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   This self-guided boat tour leads you around the western side of Holliday Lake and points out how plants and animals live in this amazing community. A FREE brochure describing what you might see along the trail is available at the Park Office, Contact Station, or Boat House. The numbered entries in the brochure map correspond to numbered posts along the shore. You can bring your own boat or rent one of ours during normal working hours. The journey on the water will take you about 30 to 45 minutes.    Location - Park Office, Contact Station, or Boat House    Phone - (434) 248-6308

Hungry Mother State Park   Located at 2854 Park Boulevard Marion VA 24354
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Environmental Education: Field Trips and Outreach Programs      Hungry Mother State Park is the perfect place for your students to get hands-on lessons in environmental education. Bring your class, youth group, or scout troop to us for educational, fun programs in an outdoor setting. The park has programs and facilities for classes of any size or age. Interpreters can also bring programs to your classroom or school. Possible subjects include: water systems, life cycles, animal identification, habitats, cultural history, and many more. Programs can be tailored to enrich classroom lessons. Programs can be presented to adult groups as well. Some programs may have small fees. Call for event fees. For more information about programs or to schedule field trips or outreach programs, contact the park interpreter: 276-781-7415.     Location - Hungry Mother State Park    Phone - (276) 781-7400

01/21/2016    Passport to Virginia's State Parks Home School Program   10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   The history and culture of Virginia has been significantly influenced by the geography of the land. During this four month long program, the importance of each geographic region of Virginia will be covered. Participants will also make passports to get stamped as we "travel" to various state parks located throughout the regions. Elementary aged children are encouraged to come twice a month to discover the unique features of our state and our state parks. There will be a fee of $2 per program to cover the cost of supplies. This program is aimed at the elementary level but all are welcome.      Location - Hemlock Haven Conference Center - The Dogwood Room    Phone - (276) 781-7400

James River State Park   Located at 104 Green Hill Drive Gladstone VA 24553
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Dendrology Meets Technology (A GPS tree finding adventure)   8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.   This program allows you to learn GPS navigation and tree identification at the same time! We have selected 25 species of native trees throughout the park and created a pamphlet with information about the trees and the GPS coordinates to help you find them. If you find all 25, we have a nice prize for you! The park rents GPS units with the tree coordinates already loaded ($6/half day or $10/whole day). GPS units and program pamphlets available at the Visitor's Center.    Location - Throughout the park    Phone - (434) 933-4395

Lake Anna State Park   Located at 6800 Lawyers Road Spotsylvania VA 22551
01/01/2016 - 04/01/2016    Programs by Request      Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays only    To schedule one of our set programs for a home school group, day care outing, scouting function, private group or civic organization; please e-mail Lauri.Schular@dcr.virginia.gov at least two weeks in advance of your planned visit to the park.    Programs offered for a Minimum of 5 and a Maximum of 15 participants.    $2.00 each  CSI: Creek scene Investigation  Ranger Led Hikes  Stampmill Sam's Gold Adventure  Geocaching 101  Geology Hikes    $5.00 each  Kayak and Canoe Trips (when weather conditions allow)    To inquire about any of our programming, please call the Visitor Center at (540) 854-6245 and leave your name, contact number, and program you are interested in.      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 854-6245

01/01/2016 - 05/31/2016    GPS Rental Units and Geocaching Activities   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Geocaching is an outdoor game of hiding and seeking treasure that is enjoyed by thousands of people of all ages. It's the old-fashioned scavenger hunt, gone high-tech. This adventure sport is one the whole family can enjoy at many Virginia State Parks. It's a great way to explore a new area, get more exercise and learn new skills.    Using a hand-held GPS (Global Positioning System), players use their observation skills to search for hidden treasures. The rules of Geocaching are simple: take something from the cache, leave something, and record it in the log book. Caches typically are filled with low-priced trinkets - toys, books and random souvenirs. Visit http://www.geocaching.com for tutorials, how-to's and further details, and be sure to check out the complete listing of cache coordinates in our park.    Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced Geocacher, come out and enjoy some of our beautiful trails while finding any or all of the 16 caches hidden in the park.   Bring your own GPS or rent one of ours. Each GPS unit comes loaded with all cache coordinates and includes a compass and info/usage cards.    GPS unit rentals are available from the Office from Oct. thru May for $6 per half day and $10 for a whole day.         Location - Park Office    Phone - (540) 854-5503

Leesylvania State Park   Located at 2001 Daniel K. Ludwig Drive Woodbridge VA 22191
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Adventure Backpack Rental    10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Get ready to see nature like never before when you rent an Adventure Backpack from the Visitors Center! You can explore many different topics, like:       -Nature Discovery      -Birding      -Young Explorer      -Insects      -Tracking      -Nature Art      -Ponds and Streams      -Rocks and Fossils   During times when the Visitors Center is open go to the front desk and ask a ranger to help you rent a backpack. Call (703) 583-6904 for more information.       Location - Visitors Center     Phone - (703) 730-8205

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Seasonal Scavenger Hunt   10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Here at Leesylvania we experience beauty during every season. Now we are challenging you to find that beauty while exploring the park! Pick up a scavenger hunt sheet at the Contact Station or the Visitors Center, and head outside to discover what nature has to offer! Call (703) 583-6904 for more information.       Location - Visitors Center or Contact Station    Phone - (703) 730-8205

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Birthday Celebrations!    10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Would you like nature to be a guest at your next birthday party? Well, that is possible when you throw your birthday party at Leesylvania State Park! Party themes range from indoor activities to guided canoe tours. If you are interested in scheduling a birthday party contact the Visitors Center for availability and pricing at (703) 583-6904 or Sarah.Percival@dcr.virginia.gov.       Location - Visitors Center     Phone - (703) 730-8205

Mason Neck State Park   Located at 7301 High Point Road Lorton VA 22079
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    2016 Fitness Challenge      The start of a new year brings new resolutions, new adventures, and new goals!  Starting January 1st and continuing throughout the year, Mason Neck State Park will host a year-long Outdoor Fitness Challenge for all those seeking to get fit, stick with their resolutions, and still enjoy all outdoor activities MNSP has to offer!  Come earn points alongside your family and/or friends for every outdoor challenge we offer.  As you accumulate points your chances to win some great prizes increases - possibly winning an Annual Pass! What are you waiting for? Let's get outdoors and enjoy getting fit during this upcoming year!  Stop by our Visitor Center or call us at 703-339-2380 for more details.      Location - Mason Neck State Park Trails    Phone - (703) 339-2385

01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016    Self-Guided Adventures   8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.   Mason Neck State Park has adventuresome outdoor activities for you and your family to  enjoy!  The following programs are self-guided activities so get out and enjoy nature!    Self-guided Hikes:  Explore our numerous trails and experience nature first hand along the Belmont Bay, Kane's Creek, or among any of our forested trails.  We have several observation blinds for bird watchers and perhaps seeing bald eagles!    Explorer Backpacks:  These backpacks are on loan to visitors wishing have a birding adventure!  These  packs may be obtained through our park visitor center.  No fee.    GPS Exploration:  Utilize your own GPS or rent one of our hand held devices.  Go out and enjoy searching for designated park geocaches.  You can obtain locations through our park office or through http://www.geocache.com Reasonable rental fee applies.    Bike Hikes:  Mason Neck State Park has a three mile paved bike trail that proceeds through forested woodland within the park and the adjacent Elizabeth Hartwell Wildlife Refuge.  Enjoy a leisure ride on our trail, with your own bike or rent an adult bike from us. Contact the visitor center at 703-339-2380.      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/23/2016    Hiking Adventure - Eagle Spur   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.   Explore the Eagle Spur Trail! We will explore the animal and bird life found along the trail, looking to discover animal tracks and possibly finding homes of some.  The trail traverses the woods up some easy hills and brings us to an observation blind providing an amazing view of Kane's Creek where we may see eagles and possibly tundra swan (winter months only), and osprey (spring thru fall)! Meet a ranger for this guided hike at the start of the Eagle Spur Trail.  Dress for the weather, bring your camera, binoculars, and enjoy the day in the great outdoors!     Location - Eagle Spur Trail Head    Phone - (703) 339-2385

01/23/2016    Turtle Power Craft   2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.   Come one, come all!  Explore the world of turtles and experience life as a turtle!  We will be making our own turtles to take home from recycled materials and construction paper.  All materials for this craft will be provided.  Spend some fun time being creative!      Location - Visitor Center - Explorer Hall    Phone - (703) 339-2385

01/23/2016    Great Blue   4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   The Great Blue Heron is a large, elegant, and prehistoric looking bird that calls Mason Neck home. Every year thousands of these magnificent creatures gather together right here on the peninsula to lay their eggs.  Meet a ranger to learn more about these graceful birds and learn about the best areas of the park to try to spot a few.   Dress appropriately for the weather.    Location - Visitor Center - Back Covered Patio    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/24/2016    Birding 101   10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.   Bird watching is a fun and relaxing way to spend time outdoors, but where is the best place to start? Positioned in view of Belmont Bay, we have two wonderful birdfeeders that will attract a large variety of beautiful song birds. Join us as we take a look at some of these birds and give tips on where to set up a birdfeeder of your own, and how to identify the birds you may see. Don't forget your binoculars, and your favorite reference guide!   Dress appropriately for the weather.    Location - Behind the Visitor Center    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/24/2016    Hiking Adventure   2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Join a ranger as we hike the scenic Bay View Trail, discovering the seasonal changes of plant and animal life!  We will view the beaver dam and lodge within the marsh and will watch for waterfowl.  We may even view eagles, and osprey come spring! Dress for the weather, bring your own binoculars and field guide (if you choose).     Location - Bay View Trail Head    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/24/2016    Tundra Swan   4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   The elegant tundra swans have arrived along the shores and marsh of Mason Neck State Park!  Discover not only the beauty of these birds but learn of their strength and stamina in the long journey to and from the tundra they call home.  We will explore their habitat and introduce you to these amazing birds who winter at Mason Neck State Park for all too brief a time.  We will attempt to site some tundra swans via our scope, but do bring your binoculars and camera.  Dress for the weather as we will spend some time outdoors.     Location - Behind Visitor Center     Phone - (703) 339-2385

01/30/2016    Good Morning Mason Neck   10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   Join us for this relaxing hike along the scenic Bay View Trail to discover the wildlife as it awakens to a new day! The fresh air awakens your senses, and what better way for that to happen than through exploring nature!  We'll hike along the bay, go along the marsh, then head back along the forest land to the Observation Blind.  Join a ranger and discover nature at its finest along the Bay View Trail!  Dress for the weather, and wear sturdy closed toed shoes.     Location - Bay View Trail Head    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/30/2016    Furs and Skulls   2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.   Ever wonder what kind of furry creatures call Mason Neck Home?  View and touch some of our furry friends' animal pelts, and discover how their skulls compare to one another as you learn about their habitat and what resources there are for their survival.  Enjoy exploring the wonders of the deer, red fox, skunk, just to name a few!  This program is for all ages so come out and enjoy your day with us!     Location - Visitor Center Explorer Hall 1/30, 2/6; Playground Area for all other dates    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/30/2016    All About Owls   4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   Silent and spooky, the Owl is a magnificent animal. What kind of Owls might call Mason Neck home? Meet a ranger and take a look at these wonderful birds, discover the different species, learn about their habitat and attempt to "call" them closer! Program is appropriate for all ages.  We will spend some time outdoors so do dress appropriately for the weather.    Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (703) 339-2385

01/31/2016    Waterfowl Prowl   10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   Meet a ranger and embark on a quest to search for what waterfowl may be on the bay enjoying a morning swim! This hike will take you to the beach area of the Bay View Trail. Along the way you will learn tips on how to identify some of the different birds on the bay. The program is great for all ages and skills. Come see what we may find!  Do dress appropriately for the weather.    Location - Bay View Trail Head    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/31/2016    Makin' Tracks   2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.   As animals explore their surroundings, sometimes they step in mud or sand leaving behind a paw print, leaving visitors to wonder what animal made that print.  We'll talk about some of the animals that reside in Mason Neck State Park and assist you in discovering what many of their prints look like! Then join a ranger as we make our own individual animal print to take home using our rubber moulds and plaster of paris.  Come discover how to be an "animal print detective"!  *Note* the plaster will take 10 to 15 minutes to dry.     Location - Visitor Center Explorer Hall 1/9, 1/31; Playground Area for all other dates    Phone - (703) 339-2380

01/31/2016    Tundra Swan   4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   The elegant tundra swans have arrived along the shores and marsh of Mason Neck State Park!  Discover not only the beauty of these birds but learn of their strength and stamina in the long journey to and from the tundra they call home.  We will explore their habitat and introduce you to these amazing birds who winter at Mason Neck State Park for all too brief a time.  We will attempt to site some tundra swans via our scope, but do bring your binoculars and camera.  Dress for the weather as we will spend some time outdoors.     Location - Behind Visitor Center     Phone - (703) 339-2385

Natural Tunnel State Park   Located at 1420 Natural Tunnel Parkway Duffield VA 24244
01/14/2016 - 12/31/2016    Tree Trail Self-Guided Hike   8:15 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.   Next time you are at Natural Tunnel State Park, don't forget to stop by the Visitors Center and pick up our new and improved self-guided hike: Discover 22 Common Trees of Southwest Virginia. This brochure will direct you to explore small portions of three different park trails along a quarter of a mile hike, giving you and your family the perfect opportunity to become familiar with 22 common Virginia trees in about 45 minutes. In addition to seeing these trees up close, you will have plenty of interesting facts about these trees at your fingertips including: tree id tips for further encounters, as well as information about their history and uses. We hope you come by and check out our self-guided hike and Discover 22 Common Trees of Southwest Virginia.        Location - Chairlift parking lot    Phone - (276) 940-2674

01/24/2016    Full Moon Hike    5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.   Have you ever hiked by the light of the moon or sit quietly to listen to sounds around dusk time during the winter? Be a part of a unique Natural Tunnel experience. Hike to the Gazebo to see the moon rise. Park guides will talk about the thrilling night life and share stories about the moon. The hike will take place along a semi-moderate trail with a dirt/grass base. Groups will be hiking round trip 1.2 miles. Sturdy hiking shoes required along with headlamps or flashlights for the return back. Dress for the weather; maybe a little breezy at the Gazebo. This is a free program departing from the Blockhouse parking lot.       Location - Wilderness Road Blockhouse    Phone - (276) 940-2674

Pocahontas State Park   Located at 10301 State Park Road Chesterfield VA 23832
01/30/2016    New Volunteer Orientation   9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   Are you interested in becoming an official state park volunteer? If so, you are welcome to attend this required session to become a trained volunteer at Pocahontas State Park. We will be going over an overview of the park, the different volunteer opportunities, how to be safe while volunteering, and how to log hours and receive benefits. Please contact the volunteer coordinator if you would like to attend and/or if you have any questions: andrea.hasenfus@dcr.virginia.gov or (804)796-4472.     No Children Please!    Location - Heritage Center    Phone - (804) 796-4255

Powhatan State Park   Located at 4616 Powhatan State Park Road Powhatan VA 23239
01/07/2016 - 01/07/2017    Park Packs      Check out our new Park Packs available at the Park Office. There is no fee to use them for an hour or even the whole day (parking fees apply).     Park Packs come in two "sizes," Adult and Child. The Packs are filled with guides, manuals, equipment, and activities to enhance your adventure. Included in the Adult Packs are a pair of binoculars, a specimen jar, magnifying lens, field guides, maps, scavenger hunt lists and more. Child Packs are themed and include toys, a story book, bug bottle, telescope, spyglass, and more. Themes available: Butterflies and Moths, Frogs and Toads, Squirrels and other critters, Ants and Bugs. This is a great activity for all ages and skill levels.    If you enjoy using the items in the park packs and would like to extend your exploration, visit the Park Office to purchase other items to enhance your adventures!        Location - Park Office and Contact Station    Phone - (804) 598-7148

01/07/2016 - 01/07/2017    Field Trip Opportunities      We would love to guide your group on a hike through the forested wetlands, use dipnets to find macroinvertebrates, facilitate hands-on explorations of native wildlife and their habitats, guided kayak trips on the Historic James River, instruct archery techniques or take you on Geocaching scavenger hunts for treasures!     Contact us at 804-598-7148 or by email at powhatan@dcr.virginia.gov to schedule a school or home school field trip, scout adventure, youth, family or adult program.    Programs have nominal fees from $2-10/person. Programs can be scheduled to fit your timeframe needs, group sizes, and group ages.    Explore. Discover. Often.      Location - Throughout the park    Phone - (804) 598-6193

01/30/2016    Winter Rangers- Inspire Your Heart With Art   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   It's National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day and we want to celebrate with some Nature Journaling. Come learn what this fun hobby is all about, make a journal to take home, and discover different techniques to record your outdoor findings. Let the winter scenery inspire your heart as you get creative with us!     Ages 7 and up encouraged. In case of inclement weather, program will be rescheduled. $4/participant. Pre-register as space is limited.    Location - Meet at Park Office    Phone - (804) 598-7148

Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park   Located at 6541 Saylers Creek Road Rice VA 23966
01/16/2016 - 12/31/2016    Park Packs      All year long, enjoy traversing Sailor's Creek Battlefield with our family-friendly Park Packs. These backpacks hold a variety of items useful for exploring the park on your own. The Nature Pack has a pair of binoculars, birding field guide, tree identification guide, magnifying glass, bug box and other fun tools. Our Historical Pack has info on the American Civil War battles that occurred on these hallowed grounds. You can look through one of our most popular books about the fighting, follow battle maps, play historic games or take notes with a pad and pencil about your journey.     The Park Packs are free to use and may be reserved during posted office hours. Only one of each pack is available on a first come, first served basis. Contact the park office for pack availability at (804) 561-7510.      Location - Battlefield Visitor Center    Phone - (804) 561-7510

01/16/2016 - 12/31/2016    GPS Geocaching Adventure      Try Geocaching, a world-wide phenomenon that uses hand-held GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) units along with satellite technology, to find deliberately hidden objects similar to a treasure hunt. Informational brochures about Geocaching, and some of our GPS activities, are located at the Battlefield Visitor Center. Try locating our specially-placed park caches. You can also go to http://www.geocaching.com  to get coordinates of the many caches hidden near the park in the surrounding Farmville and Amelia County communities. If you don't have a GPS app on your phone, or your own GPS device, the park has several units available for rent "By the Day" for $10.00 or "Half-Day" for $6.00. Simply stop in at the Battlefield Visitor Center during scheduled open hours and we'll get you started with this adventure-filled, family-friendly activity available to the public all year long.      Location - Battlefield Visitor Center    Phone - (804) 561-7510

Andy Guest/Shenandoah River State Park   Located at 350 Daughters of Stars Drive Bentonville VA 22610
01/13/2016 - 12/31/2016    Wildflower Guide for the Cottonwood Boardwalk      Stop by and check out this beautiful guide created by nationally recognized wildflower photographer, Jackie Labovitz.  All the photographs of highlighted flowers were taken here in the park.  Jackie's work has recently been on exhibition at the Smithsonian and National Botanical Gardens in Washington D.C.      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 622-6840

01/13/2016 - 12/31/2016    Junior Ranger Adventure Guide      Stop by the visitor center and pick up a beautiful "Junior Ranger Adventure Guide" created by The Friends of Shenandoah River State Park.  The guide includes activities for children and teens which will teach them about the natural resources of the park and what it's like to be a park ranger.  Once you complete the guide, you can return it to the visitor center and receive an official junior ranger patch.      Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 622-6840

01/13/2016 - 12/31/2016    Geocaching      The park has GPS units available for rent at the visitor center.  The cost is $6 per half day or $10 per full day.  There is one VA State Parks cache in the park to find, as well as  other caches placed in the park by other groups/individuals.  For a full list of caches and their corresponding coordinates, you may visit http://geocaching.com      Location - Varies    Phone - (540) 622-6840

01/13/2016 - 12/31/2016    Nature Packs for Children      Nature Packs are available at the visitor center to checkout free of charge.  Each backpack comes with items which will enable your child to better explore the park.  Packs include a guide book, a set of binoculars, a compass, a bug magnifier box and regular magnifying glass.  Additional items may be included.  There will be a $10 charge for packs returned with missing or damaged items.       Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 622-6840

Sky Meadows State Park   Located at 11012 Edmonds Lane Delaplane VA 20144
01/09/2016 - 12/31/2016    Junior Ranger Booklets   11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Kids, find out what it takes to be a Ranger at Sky Meadows! We have three Junior Ranger Activity Books: Junior Historian, Junior Naturalist and Junior Farmer. Complete all three activity books and become an official Sky Meadows Junior Ranger!  Stop by to get your books and start your journey!      Location - Pick up at Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 592-3556

01/09/2016 - 12/31/2016    Family Discovery Backpacks   11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   Bring the family out to Sky Meadows and check out one of our Family Discovery Backpacks.  These backpacks are stocked with all the tools you'll need to spend a day of self-guided discovery.  We have three different kits that allow you to explore various natural wonders: Beginning Birding, Insect Investigation, Woodland Wonders.  Each themed pack includes field guides, maps, and other tools, as well as activity cards that will help you enjoy a day of exploration.  An adult 18 years or older must be present to check out a pack.    Location - Available at the Visitor Center    Phone - (540) 592-3556

01/23/2016    Mount Bleak House Tours   11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Walk through history by touring historic Mount Bleak House. Join a ranger or docent and hear the story of the many owners of this 1840's house and how they shaped the history of Sky Meadows. Feel a part of their stories as you enjoy opportunities to sit in historic reproduction furniture. Tours are available 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tours are subject to ranger or docent availability. Please inquire inside the Visitor Center for a tour.      Location - Mount Bleak House in Historic Area    Phone - (540) 592-3556

01/24/2016    Mount Bleak House Tours   11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Walk through history by touring historic Mount Bleak House. Join a ranger or docent and hear the story of the many owners of this 1840's house and how they shaped the history of Sky Meadows. Feel a part of their stories as you enjoy opportunities to sit in historic reproduction furniture. Tours are available 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tours are subject to ranger or docent availability. Please inquire inside the Visitor Center for a tour.      Location - Mount Bleak House in Historic Area    Phone - (540) 592-3556

01/30/2016    Mount Bleak House Tours   11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Walk through history by touring historic Mount Bleak House. Join a ranger or docent and hear the story of the many owners of this 1840's house and how they shaped the history of Sky Meadows. Feel a part of their stories as you enjoy opportunities to sit in historic reproduction furniture. Tours are available 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tours are subject to ranger or docent availability. Please inquire inside the Visitor Center for a tour.      Location - Mount Bleak House in Historic Area    Phone - (540) 592-3556

Staunton River Battlefield State Park   Located at 1035 Fort Hill Trail Randolph VA 23962
01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017    Park Packs   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Enjoy a self guided tour by picking up one of our many family adventure park packs.  They include such subject areas as young explorers, nature discovery, bird watching, tracking and rocks and minerals. The packs are first come first service. There is no fee for the use of the packs.         Location - Clover Visitor Center    Phone - (434) 454-4312

01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017    GPS Guided Tour    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Check out one of our GPS units and start your own geocache hunt. It is a great adventure for the family to explore the history of the battle at the Staunton River Bridge, by finding all the hidden clues in the park. There is no fee for this event.         Location - CLover Visitor Center    Phone - (434) 454-4312

01/01/2016 - 01/01/2017    Battlefield Tour    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Take a trip along the battlefield trail and enjoy the self guided tour. You and the family will learn details about the battle of the Staunton river Bridge and the people that where   involved.         Location - Clover Visitor Center    Phone - (434) 454-4312

Twin Lakes State Park   Located at 788 Twin Lakes Road Green Bay VA 23942
01/23/2016    Winter Warmth...Part 2   11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   It might easy for us humans to throw on gloves and a scarf to keep warm, but how do wild animals, like raccoons, birds, snakes, fish, and even insects keep warm?  From fat to fur and sleep to antifreeze, animals are uniquely adapted to survive during the long winter months.   This week, we'll take a look at our feathered friends and discover how they stay warm. Then we will create art that can be used to feed birds in your backyard. Be sure to dress warmly, as the program will be given outdoors. Fireplaces will be lit during the program.    Location - Picnic Shelter located near the Cedar Crest Conference Center    Phone - (434) 392-3435

01/23/2016    Crafts by the Fire Series    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   During the cold winter months, nothing can whisk the blues away quite like getting cozy by the fire and working on your favorite craft. Be sure to dress warm, bring your imaginations, and your questions. As we create our works of art we will swap stories of the day, and when we are done we'll roast marshmallows to make s'mores.  All materials will be provided. The program will offer fireplaces that will be lit during the program.    Call the office for details on what activity we will be doing this week.     *location is subject to change in the spring based on usage of the Cedar Crest Conference Center.     Location - Picnic Shelter near the Cedar Crest Conference Center    Phone - (434) 392-3435

01/23/2016    Winter Wonders   4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.   Every season brings new things to explore and see in the outdoors. If you can brave the cooler temperatures, winter hiking can lead to rewarding views and good family fun. Join a park ranger for a leisurely one mile hike around Goodwin Lake Trail. We will look for signs of animals, and take in the beauty of Goodwin Lake in the winter.    Location - Meet at the Interpretive Circle    Phone - (434) 392-3435

01/24/2016    Good Morning Twin Lakes series   9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.   Enjoy the beauty of the morning and enjoy a nice cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa with a ranger. Each week we will discover the wonders of Twin Lakes with family fun activities.  Hot water, cups, campfire coffee, and cocoa will be provided. We encourage you to bring your favorite tea, cocoa, or instant coffee as well.    Call the office for details on what activity we will be doing this week.     *Location is subject to change based on the usage of the Cedar Crest Conference Center.    Location - Picnic Shelter located near the Cedar Crest Conference Center    Phone - (434) 392-3435

01/24/2016    Winter Survival   1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.   Every season brings new challenges to our bodies as we enjoy the outdoors. While the differences between summer and winter seem apparent, there are many similarities that one should think of when participating in outdoor activities during the cold months. Join a ranger as we explore what similarities and differences there are between summer and winter hiking, and what precautions we should take to ensure a wonderful outdoor experience. We recommend wearing boots or closed toed shoes, and dress for the weather. There will be a short 1 mile hike associated with the program.     Location - Meet at the Interpretive Circle, located near the concession stand    Phone - (434) 392-3435

Westmoreland State Park   Located at 145 Cliff Road Montross VA 22520
01/08/2016 - 12/31/2016    Exploration Backpacks with Self Guided Fossil Hunting Kit   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Stop by the Visitor Center to pick up an Exploration Backpack filled with gear for the great outdoors. You can search for and identify insects using the bug net and magnification container, or, you can hike down Big Meadow Trail to Fossil Beach and use the sand sifter to find fossilized shark teeth. The backpack also includes binoculars and a quick reference bird guide as well as a compass, and other field guides. Backpacks can be signed out at the Visitor Center, open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Backpacks must be returned by 4:00 p.m.    Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (804) 493-8821

York River State Park   Located at 9801 York River Park Road Williamsburg VA 23188
01/06/2016 - 12/31/2016    Field Trips/School Outreach      York River State Park offers access to a variety of habitats and both natural and historic resources. With access to the York River, forest, creeks, and marshes there is plenty to discover and explore. We offer hands-on outdoor learning experiences for groups of all ages. All programs are tailored by the interpretive staff to meet the specific grade level needs of the participants. Please inquire how each of the programs correlate to the Virginia SOLs! Guided hikes, paddling, and wetlands programs are available. Fees vary. Call the park for scheduling and fee information.    Location - Various    Phone - (757) 566-8523

01/08/2016 - 12/31/2016    Bluebird Loop Self Guided Interpretive Trail   8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.   The Bluebird Loop Trail is a place where all park guests can visit and  enjoy some of the most beautiful views in the park.  The trail is completely paved making it convenient for people with mobility challenges and families with small children and strollers.  The Visitor's  Center is in the middle of the loop with exhibits to enhance your visit and escape inclement weather.  Bikers, hikers, and paddlers can use the loop as the start of their adventures.  A quick visit to this little trail is a great introduction to our park.        Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 566-3036

01/12/2016 - 12/31/2016    Taskinas Creek Self-guided Trail   8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.   Enjoy the challenge of steep, wooded ravines and the views of the estuarine marsh.  Taskinas Creek Trail is over two miles of hiking adventure with dramatic overlooks that are perfect for photography, wildlife viewing, and just enjoying solitude.  Hike self-guided, or call the park office in advance to schedule a ranger guided Taskinas Trek.      Location - Taskinas Creek Trail    Phone - (757) 566-3036

01/15/2016 - 12/31/2016    Park Packs   9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   Want to enhance your visit to York River State Park? Then a Park Pack is what you need! A Park Pack will help you explore the park on your own. Each pack contains binoculars, guide books, story books, birdsong players, and more. Park Pack themes include Birding, History, Rivers, and more. Check out a Park Pack for up to 3 days at the Park Office Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.     Location - Visitor Center    Phone - (757) 566-8523

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