United Way
United Way of North Central Florida

Thank you to all of our Small Business Partners!

Advantage Publishing Inc.

Aflac (Harvey Dwayne Jones)

Ambiance Salon (Heidi Reichardt)


CRASH Technicians

David Greenberg Communications

D.L Hulse Consulting LLC

Landmark Mortgage Planners

N2 Publications

If you are interested in becoming a United Way Small Business Partner, please contact Chris Wells at cwells@unitedwayncfl.org or 352-316-0666.


Thank you to everyone who attended our Employee Campaign Coordinator Breakfast! 
On July 23rd, we held our annual ECC Appreciation Breakfast & Training. Attendees listened to inspiring speakers, enjoyed an awesome trivia game and ate delicious food from Adam's Rib Co. Thank you to everyone who attended! 

Special thank you to our event sponsors: Nationwide, Florida Food Service and BBI Construction!

Small Business Spotlight

Small businesses play a critical role in maintaining a thriving local economy. They are no less important to the success of United Way, as we endeavor to improve lives through our work in education, income, and health. Our Small Business Partners are an important, growing family of donors, who are vital to helping us meet the needs of our community.

This week, we are highlighting Lisa Magary, Co-Owner of Celebrate Primary Care. Read more.
Become a Volunteer Reader
Our ReadingPals program is currently seeking volunteers for the 2015-2016 school year. United Way pairs ReadingPals volunteers with a 2nd or 3rd grader to read for one hour per week. 

Flexible locations and times are available.

Sign up now or learn more at www.ReadingPalsGNV.org or call Angela Hutchings at 352-333-0858.

Donations Needed!
Our ReadingPals program is looking for 100 new or gently used 1-2 inch binders. Donations can be brought to the United Way office (6031 NW 1st Place), across the street from the Oaks Mall. Thank you!
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