United Way
United Way of North Central Florida
Thank you to all of our Small Business Partners!

Aflac (Harvey Dwayne Jones)

Ambiance Salon (Heidi Reichardt)


Landmark Mortgage Planners

If you are interested in becoming a United Way Small Business Partner, please contact Chris Wells at [email protected] or 352-333-0856.


Small Business Spotlight
Small businesses play a critical role in maintaining a thriving local economy. They are no less important to the success of United Way, as we endeavor to improve lives through our work in education, income, and health. Our Small Business Partners are an important, growing family of donors, who are vital to helping us meet the needs of our community.

This week, we will be highlighting Dan Drotos, Vice President of Drotos Ryals Group. Read More
2014 Campaign Finale
You can RSVP for our upcoming Campaign Finale here. We would also like to thank our event sponsors for making this event possible: Best Western Gateway Grand, Florida Food Service and North Florida Regional Healthcare.
Spend the Day with John Spence
You can RSVP for Spend the Day with John Spence here. We would also like to thank our event sponsors for making this event possible: Best Western Gateway Grand, Florida Food Service, Gainesville Regional Airport and North Florida Regional Healthcare.
Hearts Unite was a Success
United Way of North Central Florida would like to thank everyone who attended Hearts Unite last week. Special thank you to Piesano's for donating the delicious lunch. All of the generous donations we received are what makes our work to improve lives in the community possible. You can view photos from the event here.
YLS Strengths Finder Workshop
Melissa Johnson, PhD. is presenting the YLS Strengths Finder Workshop this Thursday, February 26 at 6 PM. This event is completely free and will be held at the UWNCFL Office.

Come out to learn more about how you can understand your strengths and use them to help others. You can RSVP here or email Britt Pearson at [email protected].
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