JULY 2015
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An IWRM approach to water resources has been a hallmark of AWRA since our establishment in 1964. In2014, 12 projects were nominated for our annual IWRM Award. The May issue of our Water Resources IMPACT magazine features not only the 2014 AWRA IWRM Award winner - One Water, One Watershed Program from the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority - but also highlights eight of the other projects nominated for the award "in a contest that was almost too close to call," according to selection committee members. The issue is has been opened for public download for a limited time. 
AWRA Conferences

Annual Water Resources Conference  

Super Saver Registration Deadline: September 4, 2015 

Exhibit Information

Sponsor Information 

Grand Hyatt Denver, Denver, Colorado

November 16 - 19, 2015

Water - Energy - Environment
Sheraton Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
April 25-27, 2016

2016 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference: GIS and Water Resources

Sacramento West Hotel, Sacramento, CA
July 11-13, 2016

AWRA Webinar
Jennifer conducting interviews with artisanal gold miners in the Mekong River near to the Xayaburi Dam project site Sayaboury (Xaignabouli) Province, Laos PDR 2013
Water Security in 2015: Development in the Nile, Mekong & Amazon River Basins

AUGUST 18, 2015 | 1pm ET


This webinar will focus on understanding different scales of water security for the purposes of informed water resources management. Water security is at the center of environmental, social, political, and economic systems at local, regional, national, and international scales. Capturing this complexity and conducting analysis at scale helps to identify water needs, risks, and challenges for different communities so decision makers can respond. The Nile River basin will be presented as a case study, to include the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Lake Victoria sub-basin. Q&A to follow. PDH credit available. 

Webinar software provided by: MWH Global  

From the AWRA Blog

What with all the water news this wee, what event takes priority?NASA's Pluto (left) flyby and the remarkable pictures taken of the erstwhile planet and its largest moon, Charon (right). Perhaps there will be a renewed campaign to restore Pluto to its 'planet' status. And maybe it has water! If that's not enough for NASA, consider that the agency  produced new estimates of the global ...�


The following message from Tammy Belcher of RTI (Research Triangle institute), a Department of Labor contractor, is directed to all of you who consider yourselves groundwater or surface water hydrologists: Hydrologists:  Research the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters; and study the form and intensity of precipitation, its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through ...�

Disclosure Notice: the publisher, McDonald & Woodward, sent me a review copy. I've since purchased an additional copy. Caveat Emptor: In early 2014 a publisher's representative told me that if a paperback copy has a brown margin on the back cover instead of a green one, then that book is from the first printing and has a lot of typos....�

Disclosure notice: Cynthia Barnett is a friend and she sent me a free copy of her book in April 2015. As usual, this is one of my 'stream-of-consciousness' reviews, so quit now if you are expecting something different.  
It's been two months since I received a copy of Cynthia Barnett's newest water book: Rain: A Love Story - oops, ...� 

HIGHLIGHTS - JAWRA JUNE 2015 Featured Collection -  Water for Megacities - Challenges and Solutions: Today, cities are growing bigger and faster throughout the world. Currently there are 28 megacites, those with a population of 10 million people or more, and the number of megacities is expected to grow to 41 by 2030. This featured ...�

Media of Water


AWRA Pinterest Water Videos Board

How Whales Change Climate
When whales were at their historic populations, before their numbers were reduced, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere every year. The return of the great whales, could be seen as a benign form of geo-engineering. Produced by Sustainable Human (sustainablehuman.me).

This Week at Interior July 17, 2015
Secretary Jewell unveils proposed regulations to safeguard communities from coal mining operations; a USGS report shows dramatic erosion on the north Alaska coast; three more national monuments join the roster of places protected by the Obama Administration under the Antiquities Act.


Registration Open for the 2015 AWRA WASectionLogoWashington Annual State Conference
October 22, 2015 | Seattle, WA
This year's conference will focus on the latest understanding of impacts of climate change to water resources in Washington State and potential strategies for adapting to these changes. The warm winter of 2015, perhaps a typical year in future decades, provides an interesting backdrop for discussing climate change impacts.
In This Issue
AWRA Conference News
AWRA Webinar News
From the AWRA Blog
Water Reports and More
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