The Catalyst
Newsletter for AWRA State Section and Student Chapter Presidents

AWRA HQ Staff and the national Board of Directors would like to wish you a very happy holiday season!

We would also like to encourage that during this wishful and giving season, you consider giving the gift of AWRA. Do you know a student or colleague who would benefit from membership in national AWRA? With one of the most influential journals in water resources management (JAWRA) and a bi-monthly magazine offering hands-on knowledge and resources (IMPACT), as well as multiple educational and networking opportunities each year; membership to national AWRA is a great way to show that you care. Contact me with any questions regarding giving the gift of membership to national AWRA.


Christine McCrehin
Membership Services Manager, AWRA
State Section and Student Chapter News
Florida Wins Outstanding State Section Award 
During the President's Reception at the AWRA Annual Conference in Jacksonville, members of the Florida State Section accept both the Outstanding State Section Award and a certificate for surpassing the $10,000 mark for donations to the Richard A. Herbert Memorial Scholarship. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to AWRA. Congratulations on your award and milestone!

OSU Wins Outstanding Student Chapter Award
The OSU Hydrophiles, AWRA student chapter at Oregon State University, were winners of the 2012 AWRA Outstanding Student Chapter Award. The Hydrophiles are a very active student chapter, hosting several educational and networking events each year. Congratulations Hydrophiles!

Student Chapter Leaders Meet at Conference

Several of AWRA's Student Chapter leaders and advisers met during AWRA's recent annual conference in Jacksonville, FL. Among several items discussed were starting a student chapter of AWRA, fundraising, partnering with other campus organizations for events and connecting with your State AWRA Section. If you have any questions or would like to know more, contact Christine McCrehin, or pose your queries to the Student Chapter Leaders listserv. If you are not a member of the listserv, contact Jacque Towner to be added.  
Volunteers Rock!

Volunteers Daniel Millan, Sonia Watt and Juan Gonzalez help AWRA staff stuff renewal notice envelopes during the 2012 Annual AWRA Conference in Jacksonville, FL. Thank you so much for the help!


For more conference photos see the November 10-15 postings on the AWRA Facebook page Like us on Facebook.

More State Section and Student Chapter News
Humboldt Chapter
Humboldt University Forestry and Wildland
Resources Students Start AWRA Chapter

As a student chapter on campus, we do restoration work such as bank stabilization by planting riparian species and local redwoods, water quality testing, attend conferences to stay up to date on current water resource issues, and help inform the community about how to be water wise. Humboldt Student Chapter website.

Georgia Section Helps Clean-up Local Rivers   
Locally, the North Oconee and Middle Oconee rivers were targeted for cleanup, as thousands of volunteers met in other locations across Georgia for similar events. Read article.

Delaware Section Presents Fall Water Summit: Blue Shades of Green Infrastructure 

The Delaware Section of AWRA (DEAWRA) 

hosted a one-day symposium to discuss green infrastructure in Delaware and its impact on water resources.    


New Jersey Section Presents Award to NJIT Project
The New Jersey Section of AWRA presented its 2012 Excellence in Water Resources Protection and Planning Award to the NJIT project "Protection of Critical Source Areas for Achieving Long Term Sustainability of Water Resources" under the category of the exceptional water resources planning and management initiatives. More information.  

2013 AWRA Conference Updates

2013 Upcoming Conference Deadlines

December 2012 Issue Connections Available
Check out the December Issue of Connections
Media of Water, AWRA HQ News, State Section and Student Chapter News, Online Resources, AWRA Events, Non-AWRA Events and Education Opportunities. So much information you need to see it for yourself! Click here for access to the current issue of AWRA's Connections, as well as access to all back issues.
Connections Wants Your State Section and Student Chapter News
Do you have an upcoming conference, meeting, webinar, or event? Perhaps you just elected officers, or hosted an award ceremony for deserving water resources professionals? Do you have information that you want to reach not only your local membership, but water resource professionals throughout the nation and world?

No event or announcement is too big or small. Please contact Christine McCrehin for more information and our publication and deadline schedule.
Spotlight a Member in Connections
Do you know someone in your section or chapter who does  exemplary work either in their job or section/chapter participation? Would you like to recognize them?

would like to feature one exemplary member in our publication each month.  Members may be exemplary on an international, national, state, local or section/chapter level.  

Please contact Christine McCrehin for more information and the list of interview questions.

Make Sure Your Members Get Connections

AWRA's e-newsletter Connections is the best way to get the most current news and program information about our association as well as the water resources professions.

To ensure that your members receive this valuable resource, be sure to submit your membership email roster to Christine McCrehin at AWRA HQ. Your membership list will never be sold and will only be used for distribution of AWRA news and information. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Are You Still the President or Liaison?
AWRA HQ Seeks to Update our Information on Your State Section or Student Chapter  
AWRA small logo
Do you have new officers? Web address? Social media pages? Want help spreading the word about upcoming events? Help us help you.

To that end, we request that you email Christine McCrehin with your most current officer contact list, web addresses, social media pages and any events that you'd like us to help you publicize.
December 2012
In This Issue
AWRA Conference Updates
Update Your Officer Information
Best Practices
AmRivers Webinar
AWRA Career Center is a Member of Engineering and Science Careers Network!
AWRA's Career Center offers many tools to members of our national organization. Not only do you receive access to job ads in our career center, but AWRA is a member of the Engineering and Science Careers Network (ESCN), so you get access to their more than 40 member organizations' job postings.

National AWRA members can
  • Post Your Resume
  • Sign-up for Job Alerts
  • Manage Saved Jobs
  • Conduct Job Search  

 Check out AWRA's Career Center today! 

Free Resource for Section and Chapter Leaders!
People Power Unlimited, led  by Cynthia D'Amour, MBA is a resource specifically for section and chapter leaders.


Her advice is hard-hitting and easy to implement. Whether you need more members or want to lead more strategically, check-out this website.

The Catalyst Seeks Section/Chapter Best Practices
Has your Section or Chapter hosted a successful webinar, meeting, conference, or membership campaign?

We all want to offer our membership the best possible learning and networking experiences. Allow your fellow Section/Chapter officers to benefit from your successes and lessons learned.

Submit a 500-1200 word article on your experience to Christine McCrehin for inclusion in a future issue of The Catalyst. Photos, videos and links are encouraged.
Resource Links
Upcoming AWRA Section and Chapter Events
Email your event to Christine McCrehin for inclusion.

Alaska State Section
2013 AWRA Alaska Section Annual Conference
March 4-7, 2013

Colorado State Section
Annual Symposium
April 26, 2013

Indiana State Section
Symposium with the Indiana Water Monitoring Council:
Drought: Is Indiana ready for the next one
December 3, 2012

Annual Conference
June 2013

National Capital Area
State Section
The National Capital Region Water Symposium
April 5, 2013

Utah State Section
Annual Luncheon
January 15, 2013

Wisconsin State Section
37th Annual Meeting - Managing Wisconsin's Urban Water Resources
March 7-8, 2013

DEAWRA Student Chapter
Christiana River Cleanup
April 21, 2013 
Kenneth D. Reid, CAE
Executive Vice President

Michael J. Kowalski, CAE
Director of Operations

Richard A. Engberg
Technical Director

Patricia A. Reid
Program Coordinator

Christine McCrehin
Membership Services Manager

Jacque Towner
Office Manager
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