Holy Rosary - Wea Catholic School

Committed to upholding a tradition of faith development, educational excellence and service to God and Community
Date: 10/9/2015
Quick Links
In This Issue
Important Dates:


  • 10/16/15 No School
  • 10/30/15 - All School Mass 1:00 PM, Halloween Parties, Trunk or Treat
  • 11/5/15 - No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • 11/6/15 - No School





Dear Families, 

We spent time earlier in the week as a staff in professional development, learning more about implementing professional learning communities. We focused on the topic of data triangulation. Essentially, how we use multiple forms of data to make educational decisions. I believe these communities will make us better at what we do. I'm continually impressed by our teaching staff  and their deep knowledge of best practices in the classroom.

I hope you have a blessed weekend,

Mr. Antista

Mathletics Competition
4th - 7th Grade  Participants
   All students worked well together and had fun!
Pro-Life Forum
8th Grade
The 8th grade participated in the Pro-Life Forum at Nativity Parish this Wednesday.  After an intense morning, the students enjoyed lunch out with each other. 

Reading Buddies
Preschool & 6th Grade

Parents Morning Out
Help spread the Word!!

Dynamic Disciples
Students Modeling Faith

Due to the short week, the drawing will be held next Friday.
Fall Concert
Sharing the Gift of Music

Thank you to Mrs. Pesely and all the band, choir, and music students for a wonderful performance!

Counselor's Corner
Thoughts on Homework - Lisa Ruff, School Counselor

Over the years, I've heard lots of different theories on the best time for students to complete homework. When I began my career, almost 20 years ago, many experts suggested doing homework right after school. I believe that parents know their children well enough to determine the right time to study. Within the last few years I've seen a shift in thinking, leaning towards giving kids a much needed break after school. Jim Fay, co-founder of Love and Logic, often talks about how tired we as adults feel after a day at work. Would we want to come home and start on more work immediately? Or do we need a break so we can return to it later with a clear mind? Only you and your child can come to this decision. Doing so together gives shared control and helps strengthen your relationship.
Book Fair  
Coming soon!

Our fall Scholastic Book Fair is November 5th - 12th. But no need to wait, on-line shopping hours begin October 30th!

Want to volunteer?  Opportunities are available in the following areas: 
  • Set-up the morning of November 4th
  • Working registers and helping shoppers during Book Fair hours November 8th - 12th
  • Take down the morning of November 13th
Contact Lisa Miller if you're interested in volunteering.
Flu Shots
Offered at QHR Wea School

When: Wednesday, October 28th 3:00-4:00
Where: School conference room
Ages: 6 and up (Parents and children welcome)
Cost: $35 or will bill insurance provider
Courtesy of Vohs Pharmacy

Available for Sale On-line Only

Advocates for Catholic Education

ACE will be providing kids games at the upcoming Parish Bazaar on Oct. 18th from 12-4pm.  We have had some wonderful junior high students step up to volunteer but are still in need of an adult to fill in for a 2 hour shift either from 12-2 or 2-4. If interested please contact Dana Foltz ([email protected]).  Thank you!

Moms In Prayer
All moms are invited to pray at the Moms in Prayer group any week you are able to join us. We will be praying for our third grade class, Mrs. Ewalt, 40 Days for Life, and any other intentions on Wednesday morning October 21st.   We meet in the room above the Adoration Chapel after morning drop off for about an hour.  (The Adoration Chapel is just south of the church.).  If you are not able to join us and have a prayer intention, please call/text Pam Krafft at 913.244.3349 or email at [email protected].  Our prayer time and all prayer requests are completely confidential.

Spirituality and Service

God is the friend of silence.  If we really want to pray we must first learn to listen; for in the heart God speaks.
Mother Teresa

Enjoy a day in country on Oct. 23rd!  All QHR families are welcome to come to St. Philippine Duchesne Park near Mound City, Kansas, to walk the beautiful trails, pray the Stations of the Cross, and enjoy the autumn scenery as we learn more about the life of St. Philippine and her work among the Native Americans.  There will be someone dressed up as the nun herself, and another person to help us learn of the history and work she did.  We will also visit Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Mound City which is dedicated to St. Philippine.  The stained glass windows tells of her life.  This is a family field trip and if you can't go please arrange for your child to be supervised by another adult.  We will leave QHR at 3:30 and arrive back around 6:45 p.m.  Please bring your own snacks and water bottle.  Questions: Call Danna at:  913-406-7602.


If you would like to donate stamps or money to help cover postage for approximately 250 letters going out to active military men and women, just drop your donation off at the school office.  We will be writing the letters on Oct. 21st during the school day.




Please have your student(s) submit all labels to their classroom container by the beginning of school on Friday, October 23rd.  The winning class will be announced later that day.


Mark your calendar for the upcoming dates:


Trunk or Treat- Oct. 30th 6:00 - 7:45 pm - Look for invites to come home early next week.


Sock Hop - Nov. 20th. 7-9 pm


Go Royals!!!



St. James Academy
Open House