July 7, 2015:  Year 5; Edition 13.5
Wargaming and BBQ - Nothing Better! 
40K/Malifaux Fun & Fundraiser
The NOVA Open Charitable Foundation invites you to a backyard charity tournament and BBQ on July 18, 2015, in McLean, VA.  The games of the day will be Warhammer 40K and Malifaux . . . and its all for charity! All proceeds will go towards Doctors Without Borders, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, AND the Fisher House Foundation!

Have Fun - Help Us Fundraise!

1249 Kensington Road, McLean, VA

When:  Saturday, July 18, from 8/9 AM to 7:30/8:30 PM


What:  Aside from three rounds of 40K and Malifaux, there will also be Bocce, Ladderball, Cornhole, and a live musical performance at lunch, so bring your friends and family! We've pulled out all the stops to provide a great opportunity to raise funds for charity while enjoying your favorite game.


Price:  $30 will cover registration; $40 will cover registration and lunch.

Food:  Lunch w/ticket includes a burger or dog, chips, plus 2 beverages. The grill will be going most of the day. Food, chips, cookies, alcoholic/nonalcoholic beverages and charity army raffle tickets will also be available for purchase.

Rainy day
The gaming areas will be covered; we will be playing, rain or shine.

40K will be using missions from the upcoming NOVA Open 2015, while Malifaux will be using missions from the upcoming Wyrd National Championship, hosted at NOVA.


Packets:  Absolutely!  One for 40K, and one for Malifaux!

Out of Towners:  Let us know and we will help you find a great rate at a nearby hotel.

Remember, at the time of this newsplash, there are only 10 spaces left in 40K and only 6 for the Malifaux tournament left!  Help us make this a great fundraising event for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation. This is going to be a fun day. Register TODAY, before they're gone!
Buy Raffle Tickets for the Sons of Orar!

"The Emperor's will guides us, the Primarch's blood strengthens us, the Founder's example drives us. No foe can stand before us and prevail."
- Alavaan, Chapter Master of the Sons of Orar

The basic history of the Sons of Orar was lost to Imperial records, but it is known that they revere Orar, the legendary Ultramarines Captain who ascended to mythic status in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. The Sons of Orar claim the titular Orar as their spiritual patriarch, and are listed in the Lexicon as a successor chapter to the Ultramarines, though this history is lost to the sands of time.

Read more about this army HERE!  BUY RAFFLE TICKETS TODAY! 

Buy Raffle Tickets for the Alaitoc Eldar!

"We move like ghosts across a galaxy that was once ours. Silently we walk upon the ruins of cities and across the bones of worlds, our every kill a reminder to our enemies that though our light grows dim, the Eldar will have their vengeance." 

- Illic Nightspear

The Eldar of Craftworld Alaitoc are known for being among the most influential Eldar, sending out agents to act as eyes and ears across the galaxy. This makes the Alaitoc among the most knowledgeable forces in the 41st millennium, although they aren't eager to share their information with anyone, shunning contact with those races they deem "inferior."


Read more about this army HERE!  BUY RAFFLE TICKETS TODAY!