July 15, 2015:  Year 5; Edition 14


this newsletter is HUGE and may be clipped in your browser; if so, select "view entire message" at bottom of newsletter.
In This Issue:
Batalion Piechoty Has Arrived!

Created and donated by Steve McCuen, the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation is excited to announce the arrival of Batalion Piechoty (Polish Infantry) as its newest Charity Raffle army.  

Alongside the Blitzkrieg Supplement, the Polish Batalion Piechoty stands as a remarkably adaptable army, worthy of attention. First of note is the core; each company can comprise up to four platoons, meaning that there could be as many as 49 infantry teams in one element. At the same time, while all units are deployed, the platoons can act independently of each another.

Read up on and see more detailed pictures of Batalion Piechoty HERE!

Proceeds benefit Doctors Without Borders.
Brought by Nic Myers & Island Games! 

Thanks to Nic Myers, NOVA Open MTG lead, for enlisting Island Games and Hobbies (Centreville VA) to help bring Magic: The Gathering to NOVA Open 2015! Plan to spend the three days playing the game, 24/7!

NOVA Open Convention Playmat has been commissioned; Watch for NOVA Open and Island Game specials in the next few weeks!

(Pre-Register to guarantee space)
  • NOVA Open's Modern Melee (8-unlimited players, swiss pairing)
  • NOVA Open's Standard Constructed (8-unlimited players, swiss pairing)
  • 2HG Sealed (8-32 teams / 8 booster packs each, swiss pairing, four rounds)
(Pre-Register to guarantee space)
  • Standard "win a box" (8 player)
  • Modern "win a box" (8 player)
  • Legacy "win a box" (8 player)
  • MTG: Origins Booster Draft (8 player)
  • Multiplayer Commander (4 player)

Already registered to attend NOVA?  No problem - just add MTG events to your cart and check out! 

REGISTRATIONS AVAILABLE JULY 20, 2015 at novaopenstore.com
BOOK ROOM AT HYATT REGENCY CRYSTAL CITY:  $91 group rate - Best Deal Around!
Hot off the Press!

The Malifaux Championships are *not* an invitational event. You do not need to win at any other event to participate. Anyone can register for this event. Anyone. You, your buddy, your Aunt Marjorie, your Nana, the strange man selling Soulstones under the ancient bridge in your town... All of you can register. DO IT NOW!


What's the newest Word from Wyrd?

Well, if you haven't seen the latest Wyrd Newsletter, it's right here  

This means there will be tons of new models hitting the table, and crews that were previously unavailable will be seen at the Nova Open. The Nova Open will not only be the North American Championships, but it will also be the first test of the new Malifaux environment: one where all crews are out, and available to all. We're going to set the stage for who rises to the top for the next coming year. 


We've also spoken to Justin Gibbs, lead designer for Malifaux, Nova Open Guest speaker, and TO for the National Championship regarding the new material to be released at Gencon. He's cleared us to be the first major tournament to use "Shifting Loyalties", the third book for the Malifaux line, which adds exciting new models into the mix.


Will Outcasts still dominate the top tables? Will Gremlins rise up to take the helm? Will Austringers and Peacekeepers be enough to propel the Guild to the top spot? Will the plastic Mechanical Rider's general release make Arcanists the most powerful pick? It's an exciting time, and we want you to be there for it! Register now! How will the Emissaries and their new abilities change the tabletop? Only you can tell! 


Speaking of registering, at press time, there are still spots available for July 18th's Nova Open Charitable Foundation 40k and Malifaux Back Yard BBQ. It's a fun event, played at a relaxed pace, filled with good eats and great games. The Malifaux portion is also a mirror of the Nova Open Championship's final 3 rounds, so you can get some practice in for those crucial final games. Register and plan to play this Saturday; more information HERE.


The Army Painter
We at the NOVA Open are proud to introduce our newest sponsor, The Army Painter!

Between the dynamic duo of Bo Penstoft and Jonas Faering, the company's founders, there have amassed more than 30 years of experience in gaming and painting, with 23 total painted armies.

Their donation is nothing short of exciting! Sneak peak:
  • 500 wargaming brushes for the swag bags
  • 15 dice blisters for the Lemonade Raffle
  • A mega paint set for the GT winners for both 40K and Warhammer Fantasy!
Visit The Army Painter today.
The NOVA Open Needs You!
Calling all attendee guests!  If you're attending the NOVA Open and you have a family member or two who might like to help the NOVA Open while you're gaming, we could use their help!  The NOVA Open plans to run four daily shifts from Wednesday through Sunday:
  • 6:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 8:30 PM - 1:00 AM
The areas needing assistance include: Registration, SuperNOVA check-in, Foundation Lounge, Photography, Lemonade Raffle and Final Awards Ceremony - as well as the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation desk and Silent Auction.
Sons of Orar Space Marines vs. Alaitoc Eldar

The NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (NOCF) charity army raffles begin today. Visit the site NOW and buy a a ton of raffle tickets - you could end up owning one of these amazing Warhammer 40,000 armies. 
Ninety-five cents of every dollar raised will directly support the work of Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Each of these armies is a one-of-a-kind work of art lovingly created by nearly 20 of the world's greatest miniature artists, the NOCF Artist Consortium. They came together in 2015 under the direction of Dave Taylor to lead the Compassionate Force (what the NOCF calls the worldwide network of tabletop wargamers) in a mission to fundraise for charity on this Battle for Craftworld project. On point for The Sons of Orar artists was John Stiening; for the Alaitoc Eldar, Brian Ballard.

The winners of these armies will be drawn at the NOVA Open's Final Awards Ceremony, September 6, 2015, between 7-9pm EST.

The NOCF will ship anywhere in the world with a deliverable address.

Bookmark the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation's blog and follow Dave Taylor as he features the many units that make up these armies. Next up: Guardians and the Dire Avengers from the Alaitoc, along with two of the Tactical Squads from the Sons of Orar!

Both armies are base 2000 points with a lot of flexibility up and down. Check out their lists:
40K/Malifaux BACKYARD BBQ: 
Fundraiser - Please Join
Last chance to help make this a success! All net proceeds will go towards Doctors Without Borders, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, AND the Fisher House Foundation!

The details:  
  • Where:  1249 Kensington Road, McLean, VA
  • When:  Saturday, July 18, from 8/9 AM to 7:30/8:30 PM
  • What:  Aside from three rounds of 40K and Malifaux, there will also be Bacce, Ladderball, Cornhole, and a live musical performance at lunch, so bring your friends and family!
  • Price:  $30 will cover registration, $40 will cover registration along with lunch and beverages (additional food and alcoholic/nonalcoholic beverages will also be available for additional donation).
  • Rainy day?  The gaming areas will be covered; we will be playing, rain or shine.
  • Missions?  40K will be using missions from the upcoming NOVA Open 2015, while Malifaux will be using missions from the upcoming Wyrd National Championship, hosted at NOVA.
  • Is there a packet?  Yes, yes there is!
Remember, at the time of this newsletter, there are only 10 spaces out of 32 for the 40K tournament left, and only 6 spaces out of 16 for the Malifaux tournament left!  
Register TODAY, before they're gone!
What Next? 

The Executive Board has reviewed the Fantasy/Age of Sigmar survey results and one thing is very clear: Our Warhammer players do not want the NOVA Open
 to abandon or postpone this game. Therefore, we are reaching out to the six people who generously volunteered to lead Fantasy/Age of Sigmar this year. We hope they will work together to create weekend of events to satisfy this passionate player community. Stand by

Schedule: Tournaments - Seminars - Foundation Lounge

Spend some time with this important resource so you can plan your best trip to the NOVA Open!
New Schedule Formatting provides attention boxes with news items for each day:
Three Big News Items!
There's some big changes coming to Warmachine/Hordes!

1) With Lock and Load 2015 done, the new set of rules for season three of the Iron Gauntlet have been revealed. This season differs slightly from last years, allowing the players who advance to the final rounds to only draw models from a list that they've played in prior rounds.The full rules and current standings can be found HERE, and the Nova Open 2015 primer will be updated with the latest rules.

2) We are proud to announce that our very own Jonathon LeClare, one of the Warmachine leads and an integral part of the Warmachine and Hordes team, has successfully passed the tests and become a part of their Judge program. Judges are put through rigorous testing by the Privateer Press staff to ensure they know the game back to front, top to bottom, and can answer any rules question thrown at them. Jon will be the presiding judge for all Warmachine and Hordes events at the Nova Open this year, and his presence gives us the final go-ahead from Privateer to run a fully sanctioned Iron Gauntlet. Congratulations on your new post, Jon!

3)  Effective immediately, Privateer Press events will be using this updated conversion policy.  This new policy includes more clarifications on what is legal and what is not. While we at the Nova Open wholeheartedly embrace dynamic and crazy models, we will be adhering to these new policies so please read them in advance. If there are any questions, please post on the Privateer Press Forums thread for the Nova Open HERE, or contact the Nova Open Staff at novaopen@gmail.com. We will endeavor to answer any questions presented to us.

NOVA OPEN 2015:  
Army Appearance Judging Cards

The official primer for Army Appearance Judging at the 2015 NOVA Open has been released, but now we're also giving artists the ability to have their work judged while not present!

The Appearance Judging Card helps us identify what armies need appearance scoring for our events.  It's also useful when used to identify the owner if said owner is not present or if the army is left unattended for some reason.  The card should be present on or near the display board whenever the army is left unattended, and you should be able to produce the card at the request of any appearance judge, administrative staff member, or member of the Board of Directors.

Here's what you need to fill it out:

  1. Your name.
  2. The name/faction of the army that is used in the actual game in question, or a name you came up with for your specific force.
  3. For 2015, we will NOT be judging army appearances during games for most events, so ignore the square present.  Your TO will inform you if the event you are attending is exempt.
  4. Each judge will sign their initials when judging is complete.  Only 2 are required for most events, while the third line is present for a third set of eyes if needed per Army Appearance Primer.
Trenchworx Tanks: Your Canvas!

Our rules leading into the event have gone through numerous revisions and updates, reflecting the subject matter expertise of a wide number of professionals - from airbrush experts and premier event sponsor Grex to individual artists with their own different outlooks on how such an event should be held, but at last our rules have been finalized! 

We also extend a special thanks to Grex AirbrushTrenchworxSecret Weapon Miniatures, and Vallejo Paints for sponsoring the event and helping us bring this vision to light.

CHECK OUT THE RULES - This is going to be a lot of fun. 
Drop by for a Demo! 

We are excited to announce that Spartan Games will be at the Demo Tables this year!
Courtesy of William Tripp (Line of Sight Games), you'll enjoy trying out:
There are quite a few demos slated for the NOVA Open 2015!  Here's a sneak peek at what we'll be offering:
Join the Game in 2015!

The Tabletop Olympics is a NOVA Open program which provides attendees with an opportunity to join forces with their local buddies and convention-traveling companions for honor and notoriety! Together, teams can accumulate achievements; individually, players can amass points. Either way, achievements amass at each NOVA Open and across time at multiple NOVAs to keep the competition alive and well. 

Go to your novaopenstore cart and join or start your team today!

Learn More HERE.
Check out the Tabletop Olympics Point Chart HERE.
2015 Hotel Block Open:
Book Early - No Risk!
The rates for NOVA Open 2015 are at $91 per night, up just $2 from the previous four years.
If you have any trouble with block sales being filled, please contact us: novaopen@gmail.com
Reserve room at Hyatt now ~ last year nearly sold out. Remember that reservations can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the NOVA Open.  

The NOVA Open is your "End of Summer" convention. With its proximity to Washington, D.C. (with its free museums, memorials and monuments) and the lowest hotel costs available in the D.C. area, think about taking advantage of the room rate to turn your trip into a family vacation!
Room rates are available from the Friday before NOVA Open through the Tuesday following the convention. If you'd like to extend those dates, please contact us:  novaopen@gmail.com
We Need Your Support
Help us spread the news about the NOCF Charity Army Raffles by visiting our social media sights and sharing our links!

As we approach the convention date, NOVA
Open's social media presence is in full swing. Follow us on Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and at our blogs (Whiskey40K & novacf). Like us on Facebook. Thanks to Mike, Dewey, Dave and Nora, you can stay up to date with the latest on all things NOVA Open & NOVA Open Charitable Foundation:

Battle for Craftworld begins with models
donated by Atlantis & Element
Where Does it Begin?    

In 2013, the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (a 501c3 U.S. non-profit business) was created to demonstrate the great generosity of the worldwide network of tabletop wargamers in raising funds for charitable organizations. In two years, the Compassionate Force has raised more than $50,000 in support of DWB/MSF, BCRF, Fisher House and more. 

All armies receive
custom cases and transports from KR Mutlicase
These armies don't just spring up out of thin air, though. The NOCF is supported by a number of amazing and generous sponsors who have donated models, transport cases, unique bases, time and more to the charity army raffles, Silent Auction, backyard fundraisers and the Foundation Lounge which operates during the NOVA Open. We hope you will help us show our appreciation by supporting each in return:

Element Games

Eric Fontaine's Facebook Project

KR Multicase


Powered Play

Road to NOVA / Rogue General Hunter
Secret Weapon Miniatures

Stiff Neck Studio


Wyrd Miniatures

2015 NOVA Open Draft Primers

Thanks to the heroic efforts of the NOVA Open event leads and staff, draft primers for game systems and events at the 2015 NOVA Open are now available!

Non-Game Primers:
All questions for all games, events and leads may be sent to novaopen@gmail.com.
News Updates from All Event Leads

The NOVA Open now has ten separate game systems running. The Leads of each will be using this "Corner" of the newsletter for Minute Updates.  

  • 40K Invitational
    See promo HERE
  • 40K Trios
    As usually happens with a new system, there are things that should be included that we missed.  A place to list team members for events like Trios is one we missed in our new NOVA Open registration system. Please send the names of your team members to Marti Seraphin (novaopenregistrar@gmail.com). We'll get the same info from all the other teams and get it entered in the registration system from our end.  Sorry about the glitch, but it's an easy one to fix.

    New:  Updated Primer
  • 40K Narrative
  • Primer still planned; no worries - these events are on site registration only
  • Dropzone Commander
    The Dropzone Commander tournament is excited to announce the release of tournament-specific errata and the full draft tournament packet for the Dropzone Linked Narrative Battle: "The Siege of Triticum - Operation Caldera". Space is still available in the Dropzone Commander Tournament (Saturday, September 5th) and Linked Narrative Battle (Sunday, September 6th).

    Simon from Hawk Wargames will be at NOVA with the show-only double-decker battle bus and a wide range of other Dropzone models and terrain available for purchase, and Dropzone faction t-shirts can be made available with an advance pre-order.
  • CMON (Dark Age & Wrath of Kings)
    New:  Updated Primer
  • Lord of the Rings/Hobbit                    
    New: Updated Primer  After much communication in the Hobbit community, our lead revised the primer. Check it out now.
  • Infinity
    New:  Updated Primer
  • Malifaux
    New:  Updated Primer
  • Warhammer Fantasy
    On May 27, the NOVA Open Executive Board wrote to Jerry Parsley, chairman of the USA Masters committee for Warhammer, seeking its help and support in keeping Fantasy as an offering at the NOVA Open.  Steve Gant, our WFB lead, is unable to act due to a work conflict; the player base is reporting overt concerns about 9th edition and delays in release as is evidence by sluggish registration.

    Players should know, first and foremost, that this game has been a mainstay at the NOVA Open since 2011 and we would very much like to continue hosting the WFB community and their events. Even with these concerns, our terrain staff has continued to work creating more and improved WFB terrain to enhance this large GT. 


    We hope the USA Masters committee will be able to work together with the NOVA Open to identify an optimistic and courageous lead willing to run a big GT with a new edition dropping just weeks before. If you can help, please contact us:  novaopen@gmail.com. If we are unable to find a lead, current registrations will be refunded.
  • Warmachine/Hordes
    New:  Updated Primer
  • X-Wing
    Events have sold out - championship tournament is nearly filled; don't miss a chance to play on our 11-foot star destroyer, NOVA Astrabellum!


First 400 to Register Receive Swag Bags