June 15, 2015:  Year 5; Edition 12 
2015 NOVA Open Registration

NEWS FLASH:  The NOVA Open Convention Access Pass (CAP) Early Bird Special Discount will end tomorrow on June 16, 2015.  Buy your CAP today at a cost of $40.

The novaopenstore cart will allow you to create an account, purchase the CAP, and return at a later date to purchase events (anytime between now and August 30).

Tomorrow, on June 16, 2015, the CAP will cost $50.   http://novaopenstore.com 

(This large newsletter may be clipped in your browser; if so, select "view entire message" at bottom of newsletter.)
In This Issue:
CONVENTION ACCESS PASSES: $50 on June 16, 2015

Just a heads-up to anyone planning to attend the 2015 NOVA OPEN:  the price for convention access passes will go up to $50 on June 16!

Considering that this particular newsletter is going out on the 15th, that's tomorrow!  Buy your passes today! You can return to your cart anytime before the NOVA Open to purchase your event tickets, add seminars, etc. 
The Christening     

Chief Engineer Alex Wright stood at the shipyard bridge, high in orbit above a planet whose existence is one of the greatest-kept secrets in the Empire. He gazed out at the masterpiece before him, illuminated by a dozen spotlights, attended by two dozen welding droids, and basking in the glow of a thousand stars. Even though he oversaw its construction from the start, Alex was still filled with awe every time he saw her. It was a labor of love, a work to end all others, a construct built on a galactic scale. Any attempt to construct a ship this size on a planet surface would have been impossible.        

Lord Admiral Brandt of the Galactic Executive Office, flanked by two of his Supernova Guard, stepped off the elevator to join Alex on the balcony. The two shook hands.        

"Lord Admiral, you're here early. The official presentation isn't for another hour."        

The Lord Admiral chuckled, "I wanted to be here to see her maiden launch, Alex. It's not every day my newest flagship is completed."        

Alex smiled,"Then you're just in time." He strode confidently to the communications panel and spoke into its microphone, "All hands, prepare for launch."        

An alarm blared. The welding droids ceased their tireless work and evacuated the launch area. Scaffolding groaned and fell away as the sleeping behemoth stirred. Her engines ignited with enough power to shove a landlocked city several miles, an impressive display of the great beast's contained fury. The Star Destroyer then slid gracefully out of her dock, turned around in open space, and displayed her mile-long, dagger-like front end to the Lord Admiral and Chief Engineer.

Lord Admiral Brandt whistled in admiratio, "What do I call her?"

Alex beamed with pride as he rejoined the Lord Admiral, "The Astrabellum, sir - You call her the NOVA Astrabellum." 
40K & Malifaux BBQ
The NOVA Open invites you to a backyard charity tournament and BBQ on July 18, 2015, in McLean, VA.  The games of the day will be Warhammer 40K and Malifaux . . . and its all for charity: NOVA Open Charitable Foundation and Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

32 spaces in 40K; 16 spaces in Malifaux.
First Come/First Serve
  • $30 - Game Only
  • $40 - Game + 2 drinks and a hot dog or burger.
Food and beverages will also be available for purchase on site. Register TODAY!
Facebook, Twitter & More
As we approach the convention date, NOVA
Open's social media presence is in full swing. Follow us on Twitter,Flickr, Instagram and at our blogs (Whiskey40K & novacf); Like us on Facebook. Thanks to Mike, Dewey, Dave and Nora, you can stay up to date with the latest on all things NOVA Open:

Join the Game in 2015!

The Tabletop Olympics is a NOVA Open program which provides attendees with an opportunity to join forces with their local buddies and convention-traveling companions for honor and notoriety! Together, teams can accumulate achievements; individually, players can amass points. Either way, achievements anass at each NOVA Open and across time at multiple NOVAs to keep the competition alive and well. 

As long as you are registered, you can join a named team (no charge). NOVA Open's brilliant convention system will automatically calculate and accrue your individual and team points, plus add bonuses for certain accomplishments like winning tournaments. Everything you do at a NOVA Open earns you points: seminars, hobby events, organized casual or narrative play, and tournament play. Most points are based on participation and time (e.g., a 2-day event will generally award a proportionally larger number of points than a 1 day event). The names of the highest achievers each year are inscribed upon NOVA's Tabletop Olympics Golden Cup, to be immortalized throughout history.

The Tabletop Olympics also provides the first in a planned future of opportunities for team players whether they share interests or not. Every team member can connect their accomplishments and competitions across different event genres and types. Friends and club mates join together as a team, earning points and accolades for their experiences at the NOVA Open as a whole, connecting and normalizing earnings and experiences - regardless of event type or game system.

2015 is all about bringing more and more cool stuff to the NOVA as a built-in part and parcel of your Convention Access Pass. Whether the team-building factors of the Tabletop Olympics or the awe-inspiring sight of an 11-foot, fully-lit Imperial Star Destroyer, we're working hard behind the scenes to bring you the best, brightest, and boldest NOVA Open yet. 

Learn More HERE.
Check out the Tabletop Olympics Point Chart HERE.
BATTLE FOR THE CRAFTWORLD: Sons of Orar, Complete!

Enjoy this first look at the Sons Of Orar Adeptus Astartes army for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation 2105 Charity Army Raffles. 

At present, we've put together this amazing composite photo.  We'll be rolling out additional photos/features between now and the prize drawing at the 2015 NOVA Open.

Follow the progress on the NOVAcf blog HERE!
Prize Packages Get Privateer Boost!


Privateer Press, demonstrating a new appreciation for the level of effort and the number of tournaments our leads run at the NOVA Open, has stepped up with the best shipment of prizes to date:

  • Khador Extreme Juggernaut model
  • Khador Extreme Destroyer model
  • Staff signed copies of Warmachine: Reckoning hardcover edition
  • Copies of the IK Unleashed RPG Adventure kits
  • Staff signed posters
  • 10th anniversary Hordes dice
  • Privateer logo focus tokens
  • Iron Arena wall templates
  • Iron Arena measuring widgets
  • Iron Arena 1" stepper templates
  • Masters pin
  • Iron Gauntlet silver pin
These prizes will be boosted by the generous contributions of the NOVA Open Vendors and Sponsors...more great reasons for WM/H players to attend and for those already attending to check out the Warmachine Hall during their time with us!
NOVA Narrative Army Construction:  UPDATED! 

First, all players a friendly reminder you must prepare a 2,000 point army list AND a 1,000 point army list using the same primary detachment. There will be team games that require the use of your smaller force. 

Second, we are happy to announce we have released the updated 2015 codex supplements. Please find them, and all the latest rules and army construction updates in the new updated NOVA Narrative Primer!
Updated for 2015!

Heads up, sports fans!  

The official NOVA Open 2015 Blood Bowl Primer has been updated this month!  Be sure to check out the primer ONLINE at the NOVA Open website!
NOVA OPEN 2015:  Army Appearance Primer

The official primer for judging Army Appearance at the 2015 NOVA Open has been released!  Painters, be aware that some of the rules have changed.  What won the gold last year might not do so this time!

Check out the full primer HERE!
Justin "misterjustin" McCoy

Justin McCoy from Secret Weapon Miniatures - AKA "misterjustin" - returns to the NOVA Open 2015 with another great line-up of classes. Student favorites include "Using Pigments on Miniatures" and Justin's 2-hour, info-packed "Weathering Techniques" demo.  

We are excited to announce that he brings his new "Lights, Color, and Competition" class which promises to add great depth to our seminars. This is a class designed specifically for modelers who wish to explore art, film, and models as a whole and to explore new ways of thinking about how we display models -- whether single models, or large dioramas.

"Justin's class on storytelling, color, and light is, in my opinion, the one class that EVERY miniature painter who ever even considered creating a diorama or vignette needs to take."  
-- Anne Foerster, Reaper Miniatures Staff Painter and creator of the Master Series Paint Line

We think that says it all! Head to the novaopenstore.com right now and sign up before this class sells out. Of note: This is also the class that takes a field-trip to explore the Capital Pallette cases, and provides some real world examples of what works, what doesn't, and most importantly... why. Join Justin's classes now and learn why we're so excited to have him back for another incredible year at the NOVA Open!

Send Us Your Links 

As we approach the NOVA Open 2015, the Internet is abuzz with excitement. 
If you see NOVA Open on any blogs or forums, be sure to send them our way and we can give them a shout-out.
Glitch Resolved; Refunds Made

As you may have been aware, a data entry error caused a glitch in our discount system and several Warmachine/Hordes players were overcharged.  On June 7, 2015, the system was repaired and all existing WM/H attendees were refunded.

News Updates from All Event Leads

The NOVA Open now has ten separate game systems running. The Leads of each will be using this "Corner" of the newsletter for Minute Updates.  

  • Dropzone Commander
    There is no longer a conflict in the NOVA Open store preventing anyone from registering for both events. The Dropzone Linked Narrative Event is designed to provide hours of great entertainment and strategic game play for any Dropzone player not playing in the Tournament Semi-Finals and Finals.  PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to sign up for both events and qualify for the semi-finals or finals, there are no refunds for the Linked Narrative Battle; alternatively, players will be able register to play in the Linked Narrative Battle at the convention.  
  • CMON (Dark Age & Wrath of Kings)
    Dark age: New models released for MayCome check them out at NOVA Open 2015. CMON will be running tournaments, demoing the games and setup in the Vendor Hall.
  • Lord of the Rings/Hobbit                    
    New: Updated Primer  After much communication in the Hobbit community, our lead revised the primer. Check it out now.
  • Infinity
    Due to an influx of player registrations, the Infinity player space has been increased to 30 players in ITS and Fireteam tournaments.  The limit for the Hunger Games will remain at 16.
  • Malifaux
  • Warhammer Fantasy
    On May 27, the NOVA Open Executive Board wrote to Jerry Parsley, chairman of the USA Masters committee for Warhammer, seeking its help and support in keeping Fantasy as an offering at the NOVA Open.  Steve Gant, our WFB lead, is unable to act due to a work conflict; the player base is reporting overt concerns about 9th edition and delays in release as is evidence by sluggish registration.

    Players should know, first and foremost, that this game has been a mainstay at the NOVA Open since 2011 and we would very much like to continue hosting the WFB community and their events. Even with these concerns, our terrain staff has continued to work creating more and improved WFB terrain to enhance this large GT. 

    We hope the USA Masters committee will be able to work together with the NOVA Open to identify an optimistic and courageous lead willing to run a big GT with a new edition dropping just weeks before. If you can help, please contact us:  novaopen@gmail.com. If we are unable to find a lead, current registrations will be refunded.
  • Warmachine/Hordes
  • X-Wing


First 400 to Register Receive Swag Bags

2015 Hotel Block Open:
Book Early - No Risk!
The rates for NOVA Open 2015 are at $91 per night, up just $2 from the previous four years.
Reserve room at Hyatt now ~ last year nearly sold out. Remember that reservations can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the NOVA Open.  

The NOVA Open is your "End of Summer" convention, and with its proximity to Washington, D.C. (with its free museums, memorials and monuments). With the lowest hotel costs available in the D.C. area, think about taking advantage of the room rate to turn your trip into a family vacation!
Room rates are available from the Friday before NOVA Open through the Tuesday following the convention. If you'd like to extend those dates, please contact us:  novaopen@gmail.com
Schedule: Tournaments - Seminars - Foundation Lounge
UPDATED with HOBBIT/LOTR schedule. 

Spend some time with this important resource so you can plan your best trip to the NOVA Open!
The schedule lists all game tournaments and any new Critical Mass Events (CMEs), over 45 art-paint-hobby seminars taught by some of the best talent in the industry, Foundation Lounge hours/presentations, and much, much more. 
New Schedule Formatting provides attention boxes with news items for each day:
2015 NOVA Open Draft Primers

Thanks to the heroic efforts of the NOVA Open event leads and staff, draft primers for game systems and events at the 2015 NOVA Open are now available!

Non-Game Primers:
All questions for all games, events and leads may be sent to novaopen@gmail.com.