A clarification from
The President
The July HSA NEWS circulated a call for candidates willing to fill available HSA officers' positions in 2017. The wording has led to some confusion, so I am sending this explanation as clarification.
In accordance with HSA bylaws, all HSA Officer and Regional Coordinator positions are up for election each year. The following incumbents have agreed to stand for re-election and serve in their positions again in 2017:
President - Fay Aoyagi
1st Vice President - Mike Montreuil
Treasurer - Bill Deegan
Frogpond Editor - Aubrie Cox
Electronic Media Officer - Randy Brooks
Newsletter Editor - Ignatius Fay
Two positions on the Executive Committee (2nd Vice President and Secretary) will be open and need to be filled.
Most Regional Coordinators have agreed to stand for re-election and serve in their positions again in 2017.