March 09, 2015

We have some updated contest news.

The HSA Bernard Lionel Einbond Renku Competition 2015 has been cancelled due to the insufficient number of entries. The contestants have been notified by either snail mail or email. We thank them for entering, and we look forward to receiving their entries again next year.

Just a few reminders:

Sending your entries without adhering to the in-hand deadlines results in disqualification. Please do not waste your time and money sending entries that aren't mailed well in advance of the deadline. Also, please follow the guidelines as stated on our website,

I am receiving entries for the various contests each week, and many contestants haven't followed the submission instructions.
For example, some are sending only one copy of each poem. Some contestants have sent their submissions to last year's contest coordinator. Misdirected mail from now on cannot be forwarded, but will be marked "Return to Sender."

These are the contests and in-hand deadlines:

1) Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition for Grades 7-12-- March 25

2) Mildred Kanterman Memorial Merit Book Awards--March 31

3) HSA Contest for Best Unpublished Haibun-- July 31

4) Gerald Brady Memorial Awards for Senryu--July 31

5) Harold G. Henderson Awards for Haiku--July 31

Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have questions, please contact me.

Charlotte Digregorio
Second Vice President
Haiku Society of America

Ignatius Fay, HSA Newsletter Distributor
Haiku Society of America