Haiku Society of America
November 21, 2013
A Gentle Reminder

Membership in the Haiku Society of America is based on the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. In order to continue receiving Frogpond, Ripples and society benefits in 2014, it is time for you to renew your membership.

Dues for 2014 remain the same as in 2013: $35 for members in the United States, $37 for members in Canada and Mexico, and $47 for members in the rest of the world. Dues for Seniors (65 and older) and Students in the US, Canada and Mexico are $30.

The cost of mailing Frogpond makes it necessary that Senior members outside the US, Canada and Mexico still pay the full $47.

As always, you may pay using either PayPal according to the directions on the HSA website (http://www.hsa-haiku.org/join.htm), or by downloading the membership form and mailing the completed form with a cheque, cash or money order to:
Angela Terry, Secretary
The Haiku Society of America
18036 49th PL N E
Lake Forest Park, WA  98155

Ignatius Fay, HSA Newsletter Distributor
Haiku Society of America