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November 3, 2013
Can you believe it? We forgot something else. 
Okay! You're right. We really bobbled the ball this time out. We are terribly sorry for the deluge of email in the last two days.


Somehow we overlooked an article submitted by John J. Dunphy.
Here it is, in its entirety.

The Mississippi Mud Daubers of Southwestern Illinois
      The Mississippi Mud Daubers Haiku Group met on August 16 at Sacred Grounds Coffee House in Edwardsville, Illinois.  Those present included Gretchen Graft Batz, Lori Becherer, Natalia Coleridge, John J. Dunphy, John Han, Richard Keating, Ben Moeller-Gaa and Lisa Porter.  Members welcomed newcomer Lori to our group.
       Richard shared some of his free-verse work and announced that he will soon journey to Sweden.  He hopes that some extraordinary poetry will come from this trip.  Lori shared "Bees on White Clover," a leaflet of haiku that she has self-published.  She shared an article by Harold Gould Henderson titled "Haiku, Ancient and Modern," which was published in the February 1934 issue of Asia magazine.  Lori and Lisa Porter have submitted haiku for possible inclusion in the annual members' anthology published by the Haiku Society of America.
       Gretchen brought copies of the latest issues of Frogpond and bottle rockets, which contained works by Mississippi Mud Daubers.  An accomplished dulcimer player, Gretchen shared a haiku she had published in Dulcimer Player News.   Natalia announced that she will soon make her annual pilgrimage to Walden Pond.
        Ben and John Han shared haiku that they intend to submit for publication.  Ben now serves as the mc for the poetry readings held at Dressel's Public House in the Central West End district of St. Louis, Missouri.  John noted that he has recently been published in a number of haiku journals.
         John J. Dunphy mentioned that "Old Soldiers Fading Away," the title poem in his chapbook "Old Soldiers Fading Away" (Pudding House Press, 2006), was posted on May 25 in the on line book blog of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in conjunction with Memorial Day.  John recently received a new shipment of his senyru chapbook "Zen Koanhead" (Second Reading Publications, 2008) and sold five copies today to one customer in his Second Reading Book Shop in Alton.  He is scheduled to teach a haiku workshop on August 24 in Alton.
                                -- submitted by John J. Dunphy for the Mississippi Mud Daubers

Ignatius Fay, HSA Newsletter Distributor
Haiku Society of America