Haiku Society of America
HSA Quarterly Meeting,
June 21-23, 2013
in Seattle
The Haiku Society of America welcomes you to its second quarterly national meeting of 2013 at the Wing Luke Asian Museum in Seattle, on the weekend of June 21 to 23, 2013, hosted by Haiku Northwest. HSA president David Lanoue will talk about the 250th anniversary of Issa and lead a "Write Like Issa" workshop. Novelist David Patneaude will explore the role of haiku in his novel Thin Wood Walls. Bashō researcher Jeff Robbins, visiting from Japan, will highlight the humanity of Bashō and also explore Bashō's known vs. unknown work (did you know that he wrote tanka, or that most of his haibun and letters have
not been translated into English?). HSA vice president Michael Dylan Welch will celebrate the haiku of Seattle haiku pioneer Francine Porad.

In addition, Haiku Northwest will launch its 25th anniversary haiku anthology, No Longer Strangers, with a reading of haiku from the book. The Puget Sound Sumi Artists will also display recent haiga. Other events include meals at nearby restaurants, free admission to the museum, and an informal gathering on Sunday at the Seattle Japanese Garden ($6 admission).

For more information, including the complete schedule, directions, recommended accommodations, and more, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/haikunorthwest/meetings-1/hsa-national-meeting-2013 (your RSVP will help us with planning) or email Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com. Events are open to the public and all Saturday events are free.