Happy Khmer New Year!

Our staff, volunteers and all the students and teachers celebrated Khmer New Year with games and fun! It marks the end of the harvest before the beginning of the rainy season. While students will have a long break, our staff and teachers will spend some time in our office preparing lesson plans and reports so the second part of the school year will run smoothly.

Happy New Year
Water & Sanitation Tracker 2016
March 2016
On The Ground Report
Grow and Know

Our yearly cycle of Puberty workshops in grades 6-9 has been successfully implemented to 130 Students. This year it has been enriched with new posters and especially with new booklets for each student to take home.

Thank you to Marni Sommer for allowing us access to her Puberty booklets for boys and girls translated into Khmer, enriching our Puberty program. Aarthi Sekar a volunteer with ADE Global has been advising our Community Workers on setting up a new program of producing and distributing reusable cloth sanitary kits. If you care about the dignity of girls and can help, please donate on our
Global Giving Project. Thank you!

Puberty Girls

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Public Policy Lends a Hand!

The UC Berkeley Graduate School of Public Policy student team is working on the difficult task of developing tools to evaluate our women's health educational workshops. How do you conduct surveys after a village workshop where many participants are illiterate? We trust the master
's program students will be able to come up with creative solutions so we can better track our progress. 
Partnership with Global Nomadic

We have formed a new partnership with a unique British organization that offers people of all age groups unique placements and opportunities for internships in non profit organizations. We hope to attract highly qualified and passionate individuals that will work side by side with our staff, learning about the joys and challenges of non profit work while offering their knowledge, ideas and talents in return.

Consider a Recurring Donation

Recurring donations are the backbone of our organization and we know that we can rely on  
our faithful supporters. Like Louise Hu from Hong Kong who has been donating for the past 7 years. Small donations from big hearts certainly add up. Please consider setting up a recurring monthly donation with us by clicking here.
Thank You for Generous Donations
Merry Go Round
A big thanks goes out to...

Gail Tsuboi
, Cayo Marschner and Gail Uilkema for purchasing new playground equipment, especially for replacing our two broken merry go rounds.
Thanks to Frank & Carol Deford, Pat & Rowland Rebele, Jill Tucker, JoAnn Kurtz-Ahlers, Shane Reid and Susie Miller and Carol & Mark Duster. They have all donated and rebuilt their original wells that keeps the water flowing. 
Celebrating our Volunteers
We cherish all visitors who come lend a hand for a day or two or just come for a morning visit.

This month, the Dastrup and Dudak Families from Singapore helped with sanding and painting the playground equipment at Ta Pang. We also had visitors from Australia, China & Dubai. Thanks to Peixa Mo, Gabby, The Walker Family and Ariana Farulla for coming down to say 'hi' and helping out!

Singapore Group
Ariana Reading
We say goodbye to...

Simona Krasaukiene,
who has tirelessly created forms, reports and yearly teaching plans with our staff, so that everyone is more organized. We will miss you! 

Simona in Class

Remember: Ordinary people can do extraordinary things that make a difference in the world, ONE CHILD AT A TIME!

Cambodian Child's Dream Organization