Water & Sanitation Tracker
We did it! We've got our 1000th Well!

Anderson and Annalise Wille from California, were inspired by their mother, Kristin's visit to Siem Reap. She told them of the poverty and that people didn't have water.  The two teenagers immediately starting raising funds with bake sales and soon had enough for a well.

Congratulations on being the donators of our 1000th well. May you be an inspiration to others.

Also of note are: 
Our 999th well  which belongs to Chelsea DeVries donated by Holly Hartley and our 1001st well is donated by Julie & Steve Elver. You are all winners as you have made a great impact on the lives and health of these families.  
A special thanks to Ginger Snap and Christopher Bryan for each donating two latrines so that we met our goal of 200 latrines. We are starting to nstall our next batch of latrines and are looking for donors. Click here to donate.
1000th well
2015 Roundup of Accomplishments
Thanks to our generous supporters we gratefully present our accomplishments for 2015.

Women's Workshops
Our Community Workers are being trained with some new topics and are redeveloping the old topics.

We have employed a young American who speaks fluent Khmer to help bridge the East/West Culture and philosophy.

Jasmine Mojica Whitney has lived in Siem Reap for a few years as  both her parents work for local NGOs.

Welcome to the CCDO Team, Jaz!

CW Training Crop
           Rith, Salourm, Arun, Jaz
Staff Training
Our WASH Coordinator, Bou Sea and our Education Coordinator, Sok Pin, had the opportunity to attend a one day workshop on Public Speaking with Confidence.
This was organized by  Possibilities World, an organization that runs community workshops to empower Cambodians with the correct tools for success.
Pin Trainiig
      Sok Pin, Education Coordinator
Sea Training
        Bou Sea, WASH Coordinator
Thank You for Generous Donations

We want to thank you all for including  CCDO in your New Year 's giving.

Remember: Ordinary people can do extraordinary things that make a difference in the world, ONE CHILD AT A TIME!

Cambodian Child's Dream Organization