Helping Children Worldwide
April 2014
Growing Leaders, Saving Lives
Little Girl Joins the Child Rescue Centre Residential Program
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The Child Rescue Centre Residential family has grown again! Kadija, 6 years old, was accepted in the Child Rescue Centre Residential Program late last month. She joins her two older brothers, Norman and Mustapha Koroma, who came into the residential program last year. Norman, Mustapha and Kadija had been in the care of their aunt under very poor conditions in which they had to work instead of going to school. When the Ministry of Social Welfare became aware of the children's circumstances, the aunt ran away with Kadija. The Ministry of Social Welfare was unable to locate the aunt and Kadija at the time that the two boys were brought into the Child Rescue Centre.
When Kadija was brought to the Child Rescue Centre, the three siblings were overjoyed to see one another again. They had been separated for almost a year. Please join us in praying for this little girl who has already been through so much in her young life.
Helping Children Worldwide's
13th Annual Golf Tournament
It may only be April, but planning has already begun for Helping Children Worldwide's biggest fundraiser of the year. The Helping Children Worldwide 13th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Sept. 8, 2014 at 1757 Golf Club in Dulles, VA. For anyone who is interested in sponsoring, volunteering or donating auction items, please contact Bethany Blackwell.
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The deadline to apply for our October Medical Mission team is coming up! Missioners who want to travel on the October team need to have their applications in by April 30, 2014. Although the team will have a medical focus, we welcome applications from non-medical professionals as well. All you need is a willing heart. An UMVIM trip is a transforming, life-inspiring experience, so please consider going to Bo on the October medical team.
Past missioners have found their trips to Sierra Leone to be extremely rewarding. It is sure to be an experience they will never forget!! Please visit the Helping Children Worldwide website for more details on our UMVIM trips. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our African Programs Administrators.
Success Story:
Mercy Hospital's Prenatal Health Program
Early this year, Mercy Hospital received the donation of a new ultrasound machine for use at Mercy Hospital. The ultrasound donated to Mercy Hospital is highly versatile as it is designed to be portable; and therefore, it may be transported easily to the villages outside of Bo during the Medical Outreach Clinics.
During a recent Medical Outreach Clinic in a local village, the ultrasound scan revealed that a pregnant woman in her third trimester was carrying twins who were lying in a transverse (or sideways) position. The woman was too far along in her pregnancy to safely turn the babies for a natural delivery. The Mercy Hospital nurse informed the mother that in order to avoid potentially life-threatening complications, she would have to deliver by caesarean section. The life-saving power of this generous donation is already changing lives of mothers and babies in Sierra Leone.
Introducing Beans for Bo!!
Helping Children Worldwide has partnered with Ricks Roasters, a Stafford-based family owned coffee company, to offer a custom coffee blend-Beans for Bo! Roasted from a special blend of fair-trade beans from Africa and Asia, Beans for Bo is available on the Ricks Roasters website and several area retailers. Ten percent of all Beans for Bo sales go to support programs at the Child Rescue Centre and Mercy Hospital.
Have you had a chance to check out our new Sponsor A Child Facebook page? You can read all about the latest updates with the program and see photos of some of the children in the Child Rescue Centre programs. "Like" us today!
Helping Children Worldwide is a Christian organization committed to saving vulnerable children from disease, malnutrition, exploitation, illiteracy, and despair. Our multi-faceted approach impacts the lives of children and families through health care and education- two of the most critical factors in poverty reduction.
Through the Child Rescue Centre and Mercy Hospital in Bo, Sierra Leone,
we are growing leaders and saving lives.
Helping Children Worldwide
14101 Parke Long Court, Suite T, Chantilly, VA 20151
Phone: 703-793-9521 | Fax:703-956-6866