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May 2016



Meet us! 

Carol Gauger, MAS
Member Engagement
& Regional Relations

Melissa Weber
Regional Programs Manager

Valerie Schenewerk
Regional Relations

Seth Barnett (small)
Seth Barnett
Diversity Development
and Engagement

Lisa Beck
Lisa Beck
Member Engagement
Programs Manager

Christina Sanders
Christina Sanders
Volunteer Engagement & Recognition


Regional Update                            Volume 2016  Issue 2

Promotional Products Work! Week
Regional Challenge

PPWW Regional Challenge Promotional Products Work! Week runs May 23-27 and is focused on buyer outreach this year. Throughout the month of May, earn points and win prizes by promoting PPW!W to members, organizing regional PPW!W activities and helping your members host PPW!W events.  Read more HERE.
Thank You for Quick Response
SAAGNY First to Complete Survey

Regional Relations thanks SAAGNY for being the first regional association to complete the 2016 RAC Benchmarking Survey! Executive Director Jonathan Riegel, MAS, submitted SAAGNY's completed survey within an hour of the survey's launch.
Executive Director Work Group
Developing Evaluation Tool

Each year, the Regional Relations team fields numerous inquiries from regional associations looking for a tool they can use to fairly evaluate their Executive Director. We are happy to report that a small work group made up of regional association Executive Directors, RAC Board members and RAC Delegates is working to create an Executive Director evaluation form to meet this need.

The group will be looking at samples from inside and outside the industry to create a customizable tool that can be used by any size regional association to provide a thorough and fair evaluation of this key staff position. The group hopes to have a final version available by LDW.
RAC Delegate Work Groups
Coming Up with Solutions
to Four Regional Pain Points

The coming generational shift in our marketplace will bring a younger workforce that has a different set of needs/wants including more technology and more community involvement. What impact does this shifting demographic have on regional associations and how can we prepare to serve this new group of buyers, employees and volunteers?

We are asking our RAC Delegates to serve on one of four work groups designed to brainstorm solutions that will help regionals answer these questions:

Membership Recruitment and Retention
How can regional associations position themselves to recruit and retain the next generation of distributors and suppliers?
Tradeshows/Professional Development /Social Events
How can regional associations tailor their events and education to meet the unique needs of a younger demographic without alienating their existing members?
Volunteer Development
Can the regional volunteer model be adapted to be more attractive to a younger demographic and still accomplish the work of the association?
E-commerce is the preferred transaction method for millennials, so how are the regional associations addressing that technology challenge?
From Longtime NEPPA Member ...
How to Succeed in This Industry
Michael Woody As one of the education presenters at this year's PPAI Expo East, Michael Woody, CAS, shared his expertise on how the promotional products industry has changed, why this is happening, where the industry is going and what that means to you if you're a promotional products distributor, or supplier.
In his presentation, "3 Keys to Promotional Products Success," Michael explained how embracing the principles of FEWER, FASTER and FINER in your business lead to success in this industry.  Read more HERE.
People on the Move
Dana Geiger
Dana Geiger is CPPA's new Executive Director. Dana brings more than 12 years' of experience in the non-profit arena, including the past six as an Executive Director in the promotional products industry. She will also continue as Executive Director for VAPPA and is the former Executive Director for PPAF.

CPPA Board President Marty Buddenbohn says, "We are thrilled to welcome Dana as our new Executive Director. Her strong back�ground in association management and years of experience in the industry--specifically in this region--make her a perfect fit for our group."

The CPPA Board of Directors also extended its gratitude and well-wishes to long-time Executive Director Jolie Porter who served the association for 14 years and will con�tinue as an honorary lifetime member of CPPA.  The Legacy Group, an alliance of eight distributor partners in the US and Canada, has named her its new managing director.

Donte Shannon, CAE Dont� P. Shannon, CAE, became SAAC's Executive Director in January. Dont� is an experienced and recognized non-profit executive from the Greater Washington, DC, Metropolitan area. He has worked exten�sively in association management for nine years. 
For the last two years, Dont� managed programs, products and services and directed volunteer management strategies at the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), a 3,000 individual-member association consisting of general internal medicine physicians.

"SAAC is a wonderful association with a solid foundation for continued excellence and growth. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead this association in partnership with a motivated and engaged Board of Directors," says Dont�.
Regional Spotlight
About six, or seven years ago, Bill Lazarus brought to the GCPPA Board the idea of a group focused on getting the younger generation involved (he was on the SAAGNY Board years ago where they had such a group).
FLIPP (Future Leaders in Promotional Products) is a committee of GCPPA.  Members of GCPPA are members of FLIPP; non-members are invited to events as well.  Current co-chairs are Alison Strauss, CAS, a millennial and William Brasmar, a non-millennial, working together to plan events, share resources and knowledge and having a great time doing it.  (In the center photo below, Alison is in the center and William to the far right.)


Read more HERE.
Regional Spotlight
PPAChicago Taking Part in PPW!W

PPAChicago PPW!W 2016 Flyer
Promotional Products Work! Week is an industry-wide event dedicated to celebrating promotional products and their value as a powerful and effective advertising medium. This year's event recognizes the importance of working with promotional products professionals to most effectively use promotional products.

PPAChicago has whole-heartedly embraced this campaign and planned a week's worth of factory tours, education, support of a community charity and member recognition. See the itinerary of events HERE.

Regional Spotlight
VAPPA Pays First Responders

VAPPA Logo Executive Director Dana Geiger put this small incentive in a recent newsletter to reward avid (and thorough) readers--

            Are you reading our e-mails? Be one of the first
            three members to e-mail Dana@vappa.biz this
            message #VAPPAROCKS and you will receive
            a $5 Starbucks card.

This type of incentive doesn't cost the association much, nor does it take too much time for the members to participate.  You could use this to encourage quick signups to attend dinners, register for shows, volunteer for events, etc.
PPAI RAC Volunteer of the Year
Nominate a Regional Volunteer Today!

RVOTY Award The PPAI RAC Volunteer of the Year Award celebrates regional association members who have demonstrated an outstanding level of volunteer leadership and made significant and measurable contributions to a regional association.

This is a perfect opportunity to recognize these unsung heroes for their behind-the-scenes efforts. Nominate a regional member! Nominations are open through May 20. Find the details and submit nominations to awards.ppai.org.
Have a great idea, story, or picture?  Compliments?  Comments?  Send to Newsletter Editor Valerie Schenewerk.