The Friday Reflection Title






In the NZ Sporting context, the language "Game of Two Halves" is a well known reference to a game where the first and second half see significantly contrasting results.  As it is with kiwi sport, particularly rugby (the national religion), this concept has been applied to various and sundry contexts and circumstances.  So a "GTH" is often used when someone offers two different stories, not necessarily opposing or even contrasting, in the same space.

In this "GTH" (in the first half), I wish to make a brief comment regarding our response to the "tentative" decision in the present litigation.  And in the second half, I will offer a personal commentary on visitations.

(First Half) As we watch our present space and continue to pray and await prospective final decisions concerning the present litigation, I invite us to remember this simple albeit important reminder.  As we respond in the days before us regarding this litigation and from whence we've come over the last seven years, let us please remember there are no winners and losers here.  There is no victory and with respect to my "GTH" language, this is not a game at all.  This is life.  And so, when the opportunity arises, let us not be triumphant.  Let us not gloat.  Let us know that all that has occurred has impacted us all.  Enough of the "nots!"  Let us be gracious.  Let us be humble.  Let us be welcoming and loving and hospitable.  Let us continue to be the very people God has always called us to be.

(Second Half) Today I will gather with Episcopalians and ecumenical friends in Oakhurst to prepare and serve and gather with those in need.  It is such a simple act, to provide food for those who are hungry, to join together, and to hear and tell stories.  This is my first "mid-week" visitation and I want to thank Paul and the people of Oakhurst for the invitation.  I want to suggest that this is a model to consider for future visitations and my suggestion is twofold.  Firstly, I would far prefer to join you in "missional activities" where you are rather than simply hearing about them.  And secondly, I spend far too much time keeping what I call the "ecclesiastical machinery" going and not enough time personally engaging in mission.  So sisters and brothers, for yourselves and yes, for your bishop, please invite me to join with you as you serve God's people where and when that occurs.

The whistle has blown!


Bishop David


"Participating in God's Reconciling Love"
St. John the Evangelist, Stockton...

Even More News About St. John the Evangelist, Stockton

On May 7, 2014 The Rev. Anne Smith celebrated the Eucharist at the Wednesday 12:10 pm service. Over 35 people were in attendance at this historic event. Mother Anne was the first woman to celebrate the Eucharist at St. John's, Stockton in its 150+ year history and 38 years after the Episcopal Church approved the ordination of women. The energy and excitement were palpable in the chapel as those who came to worship realized the significance of this occasion. It is becoming evident that the Holy Spirit is present as we move forward with St. John's.


Did You Know....




History of the American Church



Establishment of parishes on the North American continent began to spread steadily following the first recorded celebration of Holy Communion in New World in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. This conformed to the typical colonial expansion pattern of the English Church in other parts of the world at the time.


During the American Revolution, northern clergy tried to maintain ties with the English Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG) and to support England, while those in the South tended to be more sympathetic to the Revolution.


The "American Revolution left the Anglican parishes shattered, stripped of most of their financial support, weakened by the flight of many clergy and thousands of members, with a number of buildings destroyed and property lost," wrote Powell Mills Dawley in 

Our Christian Heritage

 (Morehouse-Gorham, 1959). 


After the war, support for the  Society for the Propagation of the Gospel was cut off, and public support of churches was withdrawn because of newly accepted principle of separation of church and state.




By 1784, most states agreed on the need to (1) draft a binding constitution for the whole church; (2) revise the English Book of Common Prayer  to make it appropriate for use in the American church; and (3) obtain consecration of bishops in Apostolic Succession to give the American Church proper episcopal oversight and ministry.


However, church leaders were split on the position that organization of the American Church could proceed without bishops in Apostolic Succession.


Charles Inglis of New York left for England to seek ordination and later returned as the first Bishop of Nova Scotia. Many New England Episcopalians agreed with Inglis' approach to the argument, but southerners balked.


On March 25, 1783, ten Connecticut clergy elected Samuel Seabury as their bishop. Seabury traveled to England, but English canon law prevented the consecration of any clergyman who would not take the Oath of Allegiance to the English Crown. Seabury then sought consecration in the Scottish Episcopal Church, where he was ordained on Nov. 14, 1784 in Aberdeen. Thus, Seabury became the first bishop of the American Episcopal Church.


By 1786, English churchmen had helped change the law so the Church of England could offer episcopal consecration to those churches outside England.


On Feb. 4, 1787, the Archbishop of Canterbury and three other English bishops consecrated William White as Bishop of Pennsylvania and Samuel Provoost as Bishop of New York. Soon after, James Madison was consecrated in England as the Bishop of Virginia and President of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg.


When Seabury, White, Provoost, and Madison joined to consecrate Thomas Claggett in Trinity Church in New York in 1790, the episcopate in the American Church could declare its independence from Great Britain.


An assembly of the American Church met in Philadelphia in 1789 to unify all Episcopalians in the United States into a single national church. A constitution was adopted along with a set of canon laws. The English Book of Common Prayer  was revised (principally in removing the prayer for the English monarch). This first American Book of Common Prayer was based mostly on the English Book of Common Prayer of 1662. Its consecration prayer was based on the Scottish Book of Common Prayer of 1764.


The new constitution provided for annual diocesan conventions with the bishop of the diocese as presiding officer. A national General Convention was established, composed of two legislative houses, modeled after the United States Congress. A system of checks and balances similar to that of the new federal system was incorporated into the Church's constitution.


As the United States began its westward expansion, the church followed. Missionary bishops went into the new territories to minister to the far-flung and sparsely populated western parishes and congregations.




When South Carolina seceded from the Union in 1860, she was followed by ten more southern states. In 1861, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America was established, in every way the same as before except for its name change and its loyalty to the Confederacy. But the northern church declined to recognize any separation. Throughout the war, churchmen on both sides maintained their old friendships and bonds of Christian union with each other, according to Dawley (Our Christian Heritage, Morehouse-Gorham, 1959).


Seven months after the fall of Richmond in 1865, the Confederate group quietly disbanded following the national convention, which had been held a scant month before.




Subsequent general conventions have added to, but not substantially changed a basic polity in which a democratic, lay-dominated parish structure exists in tension with an episcopally dominated central governance structure. Each self-supporting congregation (parish) elects its lay governing board (vestry) for temporal affairs and its rector as spiritual leader. Congregations that are not self-supporting (missions) are directed by the bishop of the area. In a given area, the parishes and missions make up a diocese, headed by a bishop. All clergy and lay representation from all congregations meet annually in convention to conduct the business of the diocese. The convention elects the bishop to serve until death or retirement.



The dioceses and missionary districts in the United States meet triennially in General Convention. All bishops are members of the House of Bishops, and the House of Deputies is made up of equal numbers of clergy and laity. The Executive Council, the administrative agency of the General Convention, is headed by the Presiding Bishop (elected by the House of Bishops and confirmed by the House of Deputies). The Presiding Bishop also presides over the House of Bishops. Decisions at General Convention are made by joint-concurrence of the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops.




The 109 dioceses of the Episcopal Church and three regional areas are organized into nine provinces, each governed by a synod consisting of a House of Bishops and a House of Deputies. The Episcopal Church is a part of the Anglican Communion.




Conventions of the 1950s and 1960s tended to ignore increasing pressure from women to demand ordination as deacons and priests in the church. The General Convention of 1970 allowed women ordination to the diaconate.


In 1974, eleven women presented themselves for ordination to the priesthood in Philadelphia. The House of Bishops declared the ordinations invalid, saying that the 11 women remained deacons.


After 1976, the eleven ordinations were regularized when the General Convention allowed women to be eligible for ordination to both the priesthood and the episcopate. Barbara Harris, the first woman bishop in the Anglican Communion, was elected as Bishop Suffragan of Massachusetts on Feb. 11, 1989.


A completely revised Book of Common Prayer was adopted in 1979, and an updated Hymnal was adopted in 1982.


(Copyright 1999, Diocese of Oregon. All rights reserved.)



From The EPISCOPAL CHURCH website 

From the Diocesan Office...

Picture of Bishop David 

At the Diocesan Office- Modesto there are pictures of Bishop Jerry and Bishop Chet. It has been asked many times when Bishop David's picture will be hung beside them. A shout out to St. Paul's, Modesto:  The picture is coming! 


An 8x11 of Bishop David is going to be printed soon and if any other parish would like to have a picture please email by June 15, 2015. I will mail the picture (frame and matting not included) once printed.


for the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, Bishop, Canon, and Administrator is to go to the current address: 1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355


Time sensitive material can be emailed to:  


Thank you,


Ellen Meyer,



Whats going on...

What's Happening in the DIO

    Joint Diocesan Council and Standing Committee Meeting, May 24, 2014, 12 noon, Holy Family, Fresno


    Northern Deanery Eucharist and Meeting May 29, 2014, 3:00 p.m., St. John the Evangelist, Stockton 


    Convention Arrangement Committee Meeting, May 31, 2014, 10:30 a.m.,

    St. Paul's, Modesto 


    Northern Deanery Meeting June 7, 2014, 3:00 p.m., St. John the Evangelist, Stockton


    Annual Convention, October 24-25, 2014, St. Paul's, Modesto

   Click on the link below to see more upcoming events and meetings around the diocese.



From Our Parishes and Missions...

 May 16-17, 2014  
Friday and Saturday 
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Bakersfield

Join Bishop David Rice
for a Weekend with an Internationally Known Visionary, 
Author, Lecturer, & Entrepreneur 
Fr. Eric Law, Episcopal Priest

Friday, May 16
Check-in 4pm

Honor Bar w/donation
(wine and beer)

Dinner 5pm  

Program 6-8pm
Saturday, May 17th, 2014 
Breakfast 8-9am

Session I 9-11:30am 

Lunch 11:30-12:30 
Session II 12:30-2:30

Break 2:30-2:45

Session III 3-5pm

Dinner 5-6pm

Session IV 6-7:30pm

 Wine, Coffee, Dessert 7:45pm

Registration form online at
 Click here for flyer to post.   

From St. Andrew's, Taft

The Rev. Heather Mueller is planning to walk the laps for the Relay for Life, May 17-18, 2014 at  Taft High School. Her  walking  of  laps will be  the first survivor's  lap and then  she will  walk  for  several  hours  in the  evening  until  the  lighting  of  the  luminaria.  If  any of
you would like to have a luminaria dedicated to someone please email her at 
The Rev. Heather Mueller is a member of the Soroptimist Club who has organized a team of walkers. The money from their walk will be donated to the American Cancer Society. 

If you would like to donate please make checks out to The American Cancer Society. Thank you. 

From St. Anne's, Stockton

The Daughters of the King at St. Anne's Stockton will be holding a quiet day on May 17, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Leslie Sanchez will host the day at her home, 3441 Windham Circle, Stockton.
Sylvia Dobrow will guide our prayer and reflection. Sylvia has requested that we each bring a notebook and pen so we can use some of the quiet time for journaling, Bring a Bible and a candle. Also bring a small treasured object such as a rock from a special place, a picture or an icon, a special piece of jewelry, a favorite book, or whatever.... We invite Daughters from other churches and any women who may be interested.  We do need to know if you are coming so Leslie and Sylvia know how many to expect.  



 Please RSVP to Juanita Weber at



Portals to Prayer with Poets and Mystics

Deep Listening:  Heart to Heart


Thursday, June 5th 7:00-8:30pm,

The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist

1055 S. Lower Sacramento Rd, Lodi


Carol Bower Foote is offering a quiet evening designed for deep listening, by speaking selected sets of poems and writings around themes for contemplation. Time for silent prayer and reflection will be offered after each set of readings. Participants are invited to be present, silently receive the spoken offerings, then listen deeply for their own soul's experience and message.   Conversation and discussion is not part of this experience.


Works shared will include Rumi, Rilke, Hafiz, Meister Eckhart, St John of the Cross, St. Symeon,  Marie Howe, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Wendell Berry, Pablo Neruda, Li-Young Lee, e.e. Cummings, Willliam Stafford, Naomi Shibah Nye, and others.



Drop ins and guests are welcome from all parishes.  
Questions?  Call Carol at 707-374-2124707-374-2124

For our Diocesan Prayer here 
Bishop's and Canon's Visitations Calendars... 
Bishop David's Calendar -Click Here

Canon Kate's Calendar- Click Here


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Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin website  
Check out postings from Bishop David and Canon Kate at 
Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin 
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