The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin
The Friday Reflection Title

October 12, 2012 



Dear Friends,


I want to tell you a story of unintended evangelism. Some years ago one of my daughters was engaged to a young man who was not an Episcopalian. My daughter was a member of an Episcopal Church in Washington D.C., and so it was there and to her priest that they went for the required counseling before marriage. The counseling sessions ended with their decision not to get married.


The introduction to the Episcopal Church that the young man received, however, resulted in his falling in love with the Episcopal Church. He became an active member of the Church, and over time he felt called to the priesthood. He went to seminary and was ordained as a priest. He has served for a number of years as a priest in the Diocese of Atlanta.


This Saturday he will be ordained as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. I am very pleased that he has asked me to be one of his co-consecrators as the Presiding Bishop presides at his ordination.


Not everyone invited to church becomes a bishop. This is, however, how many, many people come to the church: you invite them.


+ Chet Talton



To Clergy...




If you are canonically resident in another diocese and licensed to officiate in the Diocese of San Joaquin - now is the time for your annual report to the bishop. Please do send a letter to the bishop before our annual diocesan convention informing the bishop of where you have exercised your ministry in the diocese and a report of any of the required training or renewal of training (Safeguarding God's Children, Safeguarding God's People, anti-racism) since last year. The bishop really does want to hear from you. Thank you.


From the Diocesan Staff...



All employees of the diocese or congregations of the diocese who qualify for medical insurance will need to select their medical and dental insurance plans during open enrollment. Open enrollment for the Diocese of San Joaquin will be Wednesday, October 10 through Wednesday, October 31. Some new plans are available this year, so make your selections carefully. Employees currently covered through the diocesan policies will be receiving a mailing soon from the Episcopal Church Medical Trust. You MUST complete the paperwork by October 31, 2012 in order to have medical/dental coverage in 2013. Get that paperwork done!



Don't forget. Bishop Talton has designated October 21st as Spirit Day in our diocese. The goal of this designation is to heighten awareness and to help prevent bullying which has caused many young gay students. Originally established in Canada on October 20, 2010 we are adapting it for Sunday, October 21 this year. The color purple is to be used and some explanation of the day in your bulletins.


Proposed draft of insert for your Spirit Sunday bulletin on October 21:


Today in the Diocese of San Joaquin we celebrate "Spirit Day" at Bishop Talton's Directive. In early October of 2010 the observance of Spirit Day was celebrated with the wearing of purple in Canada to show support for the Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay and Transgendered (LBGT) young people who are the victims of bullying. Bullying, in any form or against anyone, is obviously contrary to the Gospel of Jesus. The color purple was chosen from the purple stripe of the rainbow flag and the color purple was defined by the creators of the rainbow flag to represent "Spirit." Bishop Talton has approved the use of liturgical purple instead of liturgical green for this day in our churches on October 21, 2012. The observance of "Spirit Day" was inaugurated as a response to the rash of widely-publicized bullying-related suicides of gay students. It is hoped that by raising awareness of the bullying of gay students among all of us, as well as our children and our grand-children, that we might prevent future tragedies among our young people who are being bullied each and every day among us. Please pray today for all of those who are bullied in any way.



From Our Chancellor...

Latest Update 


The Committee on Resolutions has reviewed and published the final version of the resolutions for consideration by the Diocesan Convention. They can be reviewed at this link: resolutions


On October 10th the court in St. Paul's, Bakersfield and St. Michael's, Ridgecrest consolidated case is having a hearing on motions on the issue of corporate control of the respective parish corporations. This motion will not determine the issues regarding ownership and control of the respective properties and assets. The court has determined that it will hear those issues at a later date. I will keep the diocese posted.


As always please feel free to email ([email protected]) or call me at 415-453-9433 ext. 122 with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Chancellor Michael Glass 

From the Haiti Task Force...

Do not forget to send in your donations for the Haiti bookmarks!


As you know The Haiti/San Joaquin Friendship Task Force has created  and sent bookmarks for a suggested donation of $1.00. On the bookmarks is information for our Haiti contact at the Foyer Notre Dame and a daily prayer to strengthen and support our friendship with the Diocese of Haiti. The proceeds will be used to print additional bookmarks and to support our friends in Haiti. All donations are to be sent to the Diocesan office.

Each congregation is asked to appoint one person to receive and distribute the book marks and send the proceeds to the diocesan office noted as Haiti Bookmarks. Please send the name and contact information to the Task Force. [email protected].


From Our Youth Commission...

 Can You Help to Support Our Youth?


The Youth Commission is once again planning activities for youth from throughout the diocese in order to have a fun and meaningful experience at our diocesan convention. This year we would like to be able to provide accommodation at a local hotel for all of the youth and their advisors in order for all of them to be present at convention. The youth presence at last year's convention was so positive that we wanted them and us


If you can support our youth in this way, please send your contribution by check made payable to the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin (note in the memo line: youth commission) and mail it to:


Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin

1528 Oakdale Rd.

Modesto, CA 95356


Thank you in advance for your support of our Episcopal youth.


PS. - and yes, the hotel does know that we are planning on six youth per room; they even encouraged it.


From Our 2012 Annual Convention Committee...

Countdown to Convention- Register Now!!


San Joaquin Diocesan Annual Convention

October 26-27, 2012

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Modesto


"...We Do Not Lose Heart."

                                    (2 Corinthians 4:16)


 Registration forms are available on our website:  


Why I like to go to Convention...


Joining with Episcopalians throughout the Central Valley gives me a feeling of strength - I become part of a large organization that makes wonderful things happen. Worshiping together renews my faith as the sanctuary fills with the sound of voices of all kinds harmonizing together in song and prayer. Meeting new and life-long Episcopalians energizes me and I enjoy hearing their stories. Join me this year, you will feel energized too!  


                                                                  Jennifer Brock, St. Matthew's, San Andreas






Friday, October 26, 2012


3:00PM - 7:00PM        Registration and Certification (in Fellowship Room of Parish



4:00PM                        Renewal of Baptismal Vows with music (Church)

                                    Reports from

                                                Bishop Chet and Michael Glass

                                                General Convention Deputation


6:00PM                        Meet and Greet (Patio between Parish Hall and Preschool)

                                                Wine and beer bar with hors d'oeuvres


6:30PM                        Buffet Dinner (Van Walterop Hall in Parish Hall)

                                    Celebration and Entertainment


9:00PM                        Closing and Compline (Van Walterop Hall)



Saturday, October 27, 2012


7:30AM - 9:30AM        Registration and Certification (in Fellowship Room in Parish



7:45AM - 9:30AM        Clergy Spouses' Meet and Greet Breakfast (Lounge Room in

                                    Parish Hall)


8:00AM                        Breakfast (Van Walterop Hall in Parish Hall)


8:30AM - 9:30AM         Practice time for massed choir and acolytes (Church)

                                    Eucharistic Minister/Visitor Testing (Teachers' Lounge, Preschool Bldg.)


9:30AM                        Holy Eucharist (Church)

                                         Churches bring banners, flags, acolytes and


                                         Sister Marie Margaret, SSM, Diocese of Haiti - Homily


11:00AM                      Presentations (Church)

                                         Equality Commission, Youth, Sister Marie Margaret, SSM


 12:30PM                      Lunch (Van Walterop Hall)


1:30PM                        Business Meeting (Church)


3:30PM                        Closing Prayers and Hymns


3:45PM                        Organizational Meetings for Standing Committee, Diocesan

                                        Council, Haiti Task Force






















Important Calendar Dates!...


Please mark your calendar for these upcoming meetings and events. Watch for additional details in the Friday Reflection.


  • Convention Planning Committee Meeting, October 13, 11a.m., St. Paul's, Modesto
  • Annual Convention, October 26-27, St. Paul's, Modesto
  • Diocesan Council Meeting, 3:35 p.m. St. Paul's, Modesto after Annual Convention
  • Standing Committee Meeting,  3:35 p.m. St. Paul's, Modesto after Annual Convention
  • Clergy Retreat, November 14-16, San Juan Bautista
  • Hispanic Ministry Meeting, November 28, 7 p.m., St. Paul's, Modesto
News and Notes from Congregations...
This is a section of the Friday Reflection to post reports and information about special events at your church, especially if the event will be of interest to others in the diocese.  Send the information to Ellen at [email protected].
  Note: Deadline for information to be published in the Friday Reflection is Wednesday, 12 noon.

  A Special Day for St. Mary in the Moutains!


On Sunday afternoon, September 30th, five members of St. Mary in the Mountains Episcopal Church, Jamestown, went out to ReHorse Rescue, also in Jamestown, to take the Liturgy of Blessing the Animals to the animals. Here is a collage prepared Sunday afternoon by our photographer, Christina Hansen. The  group attending included the Fr. Stan Coppel, Deacon Carolyn Woodall, Bishop's Warden Betty Cordoza, members Flo Craig and Christina Hansen, and supporters of ReHorse Rescue. During the time we were there, we blessed forty two horses and ponies, three donkeys, one visiting service dog, a nearly drowned young squirrel, and a pot-bellied pig.

During the blessing of one group of horses,  Deacon Carolyn noticed bubbles in one of the horses' water tubs. We rescued a young squirrel from the tub, and said a special prayer of comfort and healing for him/her. Then the squirrel was placed in a quiet place in the barn where it would be safe, and able to escape when recovered. All creatures are sacred at ReHorse Rescue.

During the blessing, special prayers for comfort and healing were said for animals designated by owner operator of ReHorse, Raquelle VanVleck, as having special medical issues. Then the animals were blessed.

At the end of the ceremony, we gathered back together in the shade, and said prayers for the animals not present, several dogs and a cat in the house. Our last prayer was for those animals in the future, seeking refuge at ReHorse Rescue.

Several of the horses and donkey enjoyed their blessing so much, that they came back for more, and were blessed again. At the end, one of the older horses approached Fr. Stan and drank the remaining Holy Water in the bowl he was carrying. Then we decided to pour the remaining Holy Water into the water tub of the pony, Tinkerbell, who Raquelle identified as having the most serious and life-threatening medical issues.

In spite of the intense heat, near triple-digits, the afternoon was very special for all who attended and took part. We look forward to making this an annual event in the life of St. Mary in the Mountains.

Upcoming Events


1st Annual Harvest Soup Cook-Off- October 20th, Church of the Saviour, Hanford


Episcopal Church of the Saviour (ECOS) is hosting the 1st Annual Harvest Soup Cook-Off on October 20, 2012, to benefit the ECOS Soup Kitchen. The Soup Kitchen ministry was established in 1985 to provide a nutritious meal for the hungry in our community. It now serves an average of 250 meals a day, six days a week. We are looking for cook teams to pull out their best recipe and enter the Cook-off. Everyone is cordially invited to come taste the soups and vote for their favorites.


Information about the Cook-off can be obtained by visiting:, or by contacting Terry March, Event Chairperson, phone (559) 212-4657, email [email protected].


Canterbury College Ministry, Holy Family Fresno


College age students in the Fresno area are invited to become a part of our newly formed college ministry group. We meet for worship, a light dinner, and fellowship on Sunday evenings at Holy Family Episcopal Church. Call 559-439-5011 or email

[email protected] for more information.    



Bishop's and Canon's Calendars... 
Bishop Talton's Calendar


October 21                                St. Paul's, Modesto            


October 26-27                          Annual Convention, St. Paul's, Modesto  


November 4                             Grace Episcopal, Bakersfield


November 14-16                     Clergy Retreat


November 18                           St. Paul's, Visalia




Canon Cullinane's Calendar



October 14                               St. Clare of Assisi, Avery


October 26-27                         Annual Convention, St. Paul's, Modesto


November 11                          St. Sherrian's, Kernville


November 14-16                    Clergy Retreat



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