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In this issue you will find information on upcoming pool events, clinics, the Pacific Annual Meeting as well as other information of interest to the local adult swimming community.
Stay fit,
The Pacific Masters Swimming Committee
USMS 2015 Registration Open
Saturday, November 1
Registration for the 2015 USMS membership is now open. All current registrations end Dec. 31, 2014. U.S. Masters Swimming welcomes swimmers of all abilities. Whether you want to improve your overall fitness, swim just for fun, develop better technique, or train for triathlons, open water swims, or pool swimming competitions, you'll find like-minded swimmers in your community and across the country. Whether you train on your own or swim with a club or workout group, you'll love all the benefits of USMS membership, including SWIMMER magazine, a vibrant online community at usms.org, and much, much more. Visit the USMS website
2014 DAM Brute Squad
November 1 through November 30
The Brute Squad must be swum between Nov 1 and Nov 30, 2014. All individual entries must be submitted by Dec 10, 2014.Use this section to describe your event in full. Be sure to tell your members why the event is being held - your annual meeting, a benefit, an educational seminar, and who will be there with them -- including a guest speaker.
Include the benefits of attending the event - to contribute to a worthy cause, to learn about something new, dinner and dancing or even to see a special attraction. Add a link for your invitees to RSVP for the event. event Information
Coaches Swiminar
Saturday and Sunday November 8 and 9
This one-of-a-kind clinic is beimg held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting at St. Mary's College. Top coaches and speakers from around the region will present contemporary topics on:
--Teaching progressions with mirrors and toys
--Ultra-Short Race Pace Training
-- Backstroke and Butterfly Technique
--Writing workouts
--Dryland programs for Masters swimmers
-- Internet technology and phone apps for the modern coach
-- Business opportunities available to Masters coaches.
Regardless of experience, this clinic offers an opportunity for novice and veteran coaches to learn new information and share past experiences. All sessions are built with the goal of getting coaches to go beyond their current levels and advance their knowledge and skills. No matter what your experience level, you have much to gain by attending. The cost of the clinic is $25 for Pacific Masters coaches and $50 for those outside the LMSC.
December 6
Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Pacific LMSC is hosting a USMS Masters Coach Level 3 Certification Course on Saturday, December 6, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Annual TOC 1500 Meter meet
Saturday, January 24
The Olympic Club will be hosting the Annual TOC 1500 Meter meet on January 24, 2015, for all you distance enthusiasts! Competition will be in the very fast, deep, eight lane 25 meter pool. The meet will be pre-seeded fastest to slowest, and no deck entries will be allowed. Registration will end at midnight on January 22, 2015. This is a great way to kick off the new year, with a good solid 1500 race. Your Club Assistant Online Meet Entry for the "The Olympic Club 1500 SCM Swim Meet 2015" is set to go live automatically on November 1, 2014. Information & registration.
Disclaimer: Receipt of this correspondence is not an indication that your membership in USMS or Pacific Masters Swimming is current. To check if your membership is current, please follow [this link].