You're invited to
Pacific Masters Swimming
Annual Celebration and Meeting.

Spend a day swimming, learning, and dining while finding 
inspiration and motivation - and it's all free!
Sunday, Nov. 9th
St. Mary's College, Moraga
and workout at Soda Aquatic Center, Moraga
Anthony Ervin
Our key note speaker, Anthony Ervin, is a two-time World Champion and Olympic Gold medal winner (the first of African American descent). Anthony swam in the 2000 Olympics as a 19 year old, quit, and competed again as a 31 year old in London, 2012. He will captivate you with his incredible swimming and life journey.

On November 9th you can:
Swim with Anthony
8:30 am - Join Anthony at a coached swim workout.
We'll provide a post-workout bag breakfast.
Coaches Presentation
10:15 am - "Hip, Hip, Hooray",
by Coach Cokie Lepinsky, US Masters 2014 Coach of the Year.
Dine with Anthony
11:45 - Free catered lunch!
Listen to Anthony
12:45 - Hear Anthony talk about swimming,
competition, life's hurdles and opportunities.
Meet and Celebrate
1:45 - 2:45 - Pacific Masters Annual Meeting
Highlights of the past year and recognizing volunteers who
make our program so outstanding.
Free for Pacific Masters members. Guests $20 each.
To attend, register here.

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