Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches NewsletterIssue No. 22



If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pacific Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them. 

-----------  Upcoming clinics! Coaches, please help us spread the word on these! -----------  

2014 Coaches Swiminar

This one-of-a-kind clinic is Saturday, November 8 and Sunday, November 9, and held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting at St. Mary's College. 

Top coaches and speakers from around the region will present contemporary topics on:
  • Teaching progressions with mirrors and toys
  • Ultra-Short Race Pace Training
  • Backstroke and Butterfly Technique
  • Writing workouts 
  • Dryland programs for Masters swimmers
  • Internet technology and phone apps for the modern coach
  • Business opportunities available to Masters coaches.

Regardless of your experience level, this clinic offers an opportunity for novice and veteran coaches to learn new information and share past experiences. All sessions are built with the goal of getting coaches to go beyond their current levels and advance their knowledge and skills. No matter what your experience level, you have much to gain by attending this clinic.


The clinic begins Sat. morning at the Lafayette Library with six presentations then moves up the hill to Moraga for clinic drills in two strokes and is followed by a full-group round table discussion. The clinic concludes Sun. morning at St. Mary's College with two more speakers which leads right into the Pacific Masters Swimming Annual Meeting and luncheon.


The cost of the clinic is $25 for Pacific Masters coaches and $50 for those outside the LMSC. Space will be limited, so save the date and plan on attending this informational and educational seminar. [Information and Registration]



We've got a Breaststroke clinic offering, and we're looking for a few more coaches. Led by Coach Cokie Lepinski, Symnuts (2014 USMS Coach of the Year) and Tom Ruedy, San Mateo Masters (2013 Pacific Masters Coach of the Year) the clinic, now closed to additional swimmers, will cover all the intricacies of the most unique stroke.


The clinic will take place in San Mateo (at the San Mateo Athletic Club), site of our recent Pac Masters Long Course Champs, 1700 W Hillsdale Blvd, San Mateo. We'll have video presentations on the stroke and turn, and then coaches are on deck while swimmers go through a 2-hour session with breaststroke drills and easy laps. This clinic will be a great way to keep yourself and your swimmers enthused and goal oriented for the winter months that follow. 


The clinic is free to Pacific Masters coaches who must be USMS registered. To register for the clinic as a coach, contact Cokie Lepinski at or 415-827-5672. Click the clinic title or here to see the flyer for this event. 





USMS Coaches Committee
The USMS Coaches Committee exists to educate and support the coaches of masters teams. We have conference calls each month to help us exchange ideas and work toward our goals. One of which is to improve communication with all our coaches across the U.S. By sharing the minutes of our meeting, we can give you some insights into the projects we are working on and goals we are working toward. Click here for our recent meeting notes (they start with Coaches Committee...)


Stu and Mary Kahn
Coaches Co-Chairs
Pacific Masters Swimming