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Week of
September 1, 2014  
In this Update
Whiskeytown Lake
Keller Cove
Alan Liu Memorial SCM Meet
Request for Bids
Important Reminder
From the Editor
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2001- 2010




In this issue you will find information on upcoming pool, open water events, a special publication on the History of Pacific Masters Swimming as well as other information of interest to the local adult swimming community.


Stay fit,

The Pacific Masters Swimming Committee 

Whiskeytown Lake

Sunday, September 7

Whiskeytown Lake is just outside of Redding so plan to drive up the day before. This is a beautiful lake. There is a nice shady picnic area and beach. Bring your family! This event is in the early fall and the weather can be either chilly or hot. The lake is a bit cooler than Berryessa (mid to high 60's). If you plan to do both the 1- and 2-mile events, be prepared to feel a little cold at the start of the 2-mile. Post event snacks. [information] [registration]                  

Keller Cove Open Water

Saturday, September 20

The 5th Annual Cove Swim for Kid's Sake will be held at Keller Beach, Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline in Richmond California.  information]
[online entry] 

The 11th Annual Alan Liu Memorial SCM Meet

Sunday, September 28

Entries are now open for the Alan Liu Memorial SCM Meet. Swimmers may enter up to 5 individual events and 2 relays. [entries]   

Request for Bids

Wednesday, October 15

Bids are now being accepted for the Pacific Masters Swimming 2015 event schedule. Pool Bids   [Open Water Bids

Important Reminder

USMS Registration

At the August board meeting it was proposed and accepted that all Pacific Masters POOL MEET swimmers must be registered on the USMS data base for the competition year.  USMS registration is required PRIOR to swimming in a pool event. This does not eliminate same-day entries, but it does require the swimmer to be electronically signed up with USMS before entering the day-of. This can be electronically done at home before leaving for the meet, in the parking lot at the meet, or off to the side of the pool before entering the meet. This includes RELAY ONLY swimmers. With the advent of computers ipads and smart phones registering electronically with USMS is easy and instantaneous. The elimination of same-day USMS paper registrations will greatly reduce many of the problems which arise in obtaining correct meet results.           

From the Editor

If your coach exhibits a  new training technique or different on deck behavior, it could be due to participation at the upcoming USAS Convention [agenda], ASCA World Clinic or a USMS Coach Certification Course all taking place in September.[schedule] If your coach needs to be inspired, perhaps a suggestion to participate in one of these events would be welcomed!

Disclaimer: Receipt of this correspondence is not an indication that your membership in USMS or Pacific Masters Swimming is current. To check if your membership is current, please follow [this link].