Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches NewsletterIssue No. 20



If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pacific Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them. 
----------------------Upcoming Clinics! Coaches please help spread the word on these----------------------- 


Pacific Masters 
Open Water Clinics
Sunday, June 22
Pacific Masters is putting on two great clinics this Sunday:  Open Water 101 for the brand new ow swimmer; and Open Water 201 for those with experience.  These clinics are led by some of the best open water swimmers in our area.  They feature dry-land talks, in-water drills and a 1/2 mile swim. 

We know from experience that swimmers are nervous about venturing into open water for the first time.  The clinics with their encouraging and engaging instructors make swimmers feel supported and safe.  In the water, the swimmers are with their instructors...and we over staff the lifeguards, so swimmers always feel comfortable.

Everyone must be pre-registered.  There is no clinic-day registration. To register today, contact Clinic Director: Glenda Carroll,, or 415-454-6327

Volunteers show up: 6:30am
Time for swimmers:  8-11am
Check-in:  7:30am 


Quarry Lakes Regional Park 
2100 Isherwood Way 
Fremont, CA  94539
$5 entry fee to park.  (You will be reimbursed.)
Saturday, October 4
Novato, CA   9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Location of Classroom Instruction:
Rolling Hills Club
351 San Andres Drive, Novato, CA  94945


Novato, CA   9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Location of Classroom Instruction:
Rolling Hills Club
351 San Andres Drive, Novato, CA  94945
(click on heading titles for links to online registration)



SWIM COACH Job Opening The MARIN PIRATES  are looking for a head Masters coach with experience to begin immediately.  Must be available for some morning, evening and/or Saturday practices.  For more information on the position, click here

Want to Host A Pac Masters Coaches Clinic?


If you are desirous of hosting a 3 to 4-hour stroke clinic in your area, please contact Mary Kahn, at or 530-400-1860. Not only will you and your swimmers get an opportunity to see current photos and videos of proper stroke technique, but as a host you can also use the clinic as a fundraising event. 



ASCA World Conference

This year's clinic (the 46th for ASCA!!) is held in Jacksonville, FL, September 8-14.  Click here for the link to the conference info. 



USMS Coaches Committee
The USMS Coaches Committee exists to educate and support the coaches of masters teams. We have conference calls each month to help us exchange ideas and work toward our goals. One of which is to improve communication with all our coaches across the U.S. By sharing the minutes of our meeting, we can give you some insights into the projects we are working on and goals we are working toward. Click here for our meeting notes.  



USMS High Performance Camp

The 2014 USMS High Performance Camp dates are Aug 23-28 and will again be held at the beautiful Greensboro Aquatic Center in Greensboro, NC. Applications are now being accepted and close on May 24th. Complete information can be found at the USMS website. We had a terrific group of swimmers from all over the country at last year's camp, and we'd love to see more Pacific Masters swimmers at this year's camp. Coaches your help in spreading the word about this terrific camp is appreciated!


Stu and Mary Kahn
Coaches Co-Chairs
Pacific Masters Swimming