We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
The 2014 Open Water Season has commenced. Spring Lake is history and upcoming are the Lake Del Valle Open Water Festival and the Lake Berryessa Swim. USMS One Mile Open Water Championship is part of the Lake Berryessa Swim.
Information about the PacMasters LCM Championships are now on-line (see below). This year, it looks like PacMasters will have three LCM meets. Davis Aquatic Masters will be hosting an LCM meet in August and Barry Fasbender is putting the final touches on another meet that will be held in the Central Valley.
Many groups have their own way of describing things in some sort of short hand or code. Ham radio operator will say "73" for wishing someone well and signing off. Your coach will have his/her way of expressing what they want the work out to be. When I was a member of The Santa Clara (student newspaper at Santa Clara University) "-30-" was written at the end of copy to indicate it was the end.
After 14 years and almost 600 editions this is -30- for me as editor of the PacMasters Update. The Update was one of the first if not the first LMSC electronic newsletters to go out to its members. It was originally started to remind swimmers of upcoming meets and deadlines and has since expanded.
For those who took time to give me feedback, both positive and negative, thank you. I really did appreciate the time you took to point out an error, say how it could be improved or just say thank you, it was very nice of you.
My final attempt at writing is an article for the Update is "Remembering Bud Meyer." As mentioned last week, Bud passed away a week short of his 90th birthday. I worked many meets with Bud; he was one of the all time good guys, he was fun to be around and he did a lot for the sport of swimming. Rest in Peace, my friend.
Fun Fitness and Competition
Michael Moore
TriValley Open Water Festival
This year, the Lake Del Valle event will start on Saturday with a 5K/10K. The swims will run at the same time. You have to pre-register for the 10K and be able to meet the 3 ½ hour cut off time to swim the event. On Sunday, the 1 K and the 2.5K will be held. If you're new to open water swimming, try the 1k swim. It's run first. For a good workout, do both. There is always plenty of parking. A good place to bring the kids: they have a roped off swimming area. Post event snacks provided
[ Registration ]
Lake Berryessa One Mile National Championship
7 June 2014
The DAM Lake Berryessa swim is a classic in its 32nd run! This year we're hosting the 2014 1-mile Open Water National Championship, so come swim with the best. The 2014 swim will also be held at a new venue - Steele Canyon Campground, near the junction of highways 128 and 121. This venue features plenty of off-street parking and campsites available for the weekend. The water is clean and comfortable and the weather is, more often than not, fine!
[ Meet Sheet ] [ Registration ]
Pacific Masters
Long Course Meets
The Pacific Masters 2014 Long Course Champions will be held at College of San Mateo, Friday through Sunday 27-29 June 2014. All individual events 400 Meters or greater will be seeded fast to slow (400, 800 and 1500 Free and the 400 IM).
The on-line deadline is 11:59PM Friday 20 June. No entries will be accepted after that time.
Remembering Bud Meyer 1924-2014
I first met Bud in the early 1990s. Bud worked many Pacific Masters meets; he had over 40 years of on deck experience working local Masters or age group meets from USMS Nationals to USA Swimming National Meets and that was usually as a referee, the top deck official, and I was a brand new stroke and turn judge (usually the other end of experience).
Bud was a leader. He made everyone on his team feel important. If I made a call for an infraction, sometimes he would ask me about it, wanting some additional information. He had a way of asking for information that was a way of just trying to get information as opposed to questioning your judgment in making a call.
Meet officials are a relatively small group in the swimming world.
If you work USA Swimming Meets or Masters meets in Northern California, it will [ more ]
Long Course Records
Pacific Masters Long Course Records have been posted both for individual events and for relay events. Congratulations to every swimmer who has set a PacMasters record.
Thank you to our Top Ten Chair, Charlene O'Brien for preparing the records. Some of the relay records only have the last name and not the first name, please contact Charlene, so we fully recognize each swimmer who has set a record.
Video Library
One of the benefits of being a member of Pacific Masters is the opportunity to borrow DVDs from the Pacific Masters Video Library. Pacific Masters has many DVDs about the sport and science of swimming. There is a refundable deposit if you wish to borrow a DVD or set.
DVD subjects include the fours competitive stroke, plus there are DVDs on Drills, starts and finishes and posture and balance.
Open Water 101-201
22 June 2014
Pacific Master's popular open water clinics are back in 2014. This is a fun, safe way to learn about open water swimming or improve your skills. The morning is divided into three sections: dryland talk, in-water drills and half-mile swim. Your instructors are some of the best, most experienced open water swimmers in the United States. There is a limit of 50 swimmers per clinic so register early. (Because of the low water level, the venue may be changed.) [ Meet Sheet ]
Coach Needed
The Marin Pirates Swim Team is looking for a Masters Head Coach with experience to begin June 1st. This is a part-time, year-round position based at College of Marin's Indian Valley Campus pool in Novato, California. Must be available for some morning, evening and/or Saturday practices.
Long Course Meet Entry Deadlines
The FINA World Masters Championships being held in Montreal 3-9 August meet entry deadline is 1 June 2014. There will be many swimmers from around the world competing.
The Gay Games - swimming events are being held 10-15 August in Cleveland, Ohio. Their meet entry deadline is 31 May.
The 2014 United States Masters Swimming Summer Championships are being held in College Park, Maryland 13-17 August. The meet entry deadline is end of day 9 July, however, entries received on or before 18 June will receive a $10.00 discount on the meet surcharge [ National Qualifying Times ] [ Meet Sheet ] [ On-line Entry ] .
September 17-20
This year Master's Convention will be held September 17-21 in Jacksonville, FL. Delegates are expected to be present for the entire convention and to familiarize themselves with the pertinent issues that will be discussed. You will be meeting with over 200 other Masters delegates from across the country to determine the direction Masters swimming will take over the next year. Expenses are covered by Pacific Masters.
We hope you will consider representing PacMaster Swimming at the USMS Convention and invite you to make this five-day commitment to the organization which provides you so many benefits! If you are interested please contact the chairman Peter Guadagni or any of the officers.
Open Water Clinic 8 June, 2014
In preparation for our open water season, Richmond Plunge Masters is offering a Open Water Clinic to help swimmers conquer some of the most common challenges faced in the open water. The clinic will be Instructed by USMS Coaches Committee Vice Chair, Cokie Lepinski. Topics to look forward to include balance, sighting, pack swimming, drafting, managing panic, and much more. Please sign up; check in time is 8:30am, the clinic is from 8:30 to 11:00 am on 8 June 2014 (Please note this is the correct date). After the clinic, participants are welcome to join an open water swim at Keller Beach @12:00pm. The Beach is located within walking distance, only five minutes away from the Plunge. Please bring a small snack and plenty of water if you plan to join. [ Registration ]