Pacific Masters Short Course Yards Records
The Pacific Masters Swimming Short Course Yards Records have been posted. Records are as of the end of the 2013 Short Course Yards Season. Thanks to Charlene O'Brien, our new Top Ten and Records chair and Nancy Ridout who compiled and published the records.
The City Mile Results
have been posted. Thanks to City College of San Francisco Aquatics Director Phong Pham and the women's swim team for all the help in organizing the meet.
Congratulations to Eve Maidenberg of the Manatees whose seed time was closest to the actual time. Her time was within 0.37 seconds of her seeded time and she won a $25 gift certificate.
USMS Nationals Registration Open
The 2014 US Masters Swimming Spring National Championships are being held at the Santa Clara International Swim center 1-4 May. Any Masters swimmer may enter three events, to swim a four, fifth or sixth event, the swimmer must meet the National Qualification Time for that event. [ Meet info Registration ]
USMS Position Opened
The USMS national office is seeking one (1) full time software developer to assist with our web operations in Sarasota, FL. This position is located in our national office in downtown Sarasota, next to the Sarasota Visitors Center.
Jon Steiner Memorial Mile
Tamalpias Masters is sponsoring the Jon Steiner Memorial Mile. This event is unusual as there is no set entry fee - You pay what you want with 50% of the proceeds donated to the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
The event is named after the events founder Jon Steiner, who died of lung cancer six years ago. Swimmers can swim the event in a yards, 50 meter pool or 25 meter pool.
Swimmers can swim the event anytime between 1 January and 28 February with entries postmarked by 12 March 2014.
Coaches Clinic Freestyle and Backstroke - Crescent City
Pacific Masters Swimming is holding a Freestyle and Backstroke Clinic at the Fred Endert Pool in Crescent City on Sunday 2 March. Coaches are free and Masters swimmers are $25.00.
Cal Aquatics Spring SCY Meet
The Cal Aquatics Masters Spring Short Course Yards Meet will be held on Sunday 9 March 2014. The 500 Free is limited to five heats of men and women.
Mailed entries must be stamped by 24 February and online registration ends 11:59 PM Wednesday 5 March 2014. [ Meet Information Registration ]
Rinconada Meet
The 2014 Rinconada Masters Meet will be held on Saturday 15 March 2014. The 1000 is a pre-entered event, all other events may be either pre-entered or deck entered.. [ Meet Information Registration ]
Swim for Change
The Fresno Fig Garden Masters are organizing a swim meet. The organizers are trying to raise money for Rotary International. Any swimmer may enter and pay only the meet entry fee. Optionally, they are asking the swimmers to solicit money from other resources to contribute to local charities, to fight disease and to grow local economies. The meet is designed to be fun while raising money for charity. [ Meet Information ]
Pacific Masters Championships Short Course Yards
The Pacific Masters Swimming 2014 Short Course Yards Championships will be held again in Pleasanton this year at the Delores Bengston Aquatic Center, March 28, 29 and 30, 2014. This meet always features strong competition in all the age groups and will be the largest meet before Nationals. Meet info Registration ]
FINA Russia Dates for World Championships
The 16th FINA World Masters Championships will be held in Kazan, Russia. the competition will start on 27 July 2015 and continue through 16 August 2016.