We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Pacific Masters February monthly meeting will be a conference call Wednesday 19 February at 7pm. Every team is asked to have a representative on the call, all members are invited to attend. For the phone number and passcode, please contact Charlene O'Brien, Pacific Masters Swimming Administrator.
The preliminary USMS 2013 SCM Top Ten have been posted. For SCM swimmers, please review the top ten and if there are any corrections to be made please contact Mary Beth Windrath.
Fun Fitness and Competition
Michael W Moore
2013 PacMasters Coach of the Year Nominations Due 19 February 6PM
Please consider nominating your coach for the Pacific Masters Coach of the Year Award. Submissions should include a nomination letter along with a maximum of four support letters. A description of the award along with the nomination and selection process can be found in the Pacific Masters Administrative Handbook. An excerpt of the relevant section can be downloaded [ Excerpt ].
Nominations for Pacific Masters Coach of the Year should be sent to the Pacific Masters Chair and are due Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 6 PM.
The Salinas Valley Splash and Dash
The Second Annual Salinas Valley Aquatics Masters Splash and Dash Short Course Yards Meet will be held on Saturday 22 February 2014 at the Salinas Aquatic Center in Salinas. The on-line pre-entry deadline is 20 February. For those who would like to make a weekend of it, Monterey is only a few miles away and has great hotels and restaurants. [ Meet info Registration ]
The City Mile Entries Close 19 February
The 2nd City Mile will be held at City College of San Francisco on Sunday, 23 February. Registration will end at 11:59pm on Wednesday 19 February 2014. The swimmer's whose pre-entry time comes closest to that swimmers actual time will be awarded a gift certificate of $25.00. Any swimmer who establishes a new meet record for their age group will receive a special certificate suitable for framing. Swimmers may use times from this meet for the Jon Steiner Memorial Mile. [ Meet info Registration ]
USMS Nationals Registration Open
The 2014 US Masters Swimming Spring National Championships are being held at the Santa Clara International Swim center 1-4 May. Any Masters swimmer may enter three events, to swim a four, fifth or sixth event, the swimmer must meet the National Qualification Time for that event. [ Meet info Registration ]
The USF Valentine's Affair
The results of the USF Valentine's Affair have been posted. Over 400 swimmers registered for the event making it one of PacMasters popular swim meets.
Congratulations to Rich Burns who broke the USMS 70-74 100 Yard Backstroke record (1:05.90). Thanks to Clare Rudd, Coach Valeriy Boreyko and the USF Masters team for the hard work in making the meet a success.
USMS Board of Directors
This year the House of Delegates will elect at-Large Directors to the USMS Board of Directors. The elected BOD positions and their election schedule can be found in the current USMS Code of Regulations and Rules of Competition (Articles 505: OFFICERS and 506: BOARD OF DIRECTORS). Processes for elections are governed by the current version of the Election Operating Guidelines.
The nomination period is 1 March through 30 April 2014. If you are interested in running for the director position, you should download the nomination packet and election guidelines from the USMS website and submit your nomination by 30 April 2014.
USMS Position Opened
The USMS is seeking one (1) full time software developer to assist with our web operations in Sarasota, FL. This position is located in our national office in downtown Sarasota, next to the Sarasota Visitors Center.
Jon Steiner Memorial Mile
Tamalpias Masters is sponsoring the Jon Steiner Memorial Mile. This event is unusual as there is no set entry fee - You pay what you want with 50% of the proceeds donated to the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
The event is named after the events founder Jon Steiner, who died of lung cancer six years ago. Swimmers can swim the event in a yards, 50 meter pool or 25 meter pool.
Swimmers can swim the event anytime between 1 January and 28 February with entries postmarked by 12 March 2014.
Coach Clinic Freestyle and Backstroke - Crescent City
Pacific Masters Swimming is holding a Freestyle and Backstroke Clinic at the Fred Endert Pool in Crescent City on Sunday 2 March. Coaches are free and Masters swimmers are $25.00.
Pacific Masters Video Library
One of the benefits of being a member of Pacific Masters is the opportunity to borrow DVDs from the Pacific Masters Video Library. Pacific Masters has many DVDs about the sport and science of swimming. There is a refundable deposit if you wish to borrow a DVD or set.
DVD subjects include the fours competitive stroke, plus there are DVDs on Drills, starts and finishes and posture and balance.
Intensive Training Camp
The Walnut Creek Masters will be conducting their 27th Annual Intensive Training Camp February 28th - March 1st. The ITC is nationally recognized as the longest running camp in USMS. A limit of 50 swimmers arrive from all over the country for 2-1/2 days dedicated to enhancing your competitive swimming performance through strenuous conditioning, stroke and distance specificity, stroke technique instruction and video analysis, and socializing all in an atmosphere conducive to serious swim training.
There will be two in-water training sessions per day. The morning practice will be a general conditioning session, with afternoon sessions split into Distance, Mid-Distance, and Sprint specialties. Mid-Distance and Sprint practices will be very accommodating to both freestyle and all non-free strokes. Here, the coaching staff will strive to meet your specific needs in training for your best events. Each morning session will conclude with a hearty breakfast.
Rolling Hills Sprint Clinic
Rolling Hills will be holding a Sprint Freestyle Swim Clinic on Saturday 22 February at the Rolling Hills Club in Novato. The clinic will include lecture with video presentation, drills, pool and dry land drills, live video taking and review. Scott Williams will be the head coach and the cost is $50. For more information contact Eric van Boer.
Cal Aquatics Spring SCY Meet
The Cal Aquatics Masters Spring Short Course Yards Meet will be held on Sunday 9 March 2014. The 500 Free is limited to five heats of men and women.
Mailed entries must be stamped by 24 February and online registration ends 11:59 PM Wednesday 5 March 2014. [ Meet Information Registration ]
Rinconada Meet
The 2014 Rinconada Masters Meet will be held on Saturday 15 March 2014. The 1000 is a pre seeded event, all other events may be either pre-entered or deck entered.. [ Meet Information Registration ]
FINA Montreal Registration has opened
The 15th FINA World Masters Championships will be in Montreal, Quebec, Canada 27 July to 10 August, with the swimming competition from Sunday 3 August to Saturday 9 August with the open water swim on Suday 10 August. Registration has opened for the meet .[ Meet info Registration ]
FINA Russia Dates for World Championships
The 16th FINA World Masters Championships will be held in Kazan, Russia. the competition will start on 27 July 2015 and continue through 16 August 2016.
More on the calendar
Up coming meets include: