We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Happy New Year
As many of you know, for Meters Meets, you aged up on 1 January, so
Happy Birthday.
It is the beginning of the year. Did you make a new years resolution? It is not too late. I don't know if major changes can be successfully done all at once. Usually, it is small baby steps that will grow to those major changes.
Did you make any resolutions last year? How did you do? With my resolution, I almost made my goal, but I am not really unhappy about not quite making it, since it got me a lot closer to where I want to be (I lost 36 lbs, and wanted to make it to 50).
I hope you try something new or different. Spread your wings. Maybe you will try something and decide that it is not for you, that is fine - the experiment was still successful.
Also remember, the US Masters Swimming Spring Nationals (SCY) will be hosted by the Santa Clara Swim Club the beginning of May. For the pool competitor, this will be one of the best meets this year, with great Masters swimmers from all over to the United States coming to Santa Clara to compete. It is the great time to compete against other swimmers in your age group (for most of the events).
USA Swimming has put a top 100 times for all the age groupers . Those are amazing times that are listed. To those swimmers who are on the list and now Masters swimmers, congratulations.
USMS One Hour Postal event started on the 1st and continues through the end of January. It is a simple event, just swim see how far you can swim in one hour.This is always a test of how well you are swimming in January. Just get a friend to time all of your lengths.
Happy New Year and best wishes for a successful 2014.
Fun Fitness and Competition
Michael W Moore
2013 PacMasters Coach of the Year
Please consider nominating your coach for the Pacific Masters Coach of the Year Award. Submissions should include a nomination letter along with a maximum of four support letters. A description of the award along with the nomination and selection process can be found in the Pacific Masters Administrative Handbook. An excerpt of the relevant section can be downloaded [ Excerpt ].
Nominations for Pacific Masters Coach of the Year should be sent to the Pacific Masters Chair and are due Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 6 PM.
2014 Go the Distance
Go the Distance is a self-directed program intended to encourage Masters swimmers to regularly exercise and track their progress. Last year 445 PacMasters swimmers swam over 94,000 miles with the Manatee Masters having the most number of swimmers participating, 37. There's no time limit for the distance milestones, except that they must be achieved in the calendar year. Speed doesn't count-just the effort to attain whatever goal you set for yourself.
The program is on the honor system-you track the distance you swim. Daily, weekly, or monthly, enter that information into your online Fitness Log (FLOG). When you achieve certain milestones, you'll be recognized on the U.S. Masters Swimming website and receive special prizes from Nike Swim, the sponsor for the event.
Pacific Masters List of 2014 Registered Clubs
A list of 2014 registered clubs is on the website. Thank you to all the club representatives who completed the information. It would be very helpful if the club rep and members of a club checked out the information and if there are any corrections, please forward them to our registrar.
New Year New Registration
It is time to register for Pacific Masters 2014, the registration year is from 1 November 2013 to 31 December 2014. For teams to have secondary USMS insurance coverage, ALL team members must be registered with USMS.
This year, you can ask for your own permanent swimmer ID. The ID must be five characters long and cannot have certain alpha characters. There is a one-time $50.00 charge, but the money goes to a good cause and you can create an ID that is much easier to remember.
If you register early, there may be some USMS sponsor discounts available to you. Thank you to the over 2,000 swimmers who have already registered and the 121 clubs who have registered.
Jon Steiner Memorial Mile
Tamalpias Masters is sponsoring the Jon Steiner Memorial Mile. This event is unusual as there is no set entry fee - You pay what you want with 50% of the proceeds donated to the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
The event is named after the events founder Jon Steiner, who died of lung cancer six years ago. Swimmers can swim the event in a yards, 50 meter pool or 25 meter pool.
Swimmers can swim the event anytime between 1 January and 28 February with entries postmarked by 12 March 2014.
USMS Level 1 and 2 Coaches Certification
Pacific Masters is hosting Level 1 & 2 classes in San Mateo (at the San Mateo Athletic Club) on Saturday, January 18, 2014. Registration information can be found at Course Registration. Scholarships for course tuition are available for Pacific Masters coaches (coaches must also be USMS registered). Contact the Coaches Chair coaches@pacificmasters.org for scholarship details.
Santa Rosa Flower Power Meet Early entry closes Thursday 11:59 PM
The first pool meet of 2014 is the Santa Rosa Flower Power Meet. The second year meet is being held at Santa Rosa Junior College and features the Flower Power 50 Free Challenge - an event that tries to find the fastest 50 Free Swimmer (with a slight handicap for the swimmer's age group). The meet date is Saturday 11 January 2014 with pre-entry closing at 11:59 pm on Thursday 9 January. [ Registration ]
The Olympic Club 1500
The Olympic Club 1500 is the first of two distance only meets on the schedule. On Saturday 25 January 2014 the 1500 will be held in the very fast Olympic Club pool where many world records have been set. This is the first meters meet of the season and is only a little over three weeks after everyone ages up on 1 Jan. [ Registration ]
The Fog City Quadrathon
The Fog City Quadrathon is on Sunday 26 January 2014. The Quadrathon is four distances of the freestyle - the 500, 100, 200 and 50. If swimmers register by Wednesday 22 January 2014 the fee for the event it $20. After that date it is $35. (note that the meet has an entry time of 11 a.m., which is earlier that it has been in the past. [Meet info Registration ]
The USF Valentine's Affair
The 22nd USF Valentine's Affair is the second year of all the sprint events (All the 50's and 100's) that will take place on Sunday, 9 February 2014. You must register on-line for this event (on-line registration closes at 11:59PM Friday, 7 February). Note that for the first time, the USF Valentines Affair will be on a Sunday and NOT a Saturday. [ Meet info Registration ]
Winter Splash
Glenda Carroll and Suzanne Heim-Bowen are putting together an evening of swimming arts on Sunday 12 January 2014 at the Walnut Creek Library, Oakview Room, 1644 N Broadway, Walnut Creek.
The award winning documentary about Walnut Creeks Suzanne Heim-Bowen will be shown and Glenda Carroll will read from her fast paced thriller set in open water swimming - Dead in the Water. Donations Benefit Walnut Creek Masters and Tamalpias Masters (wrong team was mentioned in the last eBlast). More info contact Glenda Carroll
MEMO Kick For Time
MEMO is having a 400 Kick for Time Postal event. It started on December 1 and concluded 11:59PM New Year's Eve. If you kicked the event, you must send in your results by 17 January 2014 [ Register ]
John Crane Swimmer and Scientist
If you talk with John Crane, a swimmer  | John Crane |
with Tri-Valley Masters, about his work, you might think you're talking to one of the characters from "The Big Bang Theory," a television comedy that features geeky astrophysicists and engineers. (John is not geeky). If you shadow him for a few hours, you're sure you've been transported to a movie set for a Star Wars film. (John is not a movie director.) Who is John? He's is a laser physicist and works at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility (NIF) in Livermore, Ca. NIF is home to the world's largest and most energetic laser system and actually was a film set for "Star Trek: Into Darkness." [ More ]