Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches NewsletterIssue No. 16



If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pac Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them. 

-----------  Upcoming clinics -----------



We have a few more slots available for this Starts & Turns clinic.

 Click the clinic title or here to see the flyer for this event.


Click the clinic title or here to see the flyer for this event. 



 USMS Coaching Certification - Level 3 Course, Saturday, September 28, 2013


Pac Masters has a Level 3 course offering in Novato on Saturday, September 28th. You'll need to have Level 2 certification in order to attend this course. Class will run 9am-4pm at the College of Marin Indian Valley Campus, 1800 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. Participants will also be able to attend a masters workout with the Marin Pirate Masters team from 7-8:30am that morning. More information on the course including registration can be found here on the USMS website. Scholarships are available to Masters coaches of Masters teams registered under Pacific Masters (coaches must also be USMS registered). Please contact me, Cokie Lepinski, at, 415-827-5672 for scholarship information. 



USMS Level 1 & 2, San Mateo 2014

Also, just for information, we plan to hold a Level 1 & 2 in San Mateo (at the San Mateo Athletic Club) in the first quarter of 2014. Once the Pacific Masters competition schedule has been approved for that time period, we will be able to set the date. We'll announce this in future newsletters and on the Pac Masters website. 



Want to Support a National Coaches Day? 

There is a move to establish a National Coaches Day for coaches of all sports. Working with Congressman McNerney, swimmer family Michael, Jane and Madeline Woznick (from Lodi) have started a letter writing campaign directed to President Barack Obama asking that he declare October 6th National Coaches Day. If you wish to support this effort, please consider writing a letter of support. The Congressman's office would like to have physical copies of the letters of support, but you can meet the September 9th deadline by emailing or faxing letters to Kevin Briggs at Fax # for Mr. Briggs is 202-225-4060. To mail the hard copy of your letter:


Attn: Kevin Briggs

Office of Congressman Jerry McNerney

1210 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515


If you have any questions, Michael Woznick welcomes your queries. You can email him at:



USMS Coaches Committee
The USMS Coaches Committee exists to educate and support the coaches of masters teams. We have conference calls each month to help us exchange ideas and work toward our goals. One of which is to improve communication with all our coaches across the U.S. By sharing the minutes of our meeting, we can give you some insights into the projects we are working on and goals we are working toward. Click here for our recent meeting notes (they start with Coaches Committee...)


Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair
Pacific Masters Swimming