We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
It is the end of the summer season. While summer traditionally ends when the midpoint of the solar disk crosses the plane of the equator, since I was in school it really ended at the end of the Labor Day weekend.
Pacific Masters members will be traveling to Anaheim to participate at the USMS Convention 10-15 September. The PacMasters office will have limited service as Nancy will be attending the convention.
Honoring those who have past on Each year at the US Masters Swimming convention, the names of current and former Masters swimmers are read at a House of Delegates meeting. If you know of a member or past member who passed since last convention, please contact Nancy Ridout, registrar, with information.
Besides convention, the PacMasters schedule is filled with three open water swims, and over the next six weeks there will be three short course meters meets.
For those who are competing in the Open Water Points Competition, the accumulated individual and team results are posted. There are three open water events to help improve your position.
The Rim Fire: at the MAAC SCM meet there were TCAM swimmers who were not able to travel to the meet as they were caught up in the smoke, fire and just the concern of the raging fire coming near their house. Please keep all the people who live in the area in your thoughts.
Pacific Masters Xtra: This week's Pacific Masters Xtra features Phil Bowen, Walnut Creek Masters swimmer and water polo player. I met Phil about nine years ago when I needed to find out about Masters water polo. Phil is a great guy with a fun sense of humor - When you read the article and see the pictures, in the picture with the wookies, Phil is in the middle - you can email me for what Phil said about the wookie picture (but there is a bit of "in" humor involved).
Swim Across America has their swim on October 5. It is a swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to Crissy Field Bridge. They are about half way to this years goal, with all the money going to local cancer research.
Fun Fitness and Competition
-michael Michael W Moore
Richard T Smith Pacific Masters Leader
Pacific Masters Swimming has lost one of its staunchest supporters, volunteers, and participants. Richard Smith, 93, passed away Monday, August 19th of heart related problems.
Richard served Pacific Masters as its long time treasurer, stroke and turn judge, convention delegate, and was part of the US Masters Legislation Committee and Finance Committee. Richard, along with his wife Joan, were presented with the US Masters Ransom J Arthur Award in 2000 in recognition of their esteemed contributions to the Masters swimming program locally, regionally, and nationally. He was also Pacific Masters Contributor of Year in 2001.
Richard was also an excellent swimmer [ More ]
Phil Bowen "We're rolling' - Behind the camera and in the water
Phil Bowen, Walnut Creek Masters, is on the phone. When he hangs up, he looks at his wife, Suzanne Heim-Bowen, and says, 'I'm going to England. Or Sri Lanka. Or an 18 day trip around the world. I have to be on a plane tonight." No, Phil isn't an international troubleshooter, but a well-respected cameraman for hire. Ever hear of "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Chasing Mavericks," "Star Wars," "Hunt for Red October," "The Lone Ranger," "Minority Report," "Dark of the Moon," or "The X Files"? These are only a few of the motion pictures and television programs that list Phil Bowen in their credits.
 | Phil and ET (Phil is on the right) |
Phil is a whirlwind--a fast talking, joke cracking guy who remembers names and events from 30 years ago. He is also a past All American swimmer at Foothill College Community College, Los Altos and has won gold, silver and bronze medals as
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Donner Lake Results
Thanks to Laura Hash and the Sierra Nevada Masters for organizing the meet.
PacMasters Short Course Meters - Modesto Seven World Records Broken
The results of the Sixth Annual Modesto Area Aquatic Club Short Course Meters Swim Meet, are posted. Seven FINA World Masters Short Course Meters were broken at the fast deep water community college pool. Laura Val broke three records (Womens 60-64 50 Free, 100 Free and 400 Free), Richard Burns two records (Men 70-7450 Back and 100 Back) and David Guldea two records(Men 70-74 50 Breaststroke, and 100 Breaststroke) in the fast pool at Modesto Community College. Thanks to Tom Kara and the MAAC swim team for organizing the meet
Whiskeytown Lake Open Water Swim
The Redding Swim Club is organizing its Whiskeytown Open Water Swim. The date is 8 September 2013 at Whiskeytown Lake about 10 miles west of Redding. There is a one and two mile swim at the lake. [ Registration ]
PacMasters Start and Turns
The Pacific Masters and Mountain View Masters is hosting a Starts and Turns clinic at Mountian View's Eagle pool on Saturday 7 September. The clinic is for both coaches and swimmers.
For the non-competitive swimmer, besides learning or updating a skill that is used primarily at meets, a more efficient flip turn will help improve your practices/
The clinic will cover dive starts, backstroke starts, flip turns and open turns. The clinic is led byUSMS 2012 Coach of the Year Stu Kahn; also coaching will be Mary Kahn, Chris Campbell and Cokie Lepinski
PacMasters 2 x 1 Lake Del Valle
The Manatees are again organizing the Lake Del Valle 2 x 1 Open Water Swim. In the event you compete with your swimming partner. Besides the regular age groups, there are special groups including mother/daughter, mother/son, father/daughter, father/son, and sibling/sibling. [ Registration ]
2014 PacMasters Schedule
The Pacific Masters local meets are being scheduled. If your club would like to have a sanctioned pool or open water meet to be put on the Pacific Masters 2014 schedule, please conplete the proper form. Pool Meets Open Water Meets
PacMasters By the numbers
Pacific Masters is on its way to break last years number of registered swimmers. Currently there are 10,866 registered Pacific Masters Swimmers. Below is a list of clubs that have more than 100 registered swimmers. Thank to all the coaches, who without their hard work and dedication, we would not be able to serve our swimmers. 1 | DAM | 649 | 2 | STAN | 532 | 3 | WCM | 494 | 4 | TCAM | 445 | 5 | MELO | 347 | 6 | CRUZ | 304 | 7 | MVM | 288 | 8 | USF | 275 | 9 | NBA | 255 | 10 | TEME | 243 | 11 | SCSC | 239 | 12 | MAAC | 220 | 13 | TSUN | 219 | 14 | DC | 208 | 14 | SMM | 208 | 16 | MAM | 205 | 16 | TOC | 205 | 18 | TVM | 198 | 19 | BAY | 187 | 20 | SERC | 185 | 21 | SNM | 184 | 22 | BAC | 181 | 23 | PCCM | 155 | 24 | CALM | 127 | 25 | RAMS | 126 | 26 | AAM | 123 | 27 | RINC | 106 | 28 | SRM | 105 | 29 | QSS | 103 |