If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pac Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them.
----------- Upcoming clinics! Coaches, please help us spread the word on these! -----------
--------------- Sign ups are light and we are in jeopardy of canceling without your help! ---------------
Coaches - do some of your swimmers need help with their starts and turns? Are they belly flopping on that start, losing their goggles each time, or executing their flip turns in slow motion? Come join us and bring some swimmers to this Pac Masters Starts & Turns clinic which will take place at Mountain View's Eagle Park Pool and runs from 9:30-2:00 pm. It is lead by Coaches Stu & Mary Kahn (Davis Aquatic Masters) Coach Cokie Lepinski (Swymnut Masters) and Coach Chris Campbell (Mountain View Masters).
We'll have a video presentation covering all aspects of dive starts, back starts and each of the turns. We then head to the pool where swimmers will rotate through four stations, each about 25-30 minutes long. The stations will be dive starts, back starts, flip turns and open turns. We'll need a lot of coach support on deck that day. We'd love to see as many of you as possible. This clinic is conveniently scheduled two weeks before the short course meet in Mountain View. You and your swimmers will be well prepped!
Coaches attend free (just need to be a masters coach with a Pac Masters registered team). Members of Mountain View Masters attend for $25 and all other masters swimmers pay $50 (check or cash, check payable to Mountain View Masters). To register as a coach, contact Cokie Lepinski at or 415-827-5672. To register as a swimmer, contact Coach Laura Schuster at Click the clinic title or here to see the flyer for this event.
Hold this date! We've got a Freestyle-Backstroke clinic offering, which continues the series of Pac Masters stroke clinics we have done in 2013. This will be led by Coach Tom Reudy (San Mateo Masters & 2013 Pac Masters Coach of the Year) and Coach Cokie Lepinski and will cover the long axis strokes of backstroke and freestyle.
The clinic will take place in San Mateo (at the San Mateo Athletic Club), site of our recent Pac Masters Long Course Champs, 1700 W Hillsdale Blvd, San Mateo. We'll have video presentations on both strokes and then coaches are on deck while swimmers go through a 2-hour session with freestyle and backstroke drills and easy laps. This clinic will be a great way to keep yourself and your swimmers enthused and goal oriented for the winter months that follow.
The clinic is free to Pac Masters coaches, with a $20 charge for swimmers registered with San Mateo Masters and a $40 charge for all other USMS swimmers. All coaches and swimmers must be USMS registered. To register for the clinic as a coach, contact Cokie Lepinski at or 415-827-5672. To register for the clinic as a swimmer, contact Coach Tom Reudy at Click the clinic title or here to see the flyer for this event.
USMS Coaching Certification - Level 3 Course, Saturday, September 28, 2013
Pac Masters has a Level 3 course offering in Novato on Saturday, September 28th. You'll need to have Level 2 certification in order to attend this course. Class will run 9am-4pm at the College of Marin Indian Valley Campus, 1800 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. Participants will also be able to attend a masters workout with the Marin Pirate Masters team from 7-8:30am that morning. More information on the course including registration (opening soon) can be found here on the USMS website.
USMS Level 1 & 2, San Mateo 2014
Also, just for information, we plan to hold a Level 1 & 2 in San Mateo (at the San Mateo Athletic Club) in the first quarter of 2014. Once the Pacific Masters competition schedule has been approved for that time period, we will be able to set the date. We'll announce this in future newsletters and on the Pac Masters website.
Want to Host A Pac Masters Stroke Clinic?
If you are desirous of hosting a 4-hour stroke clinic in your area, please contact me, Cokie Lepinski, at, 415-827-5672. Not only can it be a great way to enthuse your swimmers, you can also grow your membership and have this be a fund raiser for your team.
USMS Coaches Committee
The USMS Coaches Committee exists to educate and support the coaches of masters teams. We have conference calls each month to help us exchange ideas and work toward our goals. One of which is to improve communication with all our coaches across the U.S. By sharing the minutes of our meeting, we can give you some insights into the projects we are working on and goals we are working toward. Click here for our recent meeting notes (they start with Coaches Committee...)
Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair Pacific Masters Swimming