Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches NewsletterIssue No. 14, Part 2



If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pac Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them. 


I apologize for two Coaches newsletters in one week. I neglected to cover two important announcements in the last newsletter. My apologies! 


2014 Pacific Masters Schedule  

Pacific Masters Championships are chosen by bid by the PacMasters Committee. If your club is interested in hosting a 2014 championship meet (short course yards, long course meters, short course meters or open water), please contact John Morales (scheduling chair) at for information about the biding process as soon as possible.

Pacific Masters Swimming bids for the 2014 championship meets should be received by 10 August to be voted on at the August  14th committee meeting. 


Rinconada Masters Coaching Position


Rinconada Masters Swim Team, located in Palo Alto, CA, has an opening for a part time swim coach for their Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning workouts from 7 to 8:30am. Please contact Carol MacPherson if you are interested: 650-799-9847, or email:  




Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair
Pacific Masters Swimming