We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Dave Hale - Masters Swimmer In a new set of articles about local Masters Swimmers, Glenda Carroll writes about Dave Hale of Santa Rosa Masters. Dave lives in Sebastapol and is very busy August through November, selling his apples. [ Article below ]
10,000 Members
Pacific Masters Swimming reached the 10,000 member mark on 16 June, the earliest it has very reached that mark. Thanks to all, Coaches, meet managers and volunteers whose work contributes to the growth of Masters Swimming.
Finding CenterAbby Pledger of North Bay Masters, wrote an article that is on the USMS website, " Finding Center" on why she gets up at 5:30 am to go practice. She is also the founder of Goodness a new women's fitness website focused on connecting Bay Area women.
5k and 10K Postal
For distance swimmers who do not like to leave the pool, there is the US Masters Swimming 5K and 10K Postal championships. Find a 50 meter pool and they swim either 100 or 200 laps (lengths) of the pool. You must swim the event before 15 September and entry deadline is 27 September.
Annual Meeting The 2013 Pacific Masters Annual Meeting has been changed to 3 November 2013. Gary Hall, Jr. will be the featured speaker. More information will be coming, but set your calendar so you can attend.
Fun, fitness and competition
Michael Moore
The Farmer in the Pool Dave Hale Santa Rosa Masters
It's the middle of summer and Santa Rosa Masters swimmer Dave Hale is thinking about fall. No, he's not visualizing a special swim meet or an open water event. He's thinking about his crops. Dave is a farmer, an apple farmer, and since he sells direct to the apple-eating public, August
 | Dave Ha |
through November keeps him very busy. Hale's Apple Farm, which features thirty varieties of heirloom apples, as well as apple cider, plump orange pumpkins and hard-skinned quirky-looking gourds, is located on Route 116 just north of Sebastopol, Ca. During the marketing season, you'll also find Hale's apples at Farmers' Markets in Palo Alto, San Rafael and the Mission District in San Francisco. [ more ]
PacMasters Long Course Meters Championships
You must pre-enter for The Pacific Masters Championships, The entry deadline is Friday 5 July at 11:59pm. Swimmers can now register on-line.
Pacific Masters Short Course Yards Top Ten Preview
The preview edition of the Pacific Masters Short Course Yard Top Ten is available to review. If you swam in a short course meet this year, you are encourage to review the SCY Top Ten Preview to be sure your best time is correctly entered. If you see any problems, please contact our Top Ten Chair, Nancy Ridout, by 29 June. The Top Ten list must be submitted to national by 30 June.
Results Quicksilver LCM Spring Lake OW
Lake Berryessa OW
Upcoming Open Water Meets
QThe open water meets are currently posted on the PacMasters Schedule Page. Currently sanctioned open water Pacific Masters meets are:
National Championships
2013 Marriott USMS Summer Nationals and Open Water Championships
The United States Masters Swimming Long Course Championships return to Southern California. The Summer Nationals will be at the Marguerite Aquatics Center Center, Mission Viejo, California 7-11 August. Registration has already opened.
This is the first time that Long Course Masters has been on the west coast since 2005. The entry deadline is 11:59PM Wednesday 3 July 2012.
For those distance swimmers who want to get a "warm up" swim in before the National Championships, the US Masters Swimming 1-3 Mile Open Water Championships will be at Dana Point, California, on 4 August 2013. The Dana Point event is close to Mission Viejo, so you can do a double - the 2.4 Mile Dana Point Swim and the 1500 Free.
Swim Across America
Swim Across America raises money to support cancer research in the Bay Area. This years swim will take place on 5 October in the San Francisco Bay. The event is a fun 1.5 mile (or .5 mile) swim from Golden Gate Bridge to Crissy Field Beach.
PacMasters by the Numbers
At about the half way point in the year, PacMasters is now over 10,000 members. All of this is due to the hard work of our volunteers and coaches. Teams with over 100 members include:
ClubNum | ClubAbbr | Grand | 10103 | | | DAM | 612 | STAN | 483 | WCM | 476 | TCAM | 426 | MELO | 305 | CRUZ | 276 | MVM | 274 | USF | 250 | NBA | 240 | SCSC | 230 | TEME | 224 | TSUN | 207 | MAM | 202 | MAAC | 199 | DC | 198 | TOC | 197 | TVM | 195 | SMM | 182 | SERC | 178 | BAY | 176 | BAC | 165 | SNM | 164 | PCCM | 150 | CALM | 125 | AAM | 118 | RAMS | 115 | SRM | 102 |