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Presidents Day 2013

 Serving Northern California and Northwestern Nevada

Upcoming Events
The City Mile
Intensive Training Camp
2012 SCM Top Ten
Menlo Clinic
USMS Job Opening
Workshop Rules of Swimming
Cal Aquatics Meet
Rinconada Meet
USF March Madness
Coach of the Year
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We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.



2001- 2010






The monthly Pacific Masters meeting is Wednesday 20 February. It is a conference call that will commence at 7:00pm. All members are invited to attend and all clubs are asked to have a representative. Please contact our Registrar, Nancy Ridout for telephone number and password. The meeting is deadline for the Coach of the Year nominations.


In The 50 Year old Freshman a film, about Walnut Creek Swimmer Suzanne Heim-Bowen, won the Power of Film Award at the Beloit International Film Festival.


Age-predicted maximal heart rate (HRmax): Many of us have heard that our maximum heart rate should be 220 minus your age (220 - your age). I came across a study done at the University of Texas about 12 years ago that was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The conclusion was 

"1) A regression equation to predict HRmax is 208 − 0.7 × age in healthy adults. 

2) HRmax is predicted, to a large extent, by age alone and is independent of gender and habitual physical activity status. Our findings suggest that the currently used equation underestimates HRmax in older adults.


Personally, it means my HRmax is seven bpm higher - Now I have to work harder to get to 80%.


Call for Pacific Masters Coach of the Year Nominations. For many of us, Masters' swimming is about our coach.  He/she is the one who creates workouts to keep us fit and achieve our goals; motivates us when we are down; and makes staring at a black line for 60 minutes seem like a worthwhile activity. Each year at the Pacific Masters Short Course Yard Championships the organization recognizes a coach with the Coach of the Year Award. The only way your coach can be selected is if you or your teammates take the time to nominate him/her. This year nominations are due before the February Board meeting at 7:00 pm on February 20. The nominating requirements, selection criteria and process are documented in the PacMasters Administrative Handbook and or a shortened version can be viewed by clicking here. Nominations can be sent to me at or to the Coaches Chair, Cokie Lepinski, at


Fun, Fitness and Competition


Kind Regards


Michael Moore 


The City Mile
24 February 
Reg deadline Thursday 
The second of three new Pacific Masters Pools meets - The City Mile will be held at the City College of San Francisco Wellness Center Natatorium on Sunday 24 February. There will be only one event- the 1650 SCY. Men and Women will swim together in the same heat. The competition portion of the indoor pool is all deep water.
The registration deadline is 11:59PM (PST) 21 February 2013. There are no deck entries.
This is a chance for swimmers to get a time for the 1650, outside of the Pacific Masters Championships, or it is a chance to get a time to enter the Championships. For triathletes, you can get a time under competition conditions. You may use the time from this event to enter the Jon Steiner Postal Mile.
The swimmer who comes closest to their seed time will get a $25.00 gift certificate. [ Information ]  [ Registration ]
Intensive Training Camp
March 1-3, 2013 
The Intensive Training Camp is 2-1/2 days dedicated to enhancing your competitive swimming performance through strenuous conditioning, stroke and distance specificity, and stroke technique instruction, all in an atmosphere conducive to serious swim training.
There will be great Masters coaches there to work with you including Kerry O'Brien, Brian Stack, Stu Kahn, Mike Heaney Debbie Santos and Roque Santos.The ITC is opened to all 2013 USMS registered swimmers. Applications will be taken on a "First Come" basis. Space will be limited to 50 participants.  
USMS Short Course Meter
Preliminary Top Ten
The Preliminary US Masters Swimming Top Ten has been posted. Swimmer who swam SCM should check to be sure their times are correctly recorded on the national rankings. The deadline for making changes is 28 February. If you see any errors, please contact our Nancy Ridout, our Top Ten Recorder..
Karlin Pipes Nelson
The Preliminary US Masters Swimming Top Ten has been posted. Swimmer who swam SCM should check to be sure their times are correctly recorded on the national rankings. The deadline for making changes is 28 February. If you see any errors, please contact our Nancy Ridout, our Top Ten Recorder..
USMS Job Opening
There is a  job openings at U.S. Masters Swimming.  for an Associate Editor (part time) where USMS is seeking a content writer and editor for its publications which include Swimmer Magazine, the Streamlines e-newsletter and articles on its website, The position is part time and may become full time within two years.
Rules of Swimming
John King, our Officials chair, would like to have a workshop on the technical rules of swimming on a Wednesday evening in the south bay area. The workshop would go over the technical rules of our sport, describing what is allowed and what is not. For those who are interested in becoming a deck official, this would be the place to learn about what swimmers can legally do in a meet. If you are interested, please contact John King to let him know you are interested.
CAL Aquatics
10 March 
The Cal Aquatics meet will take place at the Spieker Aquatics Center on the University of California Berkeley campus. CAL Aquatics is the new name of the Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters. Same Great people, same great meet with just a new name. [ Registration ]
16 March 
The Rinconada Spring Meet will be on Saturday 16 March. For the distance swimmer, you can swim the 1000 free or the 1650 Butterfly (the 1650 fly is a special event and is only open to the first 14 registrants). [ Registration ]
USF March Madness
23 March 
The USF Masters will be celebrating the renovation of the long course pool by hosting the USF March Madness Meet. This meet is all of the 50 and 100's - a place for the sprinters to ply their craft. It will be the last meet before Championships. [ Registration ]
Coach of the Year
The It is almost time to start selecting the 2013 Pacific Masters Coach of the Year. It is a way for your club to honor your coach by nominating them for the Coach of the Year award. The rules are in the Pacific Masters Guide to Operations, but on the coaches page there is a summary of what needs to be done and the criteria used. One important item is that it is one nomination letter along with a maximum of four support letters. The more criteria  items that you cover in your nomination letter, the higher the ranking when reviewing the coaches.