Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches NewsletterIssue No. 11



If this is your first Coaches newsletter, welcome! If you know a Pac Masters coach that might not be receiving our email, feel free to forward this to them. 

USMS Coaches Committee
The USMS Coaches Committee exists to educate and support the coaches of masters teams. We have conference calls each month to help us exchange ideas and work toward our goals. One of which is to improve communication with all our coaches across the U.S. By sharing the minutes of our meeting, we can give you some insights into the projects we are working on and goals we are working toward. If you are interested, click here for the minutes from our December 2012 meeting.  
Hey Coaches, Where are you?!? 

We've been working hard behind the scenes to build up a series of stroke clinics directed at our masters coaches. Right now, the number of coach sign ups are almost non-existent. We really want to do these clinics, but we need an audience! Won't you consider attending these clinics, free to coaches? We've got the swimmers signing up, but to make these clinics work right, we need coaches on deck to work with the swimmers for the pool portion. Come brush up on your knowledge of stroke drills and technique and then immediately practice what you learn with a pool full of enthusiastic masters swimmers. 


---------------  Upcoming clinics! ---------------  


 X-Factor Clinic for the Ladies - Friday, January 11th

We have a special clinic for our female coaches! Coach Hermine Terhorst, Santa Rosa Masters, is hosting a free clinic for female Pac Masters Coaches on Friday night, January 11th, the night before the Santa Rosa Masters team hosts the Flower Power meet. (Flower Power Meet info here.) Clinic starts at 6pm at the Quinn Aquatics Center in Santa Rosa. There will be a follow up Pilates demo / session and dinner at Hermine's house. This all centers around her X-Factor drill. You gotta see it to believe it! Click the clinic title to see the flyer for this event. 

Fly-Breast Clinic - Sunday, February 10th

Pac Masters is launching the first in a series of stroke clinics we plan to hold in 2013. This particular clinic will be led by Coach Scott Williams and Coach Cokie Lepinski and will cover the short-axis strokes of butterfly and breaststroke. Click the clinic title to see the flyer for this event. 


The clinic will take place in Novato (Marin County) at the Indian Valley Campus of College of Marin - 1800 Ignacio Valley Rd, Novato. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Coaches will have two hours in the classroom and then head to the pool deck where they will work with swimmers to identify and correct stroke deficiencies. Swimmers report in from 12:30-2:30 p.m.  


The clinic is free to Pac Masters coaches, with a $25 charge for swimmers. All coaches and swimmers must be USMS registered. For further information and to register, contact Cokie at or 415-827-5672. 




Like the clinic on Feb 10th in Novato, this continues the series of Pac Masters stroke clinics for 2013. This clinic will be led by Coach Brian Stack and Coach Cokie Lepinski and will also cover the short-axis strokes of butterfly and breaststroke. 


The clinic will take place in Albany (Contra Costa County) at the Albany Aquatic Center - 1311 Portland Ave, Albany (near Albany High School). Hours are 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Coaches will have two hours in the classroom and then head to the pool deck where they will work with swimmers to identify and correct stroke deficiencies. Swimmers report in from 10:30-12:30 p.m.


The clinic is free to Pac Masters coaches, with a $25 charge for swimmers. All coaches and swimmers must be USMS registered. Coaches for further information and to register, contact Cokie at or 415-827-5672. Swimmers should contact Coach Carol Nip, for information and registration. Click the clinic title to see the flyer for this event.


Want to Host A Pac Masters Coaches Clinic?


If you are desirous of hosting a 4-hour stroke clinic in your area, please contact me at We also have one tentatively scheduled for Mountain View on May 4th and Lodi on April 21st. We will keep you posted on those. 



USMS Go The Distance FLOG


Do you and your team participate in logging your swim yardage on the USMS FLOG? It can be a great incentive for your swimmers and your team as they get excited about reaching their yardage goals. Here's a message from our Chairman, Peter Guadagni on that subject:


As we start a new year, I would like to bring your attention to the fitness log (FLOG) feature of the USMS website. A FLOG lets members log their fitness activities on a daily (or monthly) basis with the ability to track exercise program elements from swimming to running to weights and Pilates. If you have never used FLOG, I suggest you give it a try and consider introducing it to your swimmers. It is a nice value added benefit of USMS membership and might support your program goals. Swimmers who maintain a FLOG can enter the Go The Distance program to earn rewards as they achieve certain yardage milestones. In order to create a FLOG you ust first lot into My USMS


Peter Guadagni, Pacific Masters Chairman



Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair
Pacific Masters Swimming