We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Greetings! Last week I wrote about three world records that were set at the Pacific Masters Championships. I was reminded by Pierre Hathaway that there was a new relay world record set by Alameda Aquatic Masters. They broke the 400 M 320-359 free relay world record by 3 seconds. Congratulations!
The Contra Costa Times had an article about San Francisco 49er receiver Randy Moss who stresses the benefits of swimming to his football teammates. Randy teammate Chris Owusu said the swimming has helped increase his endurance and lung capacity, while providing another outlet for him to bond with his new teammates. It is always difficult to get swimming news into the local newspaper. Congratulations to Patti Scott-Baier who was able to write an article about the Tuolumne County Aquatic Masters who swam at the Pacific Masters Long Course Championships, that was published in the The Union Democrat (Sonora).
I found a free app - Swim Guide, that lists beaches in Northern California, then reports if they are open or not. Another free app Go Swim tries to gather information from around the Internet and forms a iPhone portal to swim blogs and other swim info.
The US Masters Swimming 33rd National Convention will be held in Greensboro, NC. Everyone is welcome to view the agenda and the delegate packet - to see what will be discussed. This convention will also have the election of the At-Large Board of Directors. Jim Clemmons is running for the Oceana at-large seat.
A reminder that one benefit of being a PacMembers is you can check video DVDs from the Pacific Masters library. We have many swimming DVDs to choose from. Most of the DVDs are about how to improve your stoke.
Enjoy the summer.
Fun, Fitness & Competition
Kind regards,
Michael Moore |
USMS 2014 Spring Nationals Coming to Santa Clara
United States Masters Swimming announced on Friday that the 2014 US Masters Swimming Spring Nationals will be held at the International Swim Center, Santa Clara, California. The Santa Clara Swim Club will be organizing the event which will take place in May 2014.
PacMasters Chair Peter Guadagni said "I am excited the 2014 USMS Short Course Championships will be held at Santa Clara. This will be the Bay Area's first national or international Masters swim meet since the 2006 FINA Masters Championshiops. The Bay Area is home to the largest concentration of Masters swimmers in the world and I am sure we will all look forward to welcoming our brethern from across the nation."
Remembering Masters Swimmers
Every year at the United States Masters Swimming annual convention, we spend a minute remembering our swimming who have gone on thier eternal reward.
If you know of a fellow Masters swimmers who has passed on, please email us the person's name and we will remember him/her at the convention. If you have a picture of the swimmer, please send it along.
Coaches and Assistant Coaches
Coaches - we need your help. We are cleaning up our database for coaches and assistant coaches for teams in Pacific Masters. We've got some exciting things planned for our coaches in the coming year, but we know that we only have a partial listing of coaches in Pacific Masters, and we want to be sure and reach you all with our communications.
PacMasters Scheduling
for 2013
After scheduling the PacMasters Short Course Yards Championships and Short Course Meters Championship, John Morales is organizing the pool and open water schedule for 2013. All meet directors should have received an email on how to schedule your meets. If you have not received an email about scheduling a meet or would like to sanction a meet, please contact John.
Design the USMS Rule Book Cover
Both Kerry O'Brien and Michael Moore have had their submissions selected for the USMS Code of Regulations and Rules of Competition cover..
Managing Expectations The Measure of Success
Mountain View Coach Chris Campbell wrote "Perspective and Managing Expectation: The Measure of Success," that is on the US Masters Swimming website. It is a good look at what it is to swim well. Or as Misty Hyman said "Number one, HAVE FUN! Number two, do the best that you can, and number three, and this one is way down the list, swim some good times." Then she noted, with a bit of a chuckle, that with her background, she was always "kind of itchy to know" what her splits were.
Whiskeytown Open Water Redding Swim Meet
Whiskeytown Lake is just outside Redding so plan to drive up the day before. This is a beautiful lake. There's a nice shady picnic area and beach so bring the family. This event is in the early fall and the weather can be either chilly or hot. The lake is a bit cooler than Berryessa (think mid to high 60's). If you plan to do both the 1- and 2-mile events, be prepared to feel a little cold at the start of the 2-mile. Post event snacks.
For those who would like to drive up the day earlier, Redding is having a Short Course Yards Pentathlon. The Meet will start at 11am, so bay area swimmers can leave early to drive up there.
Pacific Masters has two Facebook sections, the first is the Pacific Masters Social page. Feel free to post information about your team, pictures of your team and even videos. Feel free to post.
Coaches Clinic
Pacific Masters is proud to offer a USMS/ASCA Masters Coach Certification Level 1 and Level 2 Clinics.
The Clinics will be offered in Mountain View, CA(29 September) and Davis, CA (30 September). You must be a 2012 USMS member to participate in the couse, you must be a member of ASCA to receive certification. There are a number of scholarships available for Pacific Masters coaches, please contact Cokie Lepinski for details.
Manatee Open 2 x 1 Open Water 15 September
The Manatee Aquatic Masters are again organizing the 2x1 Open Water relay. It will take it place on 15 September at Lake Del Valle. The meet has always been a fun meet. All registered swimmers who compete will be eligible for Pacific Masters Open Water Points.
Keller Cover Point Richmond 15 September
Swimmers really enjoyed this new event last year. Three different distances to choose from. All races start at the same time, alll races count toward open water points.
FINA Records and FINA 2011 Top Ten
The FINA Records (World) and the FINA 2011 Masters Top Ten and Short Course Top Ten are posted on the FINA web site. In the 2011, I recognized the names of many Pacific Masters swimmers who competed last year. Pacific is rich with talent, Laura Val had the top time in all of the non-breaststroke event last year, but Celeste Miller of Sierra Nevada was number 2 in three events. Congratulations to all swimmers who made the world top ten.
Mudsharks Freestyle Clinic
Come to THE ULTIMATE FREESTYLE SWIM CLINIC, presented by Scott Williams (over 30 years of coaching experience) at the Rolling Hills Club in Novato, Saturday, 8-11 a.m., September 22. Cost is $50. Prepare for your next pool meet, open water swim, or triathlon event by learning freestyle like the Olympians.
This clinic will feature the latest state-of-the art flexibility, nutrition, and drills, with individualized attention from Scott Williams, Laureen Welting (Olympic Club coach), RJ Williams (All American NCS/MCAL), and Sharlene van Boer (head coach Mud Sharks). Email Eric van Boer or call him at (415) 519-0554 to register.
Swim a Mile for Women with Cancer
WCRC creates opportunities for women with cancer to improve their quality of life through education, supportive services and practical assistance. We serve over 5,000 women a year and their families. WCRC currently has a staff of nine, and a core of 90 dedicated volunteers are at the heart of the Center.
October 6th & 7th, 2012, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Trefethen Aquatic Center Mills College, Oakland, CA.k.
Video of the Week
No recommendations this week. If your club has any videos on the web or if you know of any you think should be seen, please let send an email to The Update.
Pacific Masters by the Numbers
Below is a list of Clubs with membership greater than 85. The numbers next to the club name are the current number of members, the number of members same time last year and the number of members at last years Years End. Congratulations to all the coaches and club volunteers who work so hard their members. Pacific Masters has about 1% more swimmers than last year at this time. Last year we had 124 clubs, this year 125.
And Congratulations to DAM, TCAM, WCM, SERC, TVM, TOC, NBA, BAC, BAY, DC, SCAM, RINC, OAM, VACA and PRES who have already exceeded their number of last years registered swimmers with over two months to go in the registration year.
Last Name
| Club | 8/26/11 | EOY | Grand | 10599 | 10427 | 10782 | | | | | DAM | 650 | 622 | 640 | STAN | 518 | 520 | 553 | TCAM | 477 | 464 | 474 | WCM | 465 | 444 | 449 | MELO | 361 | 368 | 378 | USF | 339 | 336 | 342 | SCSC | 294 | 345 | 359 | CRUZ | 284 | 301 | 308 | MVM | 257 | 252 | 260 | TEME | 236 | 235 | 244 | MAM | 223 | 223 | 224 | MAAC | 220 | 212 | 221 | SERC | 203 | 185 | 195 | TSUN | 200 | 210 | 218 | TVM | 195 | 188 | 188 | TOC | 190 | 184 | 187 | NBA | 188 | 136 | 140 | BAC | 182 | 168 | 171 | BAY | 177 | 158 | 163 | DC | 177 | 159 | 166 | SMM | 171 | 175 | 174 | SCAM | 170 | 158 | 166 | SNM | 162 | 160 | 165 | PCAM | 158 | 175 | 176 | RAMS | 136 | 146 | 152 | AAM | 123 | 127 | 130 | RINC | 109 | 100 | 106 | MPM | 102 | 110 | 121 | SRM | 91 | 94 | 95 | OAM | 90 | 81 | 84 | VACA | 90 | 53 | 54 | PRES | 87 | 46 | 46 |