We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
As we move more to electronic editions, all the current meet sheets have been assembled in one pdf file which you can download. The combined meet sheet package will be put together at the beginning of the month.
Many Pacific Masters swimmers have been written about or quoted in the USMS publications. We recognize the depth of experience that our members bring to Master's swimming.
Club reps were asked for information about their club, there are now links to many of our clubs our web template, please test it out (if there are any problems, please report them).
Have fun!! Fun, Fitness & Competition Kind regards,
Michael Moore |
SCAM SCY Meet Results Posted
The results of the Strawberry Canyon Short Course Invitational have been posted. It was a beautiful day at the Spieker Center. Laura Val broke the national 200IM, 100 Back, and 100 IM records (Women 60-64), Jeff Natalzio broke the national 100IM record (30-34)
Thanks to Ben Swigget and the Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters for organizing the meet.
Rinconada SCY Meet 17 March 2012 (St Patrick's Day)
The on-line deadline is 11:59 pm 14 March. There is no deck entry for the 1000 Free, but the other events may be deck entered.
Pacific Masters SCY Championships
Soda Springs Aquatic Center
USMS looking for IT Consultant
USMS looking for Web Developer
USMS is seeking a full time software developer to assist with our web operation
- Work with our volunteers to develop requirements for new web applications and updates to existing offerings.
- Develop and code new applications, and maintain/update existing code on usms.org to support members and volunteers throughout the country.
- Support onsite staff with computer and software installation and configuration, and maintain office network infrastructure.
Join Pacific Masters LinkedIn
The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters to join the group. This is a place where our members can network with each other - so far over 400 members have joined. You must be a member of Pacific Masters to join the Linked in group.
US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in.
US Masters Swimming 2012 Spring Nationals Short Course Yards
The first mail entry deadline for the US Masters Swimming 2012 Spring Nationals (Short Course Yards) is 2 March. This years Spring Nationals are being held in Greensboro, NC in the brand new Greensboro Aquatic Center. The meet is early this year 26-19 April 2012.
Quicksilver Masters Spring SCY Meet
A new meet is now on the Pacific Masters calendar - The Quicksilver Swimming Masters Spring SCY meet is being organized by San Jose Aquatics. The 21st April meet will have and assortment of strokes, with the 500 free and 1650 free also being offered.
PacMaster Swimmers in the News
The home page of US Masters Swimming has an article about Cruz swimmer, Jeri Gintert an 11 year cancer surviver who decided to swim the width of Lake Tahoe - Eleven Miles for Eleven Years
Linda Schoenberger wrote about fellow Sierra Nevada Masters swimmer Dave Brancamp on One Fitness Swimmer's Path, also on the USMS website.
USMS Swimmer has a large section on Open Water Swimming and on page 9 features Walnut Creek Master's Suzanne Heim-Bowen talking about open water training. Suzanne usually makes a presentation at Pacific's Open Water 101.
In the "Ask the Coach" section, Lucas Valley Aquatic Masters coach Scott Williams answers a question about when to run and start swimming and the reverse of when to stop swimming and start running for an open water swim.
Former Pacific Masters swimmer and USF coach Gail Roper speaks about having a pacemaker in "The Healthy Swimmer."
USF's Ralph Brindis is quoted in Phil Whitten's article on Heart Attacks in Open Water also in Swimmer.
Pacific Masters Newsletter Electronic Edition
The March-April 2012 edition of the Pacific Masters Newsletter has been posted. The newsletter contains the Chairman's letter, meet sheets through the beginning of May and the results of the 2012 Open Water Points competition.
As it has been announced in the previous Newsletter, this newsletter will NOT be inserted into your copy of USMS Swimmer. This is an electronic copy of the newsletter, you must download it.
US Masters 2014 Short Course Championships
The US Masters Swimming Championship Committee is looking for bidders on the west coast for the 2014 Spring Championships. The meet normally attracts between 1500 to 2,000 athletes.
For a meet organizing the spring nationals, the club should have
1. At least a 50 meter pool
2. Another pool for warm up
3. The Ability to organize a high level meet.
If your club is interested or if you would like further information, please contact either Barry Fasbender or Michael Moore, both members of the Championships Committee.
Swim Across America Swim Across America, which raises money to fight cancer is organizing its bay swim, scheduled for 29 September 2012. This years swim will go under the Golden Gate Bridge.
This year is SAA's 25th year of raising funds for cancer research. The San Francisco swim benefits the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital and the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute.