
 Serving Northern California and Northwestern Nevada

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2001- 2010



The Pacific Masters Swimming Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday 13 November 2011 at the

Shadelands Arts Center
11 N Wiget Lane,
Walnut Creek.  

Rowdy Gaines is the Keynote Speaker.

You are encourage to come participate at the meeting. Please RSVP if you can attend - see below.

It is time to reregister for Pacific Masters for 2012. All membership expires 12/31/2012.

Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.

Fun, Fitness & Competition

Kind regards,


Michael Moore
The Annual Meeting

The Pacific Masters Annual Meeting will take place at Walnut Creek's Shadelands Art Center on Sunday, November 13 starting at 12 noon. The Shadelands Art Center is located at 111 N. Wiget (corner of Wiget & Ygnacio Valley Road). The meeting includes a catered lunch featuring gourmet pasta selections, Rowdy Gaines is the keynote speaker.


Presentations of the 2011 Pacific Masters Service Awards will be made.They include
  • The Contributor of the Year Award, 
  • The Personal Achievement Award,
  • The Distinguished Service Award and
  • The Appreciation Award. 
The annual meeting will include election of officers, approval of the 2012 budget, and consideration of legislation. 
Other Activities for the day:
 9:30 am Swim workout at Heather Farms Pool
 9:30 am Officials Clinic at Heather Farms pool
There will be election of officers. The nominating committee has nominated the following:
Chairman: Peter Guadagni
Admin Vice Chair: Michael Moore
Operations Vice Chair: Jim Clemmons
Secretary: Leianne Crittenden
Treasurer: Kildine Harms
Member at Large: Caroline Lambert
The election will be held at our Annual Meeting on Sunday 13 November 2011. They will serve two years. Additional nominees for Officers and Member-at-large shall be accepted at the Annual Meeting upon nomination by two individual member of Pacific Masters and the written consent of the nominee(s).
There is a complimentary catered lunch. Please RSVP to Nancy Ridout or phone 415 892 0771 by 1 November 2011.
New Registration Year


Our new registration year starts on 1 Novmeber. Swimmers can register on line at You can register any time after 12:01am on 1 November.
If your club has reregistered you can register with your club. If your club has not registered for 2012, you cannot register with your club, until the club registers.


 Club Reregistration


The following clubs have reregistered. If your club has not reregistered and you wish to registered, please contact Nancy Ridout, at  415-846-6431. Thank you to all the clubs that have reregistered.


Motherlode Masters49ER
Alameda Aquatic MastersAAM
Alpine Hills Swimming MastersAHSM
Almaden Swim & Racquet ClubALMA
Aquasol MastersAQUM
Bay MastersBAY
Brentwood Masters Swim ClubBMSP
Carson TigersharksCARS
Clovis Swim Club MastersCLOV
Cal Maritime Academy MastersCMAM
Cosumnes River AquaticsCRA
Santa Cruz Masters AquaticsCRUZ
Club Sport of San RamonCSSR
Carson Valley MastersCVM
Davis Aquatic MastersDAM
Dolphin ClubDC
El Cerrito Aquatic MastersECAM
El Camino YMCA MastersECYM
El Dorado Hills Sports ClubEDHS
Ellis Electric EelsEEE
Fresno Dolphin Masters Swim TeamFDM
Fremont Glenmoor MastersFGM
Fig Garden Swim TeamFGST
Fog City MastersFOG
Club Hot TubHTUB
Hanford YMCA MastersHYM
Jellies Aquatic MastersJAMS
Los Altos MastersLAM
Los Gatos Swim And Racquet ClubLGSR
Loch Ness MastersLNM
Lodi MastersLODI
Ladera Oaks MastersLOM
Lucas Valley Aquatics MastersLVAM
Livermore Valley Tennis ClubLVTC
Modesto Area Aquatic ClubMAAC
Manatee Aquatic Masters IncMAM
Monterey Bay Masters Seaside ACMBAY
Marcia's Enthusiastic Masters of OaklandMEMO
Morgan Hill Splash MastersMHSA
Madera Masters SwimmersMMS
Mavericks Masters SwimmingMMSW
Marin Pirates MastersMPM
Masters Penguin Swim ClubMPSC
Montclair Swim ClubMSC
Merced Skimmers Masters AquaticsMSMA
Mount Tam Racquet ClubMTRC
Mountain View MastersMVM
North Bay AquaticsNBA
Napa Valley MastersNVM
Oakwood Athletic Club MastersOAK
Oakdale SwimmingOAKD
Orinda Aquatic MastersOAM
Olde Durham DolphinsODD
Peninsula Covenant Aquatic MastersPCAM
Parkpoint PatriotsPPP
Presentation MastersPRES
Petaluma Valley MastersPVMA
Quick Silver SwimmingQSS
Rocklin Aquatics MastersRAMS
Redwood Coast MastersRCM
RCP Tiburon MilersRCP
Rolling Hills Mud SharksRHMS
Rinconada MastersRINC
Richmond Plunge MastersRPM
Sacramento MastersSAC
Strawberry Canyon Aquatic MastersSCAM
Santa Clara Swim Club MastersSCSC
Santa Clara University SwimmingSCUS
South End Rowing ClubSERC
San Francisco Rec & Parks MastersSFRP
St Helena Masters SwimmingSHMS
St. Lawrence Masters Swim TeamSLMT
San Mateo MastersSMM
Sierra Nevada MastersSNM
Stanford Masters SwimmingSTAN
Salinas Valley Aquatics MastersSVAM
Turlock Aquatic ClubTAC
Tamalpais Aquatic MastersTAM
Tuolumne County Aquatic MastersTCAM
Temescal Aquatic MastersTEME
Turlock Masters Swim ClubTMSC
The Olympic ClubTOC
San Francisco Tsunami MastersTSUN
Swimstitute MastersTUTE
Tri Valley MastersTVM
University Club of Palo AltoUCPA
Ukiah DolphinsUD
University of San Francisco MastersUSF
Vacaville Swim ClubVACA
Wildcat Alumni MastersWAMS
Walnut Creek MastersWCM
West Coast Aquatic MastersWEST
Willits Otters Swim TeamWILL
Yuba City Masters SwimmingYCMS
The Pacific Masters Swimming November-December Newsletter is posted on the website. The Newsletter included, reregistration information, meet information through the beginning of February and the chair's last message as chair.
DAM Brute Squad Postal
The Davis Aquatic Masters holding it s third annual Brute Squad Postal Swim. You can swim the events anytime during the month of November. You must submit the entry by 5 December. 
USMS looking for
Club and Coach Services Director
United States Masters Swimming is looking for someone to fill the new Club and Coach Services Director position. The position is full time and is located at  the USMS national office in Sarasota, FL and reports to the executive director.