
 Serving Northern California and Northwestern Nevada

The Update
5 June 2011
Upcoming Events
Lake Berryessa
Lake Del Valle
Founders Day LCM
Open Water 101 and 201
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We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.



2001- 2010




With Spring Lake Open Water Event behind us the Lake Berryessa Meet is Saturday and  and the Lake Del Valle events are coming up next week. 

Lake Del Valle Open Water Swim is next Saturday. Lake Del Valle is one of the most beautiful open water locations that we have. The first Founders Day meet will be held at College of San Mateo and the PacMasters Championships will be at UC Santa Cruz.

Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.

Fun, Fitness & Competition

Kind regards,


Michael Moore

Lake Berryessa: 
The Event was cancelled for safety reasons

The Lake Berryessa Open Water swim was cancelled for safety reasons. This was the first time in over 25 years that an open water event had to be cancelled. With heavy rain pounding the venue, not being able to sight the normal places, the race director called off the race. We look forward to the event next year.

Lake Del Valle: 
Sunday June 12. 0.75 mile  and 2.5K

Lake Del Valle is always a great swim.  Beautiful location.  Expect a crowd.  On the drawing board for this year:  an elite division and on-line registration.  The 1.5 mile swim is being stretched by about 100 yards = 2.5K. If you're new to open water swimming, try the ¾ mile swim. It's run first.  For a good workout, do both. Plenty of parking. A good place to bring your kids: they have a swimming area that is roped off. Post event snacks provided. 

Pacific Masters
Long Course Championships: 
Sunday June 12. 0.75 mile  and 2.5K

The Pacific Masters Long Course Masters Championships will be at the East Field House Pool on the campus of University of California Santa Cruz. The championships will be held July 8,9,10. The mail in deadline is 22 June and the on-line deadline is 11:59 1 July 2011.

The meet is always highly competitive and records are usually set. Santa Cruz is a great place during the summer so make your lodging reservations now. 

Founders Day Long Course Meet: 
One hunderd and two hundred LCM events.

A new long course meet for Pacific Masters at the new College of San Mateo pool on 26 June - The Founders Day Meet will be the 100 and 200  for all the strokes plus the 200 IM and the 400 Free.


The pool at College of San Mateo and new, deep and fast. The whole facility is new and well kept.

Open Water 101 and 201

The Pacific Masters Swimming  open Water group is again having the Open Water 101 and 201 for swimmers who want to learn more about Open Water Swimming. The 101 class is for those who are new to open water swimming. The 201 class is for those who have completed two or more races that are longer than 1/2 mile.
The classes will be at Lake Del Valle on Sunday 17 July 2011. Lisa Hazen and Suzanne Heim Bowen are the lead instructors. For USMS members it is only $45.
Join Pacific Masters Linked in

The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters to join the group. This is a place where our members can network - so far over 50 members have joined

US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in. 
National Championships

The 2011 US Masters Swimming Long Course National Championships will be held at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama this year. On-Line registration is encouraged. The on-line deadline is 10PM PDT 29 June 2011. 
Tri-California Promotion

Tri-California is offering Pacific Masters members a discount on many of their events this year. Tri-California produces of the Alcatraz Challenge Swim, S.F Triathlon at Alcatraz and the S.F. Triathlon at Treasure Island have agreed to give Pacifc Masters members a $20.00 discount to individual members of Pacific Masters. Their first event is the  Alacatraz Challenge Swim on 22 May and the next event is the Alcatrax Challenge Aquathhlon and Swim is 17 July. The promotion code is PacMasters2011. For more information go to . or directly to Tri-California .


Pacific Masters by the Numbers

Below is a list of the Pacific Masters teams that had at least 100 members on 2 June 2011. Congratulations to all the teams as it is through the teams and coaches that produce the environment that encourage swimmers to join their team. On the list are the club names, the current number of swimmers, the number of swimmers last year and the 2010 End of year number of swimmers. The entire list of clubs and members can be found on-line. The number of swimmers on the Update 14,200. Congratulations to North Bay Aquatics who have already beat their 2010 number of swimmers.

ClubNum            6/2/116/2/1010/31/10
GrandGrand 9050910810842
Davis Aquatic MastersDAM 580576655
Stanford Masters SwimmingSTAN 458414479
Tuolumne County Aquatic MastersTCAM 409414479
Walnut Creek MastersWCM 388452499
Menlo Masters Aka Team SheeperMELO 328336378
University of San Francisco MastersUSF 301311356
Santa Clara Swim Club MastersSCSC 274299384
Santa Cruz Masters AquaticsCRUZ 264251292
Mountain View MastersMVM 233206238
Temescal Aquatic MastersTEME 215169218
Manatee Aquatic Masters IncMAM 207205227
San Francisco Tsunami MastersTSUN 183177217
Modesto Area Aquatic ClubMAAC 168175224
Tri Valley MastersTVM 165188216
The Olympic ClubTOC 164167184
Peninsula Covenant Aquatic MastersPCAM 162156172
San Mateo MastersSMMM 161157178
South End Rowing ClubSERC 156155204
Burlingame Aquatic ClubBAC 154157181
Strawberry Canyon Aquatic MastersSCAM 150162170
Dolphin ClubDC 138137157
Sierra Nevada MastersSNM 137148191
Bay MastersBAY 135147161
Rocklin Aquatics MastersRAMS 122141170
North Bay AquaticsNBA 1206789
Alameda Aquatic MastersAAM 112111120