Coaches, we really need your help in spreading word to the swimmers about the Excel Weekend clinic held June 10-12 in San Mateo. Registrations are going well for coaches, but it won't be complete with out swimmers, and we need more swimmers to sign up! I've attached two flyers here that you can post on your website, email out to your team, or print and hand out at practice. Excel Flyer 1. Excel Flyer 2.
Encourage your swimmers to sign up now as the discount registration price of $130 expires May 15th and bumps up to $150 after that. Registration for the clinic closes June 3rd. The hotel deal of $99 a night at the San Mateo Marriott SFO (with free parking, a $20 value) must be booked by May 19th. All the information is on our Excel Weekend website.
This is an excellent forum for any level of swimmer to get instruction or a tune up on all four strokes, starts, turns, open water techniques, and new concepts in dryland training, all from an incredible and award-winning coaching staff. We have recently signed Coach Dave Durden, Cal's Men's Swim Team Coach (and NCAA Champs!). Coach Durden will be presenting our "Advanced Techniques for Competitors" on Sunday.
Swimmers (and coaches) have the opportunity to be filmed by Global Sports Technology. The GST Swim Power Test measures and analyzes changes in velocity, force, acceleration and power at each phase of the swimmer's stroke. The filming is processed after the clinic and the participant receives a DVD of the filming along with an in-depth report from Dr. Genadijus Sokolovas. A flyer on the filming can be found on our website (link is above).
In addition to GST filming, we are working with H20 Video Down Under to do underwater filming of up to 50 of our swimmers at the clinic. This filming is quite different from the GST filming, which is about graphing a swimmer's stroke cycle and determining where that swimmer is strong or weak in his/her stroke cycle. H20 filming is standard underwater filming and the participants opting for this will receive a CD or DVD of their filming and take it back to their coach for analysis.
We also have several big name vendors joining us and setting up booths on Saturday at the clinic. We promise an informative and fun filled weekend!
And coaches, this clinic is designed for you. The Excel Weekend clinic is free to coaches! Come learn new tips, tricks, and concepts that will enhance your coaching abilities. You will have a great opportunity to network with other coaches and swimmers. Be sure and jump on this soon!
With your help, the Excel Weekend clinic will be terrific! Please help us spread the word.
Sincerely, Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair Pacific Masters Swimming