| USMS Swimming Saves Lives |
We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
The Open Water season is coming upon us. The Spring Lake Open Water one mile meet is the first meet of the season, followed by the Lake Berryessa Meet and the Lake Del Valle events. This year there will be two divisions in the Open Water points, one for Cat A swim suits and one for Cat B. You can only win one division. More information below.
US Masters Swimming 2011 Short Course Nationals have concluded. The Olympic Club won the Local Team title and two national records were set my PacMasters Swimmers.
For Triathletes, Tri-California, the producers of the Alcatraz Challenge Swims, S.F. Triathlon at Alcatraz and S. F. Triathlon at Treasure Island has a great offer for Pacific Masters swimmers - see below.
For those who were wondering Dyngus Monday is the day after Easter in Poland. And 50 years ago today Alan B. Shepard blasted into space in Freedom 7 on a Redstone Rocket.
Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.
Fun, Fitness & Competition Kind regards,
Michael Moore
Open Water Swimming Suit Rules Open Water Points Competition:
Pacific Masters Swimming Open Water Points Competition will have two divisions: Category 1 Suits and Category 2 Suits.
Pacific Masters Swimming Open Water Points Competition has two divisions for 2011; Category 1 Suits and Category 2 Suits. For a description of Cat 1 and Cat 2 suits go to http://openwaterpacific.com/swimsuit.html Updated description of the competition can be found at
Spring Lake One Mile Swim:
Santa Rosa California May 21
Spring Lake A one mile loop. Water temp is normally in the mid 60's, but last year, it was closer to 70 degrees. There are some weeds. This swim is always very well run; they will have you out of there by 11:00 am, even if you stay for the awards. Parking is easy. Nice green lawn to sit on. Post event snacks provided.
US Masters Swimming 2011 SCY Championships:
The Olympic Club takes first in Local Club. Records set by Tim Broderick and relay record by The Olympic Club
The 38 swimmers from The Olympic Club took the Local Team title in the 2011 USMS Spring National Championships. They out scored local favorite
Tim Broderick of Stanford Masters broke the 200 IM record in the Mens 60-64 with a time of 2:10.85 breaking the old record by over a second.
The Olympic Club broke the 200 Mixed Medley Relay with a time of 1:39.06 breaking the old standard by .30.
USA Swimming National Championships coming to Stanford
The USA Swimming National and Junior National Championships are coming to Palo Alto this summer. The competitors are America's elite swimmers who will represent the USA in the Olympics and other international events.
The competitions will be held at Stanford University Aug 2-6 and Aug 8-12 respectively. We anticipate 2,000 swimmers, 4,000 friends and family and 1,500 spectators daily. These events are a key part of gearing up for the 2012 Olympics Games in London. Swimming is among the hottest sports today and these races will be broadcast live on NBC.
You can show your support for USA Swimming with a small donation and have your club's name listed on the Friends of Swimming pages. For details, please contact either John Guislin or Helen Mendel
It is anticipated that this event will sell out, so please goto www.usaswimming.org to get your tickets today.
Lake Berryessa:
Saturday June 4. Lake Berryessa is part of the US Masters Swimming H2Open Series of four open water event across the United States.
One of the biggest swims of the year. Once again, Lake Berryessa is part of a USMS open water series, USMS H2Open. Thiis is a very popular swim that brings in the crowds. You'll find masters swimmers, age groupers and triathletes.
Water temp is comfortable. But you never know what conditions will be like at the start of the swim. Plenty of parking and a shuttle runs frequently to haul you and your stuff from the parking lots. Bring a chair because the grass is full of foxtails and there are only a few picnic tables to sit at. You can pre-order a lunch...or bring your own food. [ Registration ]
Lake Del Valle:
Sunday June 12. 0.75 mile and 2.5K
Always a great swim. Beautiful location. Expect a crowd. On the drawing board for this year: an elite division and on-line registration. The 1.5 mile swim is being stretched by about 100 yards = 2.5K. If you're new to open water swimming, try the ¾ mile swim. It's run first. For a good workout, do both. Plenty of parking. A good place to bring your kids: they have a swimming area that is roped off. Post event snacks provided.
Founders Day Long Course Meet:
One hunderd and two hundred LCM events.
A new long course meet for Pacific Masters at the new College of San Mateo pool on 26 June - details to follow.
Pacific Masters Excel Weekend Early registration Deadline soon:
A clinic designed to challenge your mind with information and ideas while infusing new energy and excitement into your swimming and coaching - 10-12 June.
Olympian Rowdy Gaines to be keynote speaker for coaches conference. He will also meet with swimmers on deck and in the water early Saturday afternoon.
Early registration deadline is Sunday 15 May. Be sure to save the weekend as this will be a great time for coaches to meet and network with other masters coaches from the area. For swimmers, it is the time to work on technique in preparation for the Long Course Championships that will be coming up soon after or for that open water swim.
Coaches Chair Cokie Lepinski and her committee have been working dilligently to bring an exciting weekend for coaches and swimmers at the Excel Weekend - Focusing on Technique and Heart.
Olympian Rowdy Gaines will be the keynote speaker for the coaches conference, in the early afternoon he will meet with swimmers on the deck an in the water.
The Number of spaces is LIMITED for both coaches and swimmers. If you would like to attend, you should register as soon as possible as the space will fill up quickly. For the swimmer wanting to improve their technique, this is the place to be.
Detail are on the Excel Weekend website.
Parkside Mile cancelled:
Because of a massive sewage spill, the Parkside Open Water swim on May 14 has been cancelled for this year. It will not be rescheduled. |
Join Pacific Masters Linked in
The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters to join the group. This is a place where our members can network - so far over 50 members have joined
US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in. |
Triathletes Tri-California Promotion
Tri-California is offering Pacific Masters members a discount on many of their events this year. Tri-California produces of the Alcatraz Challenge Swim, S.F Triathlon at Alcatraz and the S.F. Triathlon at Treasure Island have agreed to give Pacifc Masters members a $20.00 discount to individual members of Pacific Masters. Their first event is the Alacatraz Challenge Swim on 22 May and the next event is the Alcatrax Challenge Aquathhlon and Swim is 17 July. The promotion code is PacMasters2011. For more information go to http://www.pacificmasters.org/general/TriCaloffer.shtml . or directly to Tri-California .