Excel Weekend
Pacific Masters Swimming is excited to announce a swim clinic for coaches and swimmers. The clinic, Excel Weekend, runs June 10-12, 2011 in San Mateo at the San Mateo Athletic Club on the campus of College of San Mateo. They have a beautiful and spacious facility with two pools: a 50m pool and a 25yd pool on a hillside with a gorgeous view. And two weeks after the clinic, the San Mateo Marlins Masters host a long course meet here!
Our Excel clinic includes pool sessions, dryland training, filming, an open water session at Half Moon Bay, and an advanced pool competitor session. The central theme of the clinic is Technique & Heart. Our keynote speaker is Rowdy Gaines who will join the coaches Friday night, provide the keynote speech Saturday morning, and then work with coaches and swimmers throughout the day. As many of you may know, Rowdy is himself a world record-breaking masters competitor and a true ambassador for masters swimming, All sessions are built with the goal of getting swimmers and coaches to go beyond their current levels and advance their knowledge and skills. No matter what your experience level, you have much to gain by attending this clinic.
The clinic is free to Pac Masters coaches and assistant coaches with teams registered with Pacific Masters. Coaches and teams must hold 2011 USMS registration. If you opt for ASCA certification training (Fri June 10th) there is a fee. There is also a fee if you register to receive Swim Power Test filming from Global Sport Technology.
Swimmers pay $130 if registering before May 15th, and $150 after that date. Coaches please help spread the word to your swimmers about this special clinic. Reservations close June 3rd.
To read more about Excel Weekend, see the costs, the clinic schedule and make online reservations (opening this week), visit our: Excel Weekend website |
Hello Coaches!
Pac Masters SCY Champs have arrived! Let's cross our fingers for some good weather with plenty of sunshine.
The meet organizers have asked us to send out the relay entry cards and a relay waiver. Once again you have an opportunity to get a discount on relay entries at this weekend's Championships if they are submitted prior to 11 am Friday, April 8th. If you enter your relays by that time, you'll save money per relay. Relays are $5 up until that time. After that, relays go up to $8 each. Please remember that relay swimmers who are not otherwise entered in the meet will be required to sign a waiver form prior to their relay swim. Failure to have the waiver signed could lead to disqualification of the relay.
As you may have seen from our last coaches newsletter, we are very excited to offer a swim clinic for our Pac Masters Coaches. The Excel Weekend clinic is free to coaches and it is shaping up to be a terrific clinic. We could use your help in getting the word out to all the coaches on your staff as well as your swimmers. I have attached two flyers that you can post at your pool, email to swimmers and coaches, or post on your team's website.
Hope to see you at Champs this weekend!
Sincerely, Cokie Lepinski Coaches Chair Pacific Masters Swimming |
SwimFest '11
Scholarships Available
In 2010, Pac Masters provided funds to send coaches to SwimFest '10 in San Diego. This year Pacific Masters Swimming will once again provide financial assistance for a limited number of coaches to attend SwimFest '11, sponsored by US Masters Swimming, held May 20-22, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Pac Masters has five, $500 scholarships. Registration closes May 17th and is only $50 for coaches. If you think you might go and would like information about the scholarship, please contact Cokie Lepinski, Coaches Chair at: coaches@pacificmasters.org.
ASCA World Clinic
Scholarships Available
The ASCA World Clinic is an annual event and we are blessed to have it appear on the west coast! Held in San Diego September 6-11, 2011, this year's schedule looks great. Pac Masters Swimming is working on the details, but we hope to offer 10 scholarships up to $1000 for our coaches. If you plan to attend and are interested in more information about the scholarships, please contact Cokie Lepinski, Coaches Chair at: coaches@pacificmasters.org.