2010 PacMasters Logo

The Update
14 March 2011

Upcoming Events
2011 Service Awards
Open Water Safety Conference
SCY Championships
Open Water Season
Lake Sonoma swim cancelled
Linked in?
Dave Scott Clinic
USMS SCY Championships
SwimFest'11 - Atlanta
USMS Elections

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The March Pacific Masters meeting is this Wednesday at Heather Farms, Walnut Creek, California - 7PM dinner 7:30 meeting starts. All clubs are asked to send a representative and all members are invited to attend.

The SCAM meet and the Short Course Yards Championships are rapidly coming up..  The Open Water season opening is two months away and as I mentioned last week we have a new social media group - Linked in, which now has over 50 members in this networking group.

Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.

Fun, Fitness & Competition

Kind regards,


Michael Moore
2010 Service Awards
Nominations for the 2010 Pacific Masters Service Awards are due at the March meeting

At the March monthly meeting, we will be nominating  and choosing the Contributor of the Year, the  Appreciation Award recipient, the Distinguished  Service award and the recipient of the Personal  Achievement Award. 

Contributor of the Year Award 
The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions to Masters  Swimming during the calendar year preceding the year in which the award is presented. 

Personal Achievement Award 
The purpose of this award is to recognize long  term dedication to our program and reward  noticeable improvement in one's own skills and  times 

Distinguished Service Award 
The purpose of this award is to recognize  outstanding contributions to Pacific Masters  Swimming. 

Appreciation Award 
The purpose of this award is to express special  thanks to individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to PMS. 

The criteria for the award is in the Admin handbook at 

Any Pacific Masters swimmer may nominate a person  or club for these awards. Please send you  nomination to either Michael Moore or Nancy Ridout  

Event Info
580 Sunset Parkway
Novato, California 94947
Protecting Athletes:
The Open Water Safety Conference
Pacific Masters Swimming and United States Masters Swimming are partnering to present a conference on "Protecting the Athletes: The Open Water Safety Conference"


Pacific Masters and United States Masters Swimming are partnering to present  Protecting Athletes: The Open Water Safety Conference which brings together open water and triathlon event directors, and event competitors to discuss the best practices and case studies in risk management and open water event safety.

The goals of this conference are to help the sport understand how to best plan for and ensure safety in open water swims conducted in oceans, lakes and rivers for swimmers of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.   

The Strawberry Canyon Meet
The Strawberry Canyon Short Course Yards Meet will be held Sunday, 27 March at the Spieker Pool

The Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters Short Course Yards meet will be held on Sunday 27 March. You must preenter for the 500. You may deck enter for the rest of the meet. You can enter on-line until 23 March at 11:59PM.

The Pacific Masters 
Short Course Yards Championshihps 
You can now enter the Pacific Masters Short Course Yards Championships. 

The 2011 Pacific Masters Swimming Short Course Yards Championships will be held at the Delores Bengstron Aquatic Center, Pleasanton, California  8-10 April 2011. Swimmers are encouraged to enter on-line (on-line deadline 11:59 PM Wednesday 30 March).

Open Water Season:

Pacific Masters Swimming Open Water Season is comming upon us. 


Pacific Masters Swimming Open Water Season is nearing. The meet directors has their annual meeting last week, hearing from Jim Wheeler and Kevin Lennon about the inherent dangers of Open Water Swimming.


The San Mateo Parkside Mile meet sheet has been posted as well as the Lake Del Valle Swim.


The Lake Sonoma Swim has been cancelled and the Open Water Committee is reviewing venues for the 2011 Pacific Masters Open Water Championships.   

Lake Sonoma Open Water Swim Cancelled


The 2011 Lake Sonoma Open Water Swim has been cancelled. The Pacific Masters Committee will decide on a new championship at its next meeting.

Join Pacific Masters Linked in

The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters to join the group. This is a place where our members can network - so far 40 members have joined

 US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in. 
Dave Scott Triathlon Clinic
April 30 - 1 May 2011 

The Northern California Swimstitute will be hosting A thriathlon clinic with Dave Scott 30 April - 1 May. More information can be found on the Swimstitute web site

The US Masters Swimming
Short Course Yards Championships
The USMS 2011 SCY Champmionships will be held in Mesa Arizona. 

Registration has started on the US Masters Swimming 2011 Short Course Yards Championships that will be held in Mesa Arizona. The Arizona meet will be the closest National pool championships for the next two years.

SwimFest '11


US Masters Swimming SwimFest to be held in Atlanta

SwimFest '11 will be held in Atlanta at the Steve Lundquist Aquatic Center May 20-22. Join us for a weekend of interactive clinics and instruction in a friendly, non-competitive environment. Both Swimmers and Coaches of all levels and abilities are welcome. Spots are limited, so register today.
US Masters Swimming Elections


US Masters Swimming officer elections to be held this September.

U.S. Masters Swimming will hold elections during the 2011 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates, Sept. 15-18 in Jacksonville, Fla. It was reported in the US Masters Swimming Board of Directors minutes that  Jeff Moxie, the current president would not be seeking reelection. All USMS officer positions (president, vice president of administration, vice president of community services, vice president of local operations, vice president of programs, secretary and treasurer) are up for election. The nomination period is from March 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011.

Nomination packets and additional information may be obtained from the Election Section of the USMS website (www.usms.org/admin/election11 ), 

or by contacting Election Chair Rob Copeland at Elections@usms.org

We are looking for energetic volunteers with a desire to help lead U.S. Masters Swimming.  If you are interested in leadership and service at our highest level or you know someone who would be willing to serve, please let us know.